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The Fo!ey Guild will meet this eveniL'g at 8 o'clock. "Count" Villa has retumed to college aud will take up his old position at tackle ou the football teaia. d. R. Sinis' bas resigned his position as mauagiug editor of tbe '99 Oracle as he will uot be back to college this year. The rneetiug of college women anuouaced for last Sanday, at wbich Dr. Mosher and Mrs. Wood-Allen were to have given adiresses, has been set for uext Sunday. The Uuiversity Young Mea 's Christiau Associarion has rented fclackett hall, corner of 8. State and E. Hurou st., for the coming year. Tfcero are 18 rooms in the house to be occupied by members. Prof. Kircher spoke to the law students in the law lectura room Thursday eveniug, Ot:t. 1, on the "Nature aud study of law." He closed his address with a few words of advice to first-year studente. The auditorium at Newberry hall was filled Suuday afternoou, when Dr. J. B. Angelí delivered the opening address to the Students' Christiau Association. He spoke on the reasons why a cnristian life should be oonsidered a privilege rather than a burdeu. Betweeu ?0 and 80 per cent of thB stndents who have registered have filled out the religious ceusns blanks. The work of taking the census is beiiig done by members of the S. C. A. aud Y. M. C. A. , but it is at the instanoe aud upou the request of the universty authorities. The question of adopting the honor systeru of examinations is being agitated ainong the sophomore medios. There is talk of tryiDg the plan in Dr. Lorubard's physiology class. The class in this subject tried the experiment in their final exam last year and reported it entirely suocessfnl. The republioan stndents are talking of haviug an excusión to Cantón, Ü., Saturday, Oot. 17, to join in a denioustration in honor of Major McKiuley, wbicu will be partioipated in by college men froru all over the country. Arraugements are being made for a special train for U. of M. studeuts at a very löw rate of fare. The opening reception of the Women's League occurred Thursday at Newberry hall. From 4 to 6 o'clock the officers and members of the league were busy getting acquaiuted with the new. college girls and making them feel at home. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. On Friday a secoud reception was held which was equally vvell attended. The ' Varsity and Normal elevens met on the athletic field gridiron Saturday afternoon and opeued the football seasou Two 15-rninute halves were played resnlting in the defeat of the Normals 18-0 Carr, Henninger, Richards and Faruhám weie the only 'Varsity men who played, the rest of the eleven being taken from those who are at the training table. Carr and Heninger were the only two who played all through the game.


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