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Y. M. C. A. Lecture Course

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lou Avill be pleased witíh the of entertaJumeiits giiven by the Y. M. C. A. It is OT11& of the funest and most eii'tertainitag oí any given in tlue city. Tinese ewtertamments are net above The oTdiniary individual, but eac'li and every o'ne oí tdnem 39 sonieliliing' for tflue commou people to uudei'stand and enjoy. No one will regret taé inivestttnent. Xfc O'iüy oorsts $1 (or th,e entire six eveni'ngs, a price tuilieard of -srlien the class of enterfca'innieiitó is considered The eou'i'se opeiis on Tuesday eenáig of next week, Oct. 13, at fbe Presbyteviau chua-cJi, witïi the famöus Indian poetess and réciter, Tekahionwake, daTiig-titer of the Chief of the Upper Six Nationíi, wbo is accomijanfi&d by Mr. O wen A. Smily, is noted ior hüs entertaining qualities as a musical skïfc arfcisfc, He wiRl make you laugh, while the Indian poetess "wíll thrill yon witb recitatiönfl of her own coniposing. The fiTst eveiviiry's .nlcrtaiiunent s woi'th the eiitia-e colarse, to suy p.othing of the fa-mous Bell Ritogers, th.e Boston Temple Quartette, the Mozart Syinphjooy Club. John B. J3eMotte, and otliers. Of the entertainment to te giren next Tuesday evenijig, tite Jamestown N. Y., News, says : "One of the flnes't eiitertainments in tíao Y. M. C. A. camei lait nifeáit, Thei'e -svere Eew empty seats ;ji Allen's Big Opera House. Miss Jotmeon dressed in. lier picturesque Indian oos'tunies loots tlie veritable Xndi'an prjncess fhat was expected; As a reci'ter öh.e has a füne stage presence and ar. almot perfect eauncüation, wtóeh is neariy; a lbst arb amoog reciiters as well as si'ngers. Mr. Smily rece'-ved repeated encores." The Evennf; Telegram of Bucyrus, CWiio, lias this amoog tliings, bo say : "Mr. Sm'iJy te a fc.ogt O'i higli degree X!o Bucyrus audience ever saw or heard fijier i'nipersonati.ons and musical" Enjoy yourself and help along a good cause by purchasiiig one or more tickets for tae Y. M. C. A. Xyceum course.


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