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There are vacancies for tenor singers in the Choral Union. Monroe Damon, of Ypsilanti, has been granted a reissue of pension. Martin Clark has been appointed truant officer at a salary of $10 per month for 10 months. Next Sunday will be observed as "Prison Sunday" in the different churches of the city. Dan Q, 2:1134, the pony pacer owned by George Hammond, of Ypsilanti, weighs only 690 pounds. Mrs. W. G. Doty has been elected historian of the Daughters of the Revolution society of this city. The members of the Ann Arbor Light Infantry have voted their camp pay into the company treasury. Arbor Tent. No. 29, K. O. T. M., gave its first invitation hop of the season at the Maccabee ball last evening. Bills and posters of all kinds neatly and cheaply printed at the Argus office, Opera House block, opposite the court house. A. A. Pearson has sold tbe Michigan Alumnus to Jarnés A. Prentiss and Li. A. Pratt, who will publish it in the future. Hon. T. E. Barkworth will address the citizens of Chelsea, Wednesday evening, Oct. 28. Several bands will furnish music. Reginald Spokes, engineer at the water works station, has something at his house which interests him greatly these days. It is an 11 pound baby boy born Thursday of last week. J. J. McClellan, who was last year an instructor in the School of Music and organist of St. Thomas' church, has recently been married and is now settled in Salt Lake City, utah. The members of the Oriental degree of Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., will have their annual banquet Thursday evening, Nov. 19. A large class of candidates will be initiated into the mysteries of the degree prior ta the banquet. The lectures on the Baldwin foundation before tho Hobart Gulid will this year be delivered by Et. Rev. A. C. A. Hall, bishop of Vermont. The course will be given in St. Andrew's church on the last two Sundays in November and the first Sunday in December. Please PAY SUBSCRIPTIONS NOWWork on eqoipping the motor line with electricity is being rapidly pushed forward. A Forty club ia being organizeíW a nnmber of the clerks oí the city tLold a series of weekly dances. Between 150 and 200 ladies attended the opening afternoon for the ladiea' class in dancing at Granger's Academy Saturday. The case of The People vs. Bruno Paulos, in Justice Pond's conit was adjourned Monday to Nov. 11. Panlns is ont on bail. Mrs. Stone, of Kalamazoo, gave an interesting talk to the ladies of the Political Eqnaiity Club at the meeting Monday afternoon. The manager of the new Commercial Printing Co., at Ypsilanti, is George C. Smitbe. He is a good man for the position and knows his buisness. A third oook and two new waiters have been added to the employees of the American house. Business is evidently good with its genial landlord. Caleb O. Willis celebrates his 84th birthday tomorrow. He says he will be old enough then to vote for Bryan and he will do it, too. - Times of Wedijesday. John P. Trojanowski, Levi W. Mead, Frederick W. Schneeberger, and il. Twigg were admitted to citizenship by Judge Kinne in the circuit court last Saturday. Read the liberal subscription offer for the Argus, also for the Akous and Michigan Farmer together, which appears at the head of these columns. The banks are loosing their tight ïold on the gold coin in their vaults. Wm. Goodyear paid nis cletks their weekly salaries in gold coin last Saturday night. Married, at the residence of the bride's pan-ni.s, Oct. 14, 1896, by Rev. James Ree i. Ai a j. J. A. Brown, of Ann Arbor, Mich., to Miss Jessie L. Davjs, of Warknorth, Ont. The coroner's jary wbich investigated the snelden death of Willard B. Selers, the student from Kokomo. Ind., brought in a verdict that death was caused by heart disease. The bucket shop men who have been operating in Dexter for the past few months, have "folded their tents and silently stole away" for which they deserve the thanks of the entire communty- Barely 60 people attended the eloquent lecture by Dr. Rexford in the Unity Club course at the Unitarian church Monday erening, on "The natural science, the evolution of religon." Goethe Commandery, No. 28, ü. F. of M., will give its first social of the season at the hall next Wednesday evening at 8 o(clook. Ligbt refreshments will be served and there will be Dlenty of good music. Hon. Charles R. Sligh, of Kent, and Hon. Justin R. Whiting, of St. Clair, democratio silver candidates for governor and lieutenant-governor, will address a silver' ially at the opera house next Monday evening. The city of Ann Arbor was nnable to float its 10,800 issue of lateral sewBr bonds. Only one bid was receivnd, that of W. J. Hayes & Sons, a Cleveland, O., firm, and it was $104 below the face value of the bonds. Hon. Harvey N. Shepard, of Boston, ex-Attorney General of Mass., said to be the Bourke Coohran of his state, will speak at the opera house Tuesday evening, Oct. 27, for "democracy, sound money and prosperity. " The Sewing School will begin tomorrow. All children are welcome. We will be at our old rooms in the Courier block. Will not our friends come to our aid financially? üur treasury is nearly empty. M. S. BROWM, Supt. The Ann Arbor Railroad will make a rate of one fare for the round trip from points on its road Oct. 29, good to return Oct. 30 for all those who may desire to attend the meeting in this city to be addressed by Vice President Stevenson. Paul C. Meyers has been challenged by Herbert Benedict to ride hiw a bicycle race. The terms are that Meyers shall ride four miles while he rides eight miles. Panl should be able to win that race. He has accepted the challenge. The annual report of John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, a member of the