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Stephen T. Peckham, of this city, has been granted an original pension. Cliuton J. Snyderhas beeu appointed a special policeuian at the Grand opera honse without expense to the oity. In the circuit oonrt on Monday Ella Harrington was granted a decree of divorce from Charles F. Hairington. Martin Schaller has been awarded the contract to supply the Ladies' Library with magazines and periodioals for another year. The Detroit Evening News and Detoit Journal have discontinued the special Ann Abor colnmns in their respective papers. An examination of teachers for second and third grade certificates has been in progress at the court house yesterday and today. The Sunday schools at Qeddes and Fosters, under the auspices of St. Andrew's chnrch, will resume their work on Sunday nxt at 3 p. m. Fraternity Lodge, No. 262, F. & A. M., will work the firsc degree this evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all Masons to be present. The. Commercial Printing Co., of Ypsilanti, has flled articles of assooiation with the secretary of state. The capital stock is placed at $5,000. The Unity Club opened its lecture coarse Monday evening with an unusually interesting illustrated lecture on Rome by Mrs. Eliza R. Sunderland. Tbe supreme court has adopted the new code of rules prepared by the oominittee of the state bar association and has ordered that it take effect Jan. 1, 1897. Section Foreman O'Conner, of Delhi, has been transferred from Delhi to Ann Arbor on the Michigan Central to tako the place marie vacant by the death of Jöhn Grace. Mrs. G. & Morris is baving the fumaces talu-.i uut of her honses. They will be replaued by steam or hot water heating apparatus. J. F. Schuh has the contract. Cornelius A. Gower, of Lansing, has been appointed a member of the state board of corrections and charities to succeed Herbert A. Forrest, of Sagiuaw, resigned. The Social Entertainment by the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian church which was postponed from last Saturday night, will be given this evening in the churoh parlors. The bolting democrats of Washtenaw couuty will liold a meeting at the opera house Mouday evening, which will be addressed by Col. Chandler, of Texas, and J. V. Sheehan, of this city. Fred F. Davis bas been appointed special policeman to look after the en'orcerueut of the ordinance against ridug bicyoles on the sidewalk and postug sigus and notices along the streets oL the city. Four new telephones have been added o the local exchange: Dr. Hinsdale, residence, telephone No. 213; Dr. Fower, residence. No. 214; Portland Cafe, lío. 175, three rings; Schurnacber & Miller, drnggists, No. 225. When Dr. Chauncey M. Depew said at üniversity Hall, "Neither can you cali a buy a statesraan," and he was rissed by the audience, and he looked at his watcb, it was tbe only thing that ie could look iu the face. - Times. Elmer and Harvey Stofflet are makíng lots of moaey evidently in their trip around the county killing English sparrows. The Adrián Times says that doring their visit to that city of a day and a half they cleared np $12. Prof. E. F. Johnson, of Ann Arbor, and John McDongall, democratie oandidate for state senator froru this dis;rict, had a joint debate in Superior, Friday evening. Both sides claim that their man got the better of the argument. At the annual meeting of the Ladie's Aid Society, Thursday evening of last week, the officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. W. F. Breakey; secretary Mrs. P. L. Bodmer; treasurer, Mrs. O. H. Worden. Mrs. Phoebe L. Sears, of Saline, bas purchased the residence at 69 S. üniversity ave., of T. B. Wilson, thvough Bach & Butler's agency, and will make her future home tbere. Mr. Wilson will build himself a new house on the College Hill addition. Eev. W. L. Tedrow is attending the annual meeting of the Lutherau distriot synod at Ceristantine tbis week. There will not be any preaohing at the English Lutheran chumo next Suuday becaase of the pastor's absence. F. H. Belser is also attending the synod as a delégate from this cougregation. Tne oíd car wbich has been used on the motor line is being fixed up in fine style by the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Electric Railway cornpnny, and when oompleted it will be necsssary to have an identification oard bef ore it will be recognized. The eleotric motor trucks which will be placed underneath have been already shipped from New York. - Times. There will be no general re-registration of votero in Ann Arbor for the coming election, although in nearly all other plaoes one will be taken. The registration of voters who have changed their votiug places during the year will oocur in every ward of the city on the Tuesday preceding the day of electioa, and in the coi rt house alone on the Wednesday preceding the electicn. Do you want any job printing? If yoa do the Argus will give you just as low prices and jast as good work on any kind of oommercial printing as anybody. If you do not think so cali and see ns and examine stock, quality of work and cost. We carry a complete line of commercial stationery, oardboards, printing papers, euvelopes, iuvitation stock, etc. Our office is in the opera house block, N. Main st.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News