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Criminal Operation

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Jennie Weaver, a young wotnuu living at the hoine of Nicholas Miller, 30 Miller ave., died on Friday naorning last, as the result of a criminal operation performed upou her by some person or persons yet unknown, to secure au abortion. On learniug of these suspioious ciroumstauces Coroner Harris Ball hnpanelled a jury consisting of Geo. Feiner, C. J. Snyder, E. T. Hollister, Fred Huhn, Wm. Biggs and Ralph C. McAUaster. After the jury had viewed the body the iuquest was adjourned until Monday morning to await the artival of the girl's relatives. Her personal properíry was at the samo time taken in charge by the officers. Ou Saturday her brother-iu-law, y. V. Suden, of Lapeer, came to Ann Arbor and took the unfurtuuate girl's body tQ that place for bnrial. The story of the case briefly told is asfollows: She had lived with her brother-iu-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Suden, in Lapeer, up to April 10, when she carne to Aun Arbor and went out to work as a domestio. She was a quiet, unassnming littlegirl, and never gave her employers reason to hink her character was anything but the best. About three weeks ago she gave up her work and weut to the home of Nioholas Miller, No. 30 Miller ave., aud asked that she be allowed to rest for a few days, as she was feeliug unwell. The girl grew steadiJy worse, aud Dr. Saiïord, who is in Dr. Darliug's office, was cailed. He prescribed for her, believing that her digestiva orgaus were out of order. His remedies did 110 good and she finaliy requested that Dr. Belser he sent for. She told hini how she feit and he also prescribed for her. The remedies ha prescribed failing to produce the desired effect, he insisted ou making au examinaiton, aud cailed in Dr. John Kapp. The girl opposed the examination, but finally yielded. The doctors immediately discovered that a criminal operation had beeu performed, bot the discovery was made too late to save the girl's life. Miss Weaver strenuously denied that au operation had been performed on her, bnt a few hours before her death she confesed that she had submitted to an operation, but refused to divulgethe name of her betrayer or of the doctor wbo had performed the work. Duriug all her conversations with the physiciaus she auswered questious put to her in a way that showed she had beeu carefully and thoroughly drilled by some oue who had told ber how to evade every question that might be asked her. The coroner's iuquest was held on Mcuday aud further adjournmeut uutil Weduesday afternoon. Several witnesses were examined, amoug whom were Dr. Johu Kapp, Dr. M. L. Eelser, Dr. Safford, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Miller, Mark aud Wiunie Miller, Orren Schaefier, Johu Linnen and Jacob Schaible. The whole of the evideuce plaiuly led to the oue conclusiou that an abortion had been performed, which had resulted in a miscarriage, peritonitis and the death of the girl. Mrs. Miller,' s testimouy brought out the fact that the girl had tcld her sbe had been employed in the family of Orren Schaeffer, a well driver, living 2?2 miles out on the Dexter road. That two months preions to her death while Schaeffer's wife was away from home he had ou two consecutiva nights eutered her room and criuiinally assaulted her. Mr. Schaeffer's testiiuouy was in direct contradiotion to this. He said that on the first of the nights in question the girl had slept in one of the upstairs rooms of the house aud two hired men iu the other aud he had slept downstairs. Ou the second uight he waa ar Iudepeudence lake. Jacob Sehaible's testiinony and some letters that were fouud among Miss SVeavr's evects ehowed she had led a pretty wild life sinoe coming to Aun Arbor, aud that she had done likewise before she carue here. The verdict of the coronei's jury was that Jeuuie Weaver carne to her death as the result of a crimiual opertion perf ormed upon her by some persou or persous unkuowu to them.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News