soldiers' relief commission, to the board of supervisors, shows that he expended Ü270.90 from the county fund for the relief of old soldiers' widows and orphans during the year. Arm Arbor Lodge, No. 325, B. P. O. Elks, is coming rignt to tne front in the line of memberiihip. It has so ranch timber to work upon that regular meetings for initiation will be held weekly hereafter. Five new members were initiated Thursday evening of last week and seven candidates last night. The stories in McClure's for November will comprise, in addition to the first installment of a new five or six part story by Rudyard Kipling; two dialogues by Anthony Hope; a trae story of railroading in the Rocky mountains in winter, by Cy Warman ; a romantic story of a diamond robbery; aud a Thanksgiving love story. The Michigan Agricultural College has added to the opportunities it already offers young men, four special winter courses, of six weeks eauh. in Dairying, Stock Feeding, Horticulture, and Floriculture and Winter Vegetable Gardening. These courses begin Jan. 4, 1897, and the total expene will uot excéed $25. Any young man desirous of improving these fine opportunities Bhould address a card to tbe President of the Collpge, Agricultural College, Lansing, Micb., asking for further ïnformation. Please PAY SDBSCRIPTIONS NÜW. E. L. Hall was admitted to the bar in open court on Saturday. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Tinker, on Tuesday, an eight pound baby girl. Kead the liberal subscription offer for the Argus. also for the Arous and Michigan Farmer together, which appears at the head of these columns. The directors of the National Cycle Board of Trade have agreed to out down. the guaiantee period ou bicycles from one year to six months. The agreement has beeD signed . by all the members of the board. Commercial printing, office stationery, business oards, wedding invitations, envelopes, anything, printed tastily and cheaply at the Argus office, Opera House block, N. Main st, opposite the court hoase. During the last week Judge Kinne granted deorees of divorce in the following cases: Lena Sweet vs. fiobert Sweet; Sadie Walker vs. Edward Walker; Emma F. Ellsassar vs. Emanuel Ellsassar; Belle Ferguson vs. Fred Ferguson. The ooDtract of keeping the oounty's funds has been awarded by the supervisors to the Farmers' and Mecbanics' Bank. The bank agrees to pay three per cent on daily balances and to charge six per cent on overdrafts. O. H. Butterfield received a message Wednesday morning announcing the sudden death of his only sister, Mrs. L. A. Elmer, of Brattleboro, Vt. Mr. Butterfield spent the last four months by her side and left her in apparent health October 15.- Times. The oificers of the Keystone Club elected Saturday were: President, James R. Bach ; vice president, Wm. H. Whitmarsh ; secretary and treasurer, Charles E. Hiscock. This means that the genial Jim is elected to furnish tbe annual banquet, to be held at Zukey Lake, Thanksgiving Day. The National Prison Association asks all Christian churches in the land to observe next Sunday as "Prison Sunday." The day will be observed at the Unitarian church of this city by an addrees in the evening by Dr. Eliza M. Mosher, dean of the women's department of the U. of M., on "Prison reform." Dr. Mosher will give results of her own experience in connection -with prison reformatory work in Massachusetts. The announcement is made that the Grange Visitor, which has been published in Michigan as the organ of the state grange for the past 20 years, will cease to exist after Jan. 1. The subscription list has not been large enough to pay its expenses. A contract has been made with the proprietors of the Michiagn Farmer to include a state grange department in that paper after Jan. 1. Mr. Butterfield, the present editor of tbe Grange Visitor, will have charge of the department. The Ann Arbor Democrat came to the editor's table last Friday completely transformed in its appearance. The old blanket folio sheet has been discarded and it now appears a neat six column quarto. A new heading, new dress of type and other improvements, added to its ne-wsy oolumns aud good ruakeupj make it one of the prettiest papers in the state. Phillips & Parker are to be congratulated on their effurts to make the Democrat a good paper. At the meeting of the Jackson a?sociation of the Congregational church, held at Jackson, Wednesday, Rev. J. W. Bradshaw, of this city, delivered an address on "The evangelista clmrches. " J. T. Jacobs, Mrs. Dibble, and Mrs. Robert Cambpell were present as representativas of the local church. Other Washtenaw county ministers who delivered addresses were Dr. Thomas Holmes, of Cbelsea, Rev. Bastían Smits, of Ypsilanti, and Rev. Frank Bloomfield. of Dexter. A misunderstanding existed between Charles F. Stabler and Oscar O. Sorg, relativa to the painting of the Masonic block. The frwo men met in the Ann Arbor Savings Bank Wednesday rnorning and soon came to blows. They rniled around somewhat pronjiscuonsly on the floor with Stabler most of the time on top. Assistant Cashier M. J. Pritz entered a protest however, and pulling Stabler away from his antagonist informed him in a very vigorous manner that the banking room was not a prize fighting ring. A wonderful series of experimenta was tried at the physical laboratory of the University of Michigan, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, under the dirention of Prof. H. S. Carhart assisted by Dean V. C. Vaughan of the medical department, and Drs. W. J. Herdman and F. G. Novy, in whiuh by means of skillfully contrived apparatus these gentlemen and a few invited guests were able to see the heart pulsations of a living man and watch the play of the bones in various parts of the body when in motion.