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Frank Smith spent Sunday in Toledo. Mrs. S. E. Sheehan is visiting frieuds in Detroit. Frank Jewell, of Dexter.visited relatives in this city Sunday. Mrs. Wescott, of Indiana, is visitiug her neioe, Mrs. W. G. Doty. Mrs. Martin Lawson, of Detroit, is visiting Mrs. S. W. Beakes. Mrs. W. C. Fletcher has gone to Keece to visit her ruother-in-law. Miss Rosa Campbell, of Detioit, spent Sunday with her rnother in this city. Ed. Wolfel, manager of Noble's Star Clothiug House, spent Sunday in Detroit. George Learnard is in Mt. Pleasant in the interests of the Aun Arbor Musie Co. Dr. A. J. Appleman and wife, of Detroit, spent Sunday wich H. G. Prettyman. Mrs. Andrew McCloy and son, Jay, of Seattle, Wash., are visiting frieuds in the city. Mr. and Mrs. ü. B. Boweu, of Addison, are visiting Ann Arbor friends for a few days. W. M. Sturgeou and tamily have returned from Ohio and will spend tüe winter in Ann Arbor. Mrs. J. H. Loukwood, of Jaokson, is the guest of her daugnter, 'tMrs.' Fred W. Tinker, in this city. E. K. Frneauff, of the Owosso Argns, was in the city Snnday shaking hands with his old friends. Asst. Prof. T. W. Hnghes went to St. Thomas, Out., Monday moruing, to attend the funeral of his xnother. Mrs. W. G. Doty was elected to the office of G. JMartha at the meeting of the grand chapter Order of Easteru Star, at Adrián last week. Mrs Lucy Stone, of Kalamazoo, visjted her danghter, on S. Fifth avenue, tuis week on h?r way to Washington, D. C , where she will spend the winter. Miss Jessica Mclntyre, of the high school facnlty, is contemplating residiiiK in Ann Arbor, coming down to Ypsila-iti only for hoars of recitatioii. - Times. Warren W. Wadhams is convalesoiugrapidly from his long siege of remit tent fever. Mrs. Wadhams, who has been down with a severe attack of 'inflammatory rheumatism, is also eoiaewhat better. Mrs. Heneage Gibbes and Miss Gibbes have been attending the national couvention of the Girls' Friendly Sooi ety of America, at Detroit, this week'. They were the guests of Mrs. Heury F. Lyster. Mrs. Louise Daly, of Detroit, is removing to the city with her son, Freddie, the well known boy soprano of St. Panl's cburch, Detroit. It is hope'd that the boy can be secured for St. Andrw'e vested ohoir. - Times. Michael Staebler, who bas had a sharp attack of typhoid fever, was so mnch better Satnrday tbat he pot on hie clotbes and sat np for a time. Hé waa been convalescing rapidly ever' eince and bis friends hope to soon see him in his wonted state of good health. Rev. T. W. Yonng has been in Plainwell sinoe Tnesday attending the Baptist state convention. He delivered au address to the Ministers' Conference on "Tbe Preacher's Spiritual Life and Place as a Teacher of Scripture, " Tuesday evening. He will return Satnrday. Niobolas Glasier attended the meeting of the grand lodge of I. O. O. F., whioh met in Lansiug tuis week, as the delégate of Wasbtenaw Lodge, No. 9, and Chas E. Godfrey was tbe delégate froin Otsenigo Lodge, No. 295. Mrs. Godfrey attended the meeting of the grand lodge Danghters of Rebekah, and J. J. Ferguson attended tbe meeting of the deparmtent couucil of Patriarchs Militant, of which he is a member. Willis B. HolliR, of Ypsilanti, has been granted an origina] pensión.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News