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Great Shoe Sale Till Saturday, November 7, we will ïiake - the following out in prioes. Slothing marked up and theu out in jrice, but the reduction is made from ;he original price. Oar footwear is reiable. f6.00 Shoes for $5.10 $5.50 Shoes for 4.67 $5.00 Shoes for 4.25 $4.50 Shoes for .' 3.83 $4 00 Shoes for 3.40 $3.50 Shoes for 2.98 $3.00 Shoes for 2.55 12.50 Shoes for 2.12 Sale to commeuce Tbursday, Oetober 29. JACOBS & ALLMAND, Cash Shoe Store, Washington blook, Washington st. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOK SALE OR EXCHANGE-Three farms, one close to Arm Arbor. 85 acres, flrst class buildings, another in Lima, 100 acres well timbered and gnod buildings, and the third in Lodi, 40 acres, ood ampie buildings. Cali on or address Wm. üsius, Box 1561 Ann Arbor, Mich. F KUIT FARM FOR SALE.-Of flveand onethird acres, hiside the city limits, on Chubb st , in a cooó state of oultivatlon. God house and barn. two sood wells and eistern. Apply to Mrs. Wiiliam Canweli, ou the premsies. 38tf FOK BENT- The easi half of No 10 Wall st. five pleasant rooms, imntry, two closets, cellar aud wood house, or stable, use of hall. 8S per monlh 40-42 UILVER WATCH LOST- On Moseley st , in k Relief park, or northwestoftliere, on Sunnay. Oct. 18. Kinder please return to Argus office and receive reward. 42-44 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING 13EKN MADE IN the conditions of a certain mortgage made by Oliver Johnson and Eli.abetli Johnson to the Ann Arbor Savings Association, dated November lOth, A. D. 1892, and reoorded In the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, on the li'th day of November, A. D 1892, in liber'Sof Mortgages, on page 100, on whicb mortgape there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of one hundrrd and sixty-eight dollars and nlnety -two cents, and an attorney's fee of twenty Hvc dollars provided for in said mortgage, and po suit or proceedingsat lawiiaving been insti'uted to recover the moneyssecurcd by said mortgage, or any part thereof ; Now, therefore, bv virtue of the power of sale contained in said inortgage, and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given tliat on Saturday, the ISth day of Jauuary, A. D. 1897, at 10 o'olock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the hidrhest bidder, at the east door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premises described ia said mortgage, or eo much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage. with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, togelher with an attorney's fee of twenty-flve doliarsiconvenanted for therein, the premises being described in said mortsrage as all that certain lot, piece and parcel of land sitúate in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Waslitcnaw, and State of Michigan, and knqwn and des"-ribe4 asfollows: Lot numbersixteen (16) ia James B. Gott's addition to tlip City of Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, C. H. Kt.tne, Mortgegee. Attorney for Mortgagee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News