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County Supervisors

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The anuual meeting of the board of supervisors of Washtenaw couuty oommenced Monday and bas been in session since. According to the program laid out for its guidance all the work will be done up expeditiously and the session of the board will be flnished in two weeks. At the flrst session of tbe board Monday morning only a part of the members were present. .Tohn R. Miner, chairman, appointed the standing corumittees as follows, after whieh au aiijouument was taken until 2 p. in. Equallzation: Leiand, Boyle, Damon, Hall, Alber. Criminal Claims No. 1: Waltet, Bibbins, Krapf. Criminal Claims No. 2: Hunter, Tuomy, Forsyth. Civil Claims: Ball, "Whittaker, Feiner. To Settle wlth County OfHcers: Watkins, Case, Bibbins. On Salarles of County Oflicers: Hall, Eberbach, Hauser. On Apportionment of State and County Tax: Lighthall, Howlett, Beach. On Public Buildings: Kitson, Tuomy, Ball. On Kejected Taxes: Davenport, Bailey. Wood. To Examine Accounts of Supte. of Poor: Ebevbacli, Hunter, Krapf. On Finance: Case, Whittaker, Kitson. On Fractional School Districts: Howlett, Hauser, Leiand. On Dralns: Voorheis, Lighthall, Davenport. Ou Printing: Forsyth, Fischer, Alber. OnCoutaglous Dlsoases: Feiner, Bailey, Clark. On Per Diem: Hauser, DamoQ, Fischer. To l'repare Statement of County Expenses: Boyle, Eberbach, Watkins. At the afternoon Bessiou the board adopted the fullowiug order of business for the week: Tuesday, Oot. 13, 2:30 p. m.- Elflcfcing board of couuty canvassers ; 2 :S0, eleotiuu of school exarniner; 3, election of janitor ; 3 :30, receiving bid8 trom the newspapers of the cpunty for püblioation of praceedings of the board aud furnishing 1,000 copies of same in pamphlets. "SYednesday, Ootober 14, 10 a. m. - Receiviug report of drain commissioner 2 p. ru , fiüiug vacanoies iu list of persons who have the care of the burial of deceased uaion soldieis and sailors. Thursday, October 15, 10 a. m. - Receiving report of county treasnrer ; 11 a. m., visit to the couuty house as committee of the whole. Friday, October 1(5, 10 a. m.- Bleet one superintendent of poor. Mouday, October 19, 2 p. rn. - Receiving bids frorn the banks of Ann Arbrn for rate of interest on deposits and overdrafts. Tuesday, October 20, 2 p. ra. - Reeiving the report of superintendent of oor. The reports of the commitinents by he jadge of probate to the insane asylum, of the inspector of the jail, and of he auditor general relating to state laxes were received and placed ou file. The rules of the last board were adopted and the hours for meeting were set at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. The basis of equalizatioa was fixed at 125,000,000. The board then adoumed till Wednesday moruing. Routine business occupied the at ten - ion of the board nbarly all day Wednesday. The time for receiving bids for nedical attendanoe at tb e county jail was extended to Wednesday at 10 a. m. The board voted to petition the legslatnre to repeal the law requiring the supervisors to take farm statistics. Arthur Brown, H. G-. Prettyman and F. Willard Babbitt were elected county canvassers and M. S. Cook, altérnate. Martin J. Cavanaugh, was elected to succeed himself as school examiner. JV1. Davenport was re-elected janitor of the oourt house. The report of the committee ou crimiual claims was received and some disoassion took place upon it. Bids for printing the pruceediugs of the board in one of the Germán papers of the couuty, also in oue of the Euglish papers and printing 1,000 pamphlets were received as follows: HausfreundPost, publishing prooeedings, $60; Neue Washteuaw Post, fi6á; contract awarded to the first named paper. Aun Arbor Conrier, pubüsbing proueedings and printing 1,000 pamphlets, $1.74 per page; Aun Arbor Argus, $1.91 per page; the contract was given to the Courier. Mr. Beach was snbstituted in place of Mr. Bibbins on the committee to sett.le with conuty offlcers. The first order of business Wednes day ui ora ing was the reading of the report of the county draiu oommissiouer. It was ordered printed iu the proceediugs. The bids for medical attendance on prisoners at the oouüty jail were received as follows : Dr. E. A. Clark, 24; Dr. Wru. Blair, $25; Dr. C. W. Ryan, $23; Dr. AI. L. Belser, $80; Dr. H. J. Pearson, $21. The business ■was awarded to Dr. Pearson. The clerk was ordered to sign a flve years' contract with the superintendent of the Detroit house of correotiou for the board of prisoners sentenced to that institution. The hour to flll vacaucies in the list of those who have the care of the burial of deceased soldiers was postponed to Tuesday, Oot. 20, at 10 a. in. Air. Case made a verbal report of the doiugs of the state board of equalization. The mntion of Mr. Forsyth to hereafter allow the sheriff $3 per day and the deputy sheriff $2 per day when unsuooessful in niaking an arrest and legal fees when snocessful was lost. Ttie board then ajourned. The buard met Thursday morning a quornin being present. The report of the treasurer was read, acceptod and referred to the committee to settle with oouuty ofBcers. On motion of Mr. Forayth rnle No. 6 of the order of business was stricken out, The clerk was instructed to obtain from the bank a statement of the atnount of the money it had on hand Oct. 1 belonging to the county. The hour having arrived to visit the county house as a oommittte of the whole, Mr. Hall was eleoted chairman of the committee and the members accompanied by some of the Aun Arbor newspaper men were taken in carriages to the coanty house aud made their anual visitation and enjoyed the excellent dinner prepared. No furtber business was transacted on their reruin.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News