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Tío faei Real Estáte for Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF j Waahtenaw, ss. In tho matter of the estáte of JobnCranrïal deceased. Notico is hereby given that in pursuanoe of an order ifranted to the underáigned admlnistrator of the estáte of said deceased by tlie Hooorable.ludge of Probate for the Count.y of Waslitenaw, on the íirst day of September A. I). 1896. there will sold at I'ublic Vendue to the higrhest bidder, at tlie dwelllng house on the preinises below described in tlie Towuship oí culem.ln tbcCounty of Waghtenaw in Faid State, on the 2lst day ol Oetober, A D 189fi, at ten o'clook in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eneumlvaüces by inorteag-e or otherwise exlstlnfr at the time of the death of said deceased) the following described real estáte, to wit: The eaet half of tlie north-east quarter of section flve. Also a parcel of land described as follows, to-wit: Commencing tliineen e.",uns anu titty mi ks soutli of the non h-west corner of the cast half of the north-east quarter of said section five, running theuce outh eight ohalns and twentv-live links, thence wist elshteen eliains añd thirty-seven and Beven thtrty-thirds (37 7-33) links, thence Qortta twenty-ose eliains and seventy-flve links, thence eest ten chaina and uinety-seven anrl seven thtrty-tbirds (97 7-33) U-ke, theaci Boutta thirteen cbainsand fifty links, thence easi Beven chalns and torty-one links tothe piare of begtnnlDg. All of sald land above deeoribed beingin town one d) south, range seven cast iSalem). in Miohtgan, and oontalnIns in all one hiindred and ten (110) acres more or lesa. ANDREW J. JOHNSON. Dated, Bept. tst, 1900. Sale of Sewer Bonds. LATERAL SEWER DISTRICT SO. 5. Sealed hids forten thoueand elght huridred eijíht and 5U-KKI dollars of bonds of the ity erf Ann Ai hor, Mieh., will be reeeived by Gleñ V Mills, ('itv Clerk of said city, on jr hefoie Monday, Oetober 1, A. i). IS96, at 5 p. m. ilocal time). These bonda are to be sold to defray the oxpense and to ennble the City of Ann Arbor to construct a lateral sewer íd Lateral Sewer District Xo. 5, and are authorized by a spepial act of the Legislature of the Slate of Michii?an entltled '-Aa act to authorizc and empower and enabie the City of Ann Arbor to construct, and maintain a system of sewers and to raiee the necessary money therefor " approvod by the Governor of the State of Michigan May 2', 1893, also by vlrtue of an ordinance entitled '-An Ordlaance Kelative to Sewers, Etc." duly passsd by the Common CouDcil o!' said city May 21, 181)4, and appruved May 23, 1894. The above inentioned bonds will draw interest from August 2'. 189ti, at ! percent per anmim payable at theoffleeof the City Treasurerof the City of Ann Arbor The principa) will mature in iour ec]ual annual installmenta and are payable on or liefore the first day of Mareh of each year. The bonds are to be issued in denomlnation of Ï5U0 each except the necessary fractional part of -i(Xldue each year. The bonds will net be sold for iess than face valueanrt accrued interest. Tlie right to reject any or all bids is roserved by the City of Ann Arbor. liy order of the 'ommon Council. GLEX V. MILLS. City Clerk. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ of Wiishteuaw , es. Notiee ie hereby Ten tbat by an order of the Prohüte Court for the Oountv of WuRhWnaw. made on thti 2Ut d:iy of September, A . 1). 1896, six moiilhs trom tha'l date were allowed for creditoisto presim tlieir claims againal theesinte of Catfceriue Molntyre, late of saidcountv, deceayfed, and Lhat all creditors of said deceased aiu required to preBent tlicir r-laiins to said Probiite Court, at the Probate Office ín the tity öf Ano Arbor, for oxiimioation and allowance, on or beforc the 22il day. of Mareb next, and that guch claims will be heard before said court. on the 21st day of December iml on the 22d day of March, 1S97, next, at ten o'elock in th; forenoon of each ofsaiddays. Dated, Ann Arbor, Spotemberïl, A. D. 1896. . WILLARD HABBITT, Judge of Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
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