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Democrats Get Two

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Election is over and Washteoaw county bas gone - republican. The democrats managed to elect part of their connty ticket and hold down. the majorities on the rest, but odds were too heavy, the bolting democrats too mauy in nuiuber to place Wasbtenaw once more in the democratie column. The Argns gives the latest and most accurate returns, which the official couut will vary but little. McKinley carries the county by 305. Palmer receives 200 votes. Pingree rnakes a big gain and has 1040 plurality for governor. He has 323 more votes in this county than MoKinley and leads him 735 in majority. Sprague, the gold demooratic candidate for governor, polled 2H5 votes; Safford, the prohibitiou candidate, 105 votes and Giberson, the nationalist caudidate, 40 votes. Audrew Campbell bas 288 plurality in Washtenaw for state senator. Andrew J. Sawyer has 632 majority and John K. Campbell 58 majority. On the face of the returns the democrats eleot Schuh for county clerk by 32, and Kirk for prosecuting attorney by 694, while the republicans have Judson, sheriff, 76; Newkirk, judge of probate, 387; Gook, register of deeds, 579, and Rehfuss, treasurer. 586. The republicans elect the coronera and circuit oourt commissioners. The vote by townships and wards on president is as follows: á a S i i f lij Ann Arbor lstward 139 323 11 2d " 237 237 10 1 3d " 251 248 9 4th " 188' 212 10 5th " 85 97 4 6th " 75 231 0 7th " 81 182 14 Ann Arbor town. .. 333 144 4 Augusta 229 246 Bridgewater 168 97 6 Dexter 120 78 Freedom 176 80 2 Lima 120 327 8 Lodi 182 109 5 Lyndon 118 73 1 Manchester 328 241 6 Northfield 221 119 3 Fittstield 95 152 13 Salem 127 179 Saline 183 258 12 Scio 259 226 8 Sharon 144 101 Superior 163 115 10 Sylvan 340 328 8 Webster 103 129 5 York 311 237 6 Ypsilanti town 110 192 4 Ypsilanti city 656 890 29 Total 5346 5651 200 Pingree runs anead in every voting preoinct. His majority in Ann Arbor city is 724 wbile MoKinley's is 474. Sprague gets the most votes on the gold ticket, a number of anti-Pingree republicans evidently having voted for him. The vote on governor was: - í l .' . g, rt 3 & a p Ann Albor lstward 122 327 32 2d " 207 277 10 3d " 212 284 9 4th " 164 226 19 5tli " 67 112 5 Bth " 61 227 27 7th ' 72 176 18 Ann Albor tn 125 151 3 Augusta 222 2-57 Bridgewater 168 100 5 Dexter 105 94 freedom 177 84 2 Lima 105 141 9 Lodi 181 107 8 Lyndon 108 83 2 Manchester 328 241 9 Northfleld 203 137 3 Pittsüeld 92 156 13 Salem 113 192 3 Saline 176 264 17 Scio 235 255 Sharon 139 107 Superior 156 122 16 Sylvan 288 380 10 Webster 91 140 7 York 302 249 8 Ypsilantitn 100 199 7 Ypsilanti City 615 887 35 Total 4933 5975 267 ÉÜ o. t t % . i Í I Ann Albor lstward 151 317 2(1 " 241 235 3d " 254 246 4th " 195 206 5th " 81 97 6th " 74 231 7th " 80 180 A.nn Arbor town 136 142 Augusta 239 244 Ihidge water 167 98 Dexter 120 78 Freedom 179 81 Lima 122 127 Lodi 183 108 Lyndon 118 73 Manchester 332 240 Northtield 221 120 Pittsfield 97 151 Saletn 128 177 Saline .v. 185 257 Scio 258 228 Shuron 146 99 Superior 164 114 Sylvan 341 331 Webster 102 129 York 316 235 Ypsilanti town 115 187 Ypsilanti city 666 885 Total 06406 5616 Andrew Campbell was elected eenaator by a plurality of 41. Washtenaw ;ave him a plurality of 268, while Tackson oonnty gavo MoDongall a plurllity of 247. E & _- K ui o o 'S. e 2 Ann Arbor lst ward 144 330 2a ' 243 23!) 3d 248 260 4th '■ 192 211 5tli " 84 98 6th " 73 237 7th " 81 186 Ann Arbor town 131 149 Augusta 229 247 Bridgewater 173 9ti Dexter 120 81 Freedom 180 81 Lima 118 128 Lodi 182 109 Lyndon 118 73 Manchester 330 241 Northfield 222 121 Pittsfield 100 14( Salem 126 182 Saline 187 256 Scio 259 228 Sharon 144 101 Superior 165 117 Sylvan 338 333 Webster 100 133 Yoik 314 237 Ypsilanti town 670 882 Ypsilanti city 119 187 Total 5390 5678 lst Dist. 2ad Dist. CO O li Í' 1 ! 1 Z 5 Í O Ann Arbor lst ward... 114 363 2d " ... 202 2S0 3d " ... 221 276 4th " ... 156, 249 oth "... 66 117 6th "... o 243 7th " ... 60 205 Ann Arbor tn 128 150 Augusta 223 253 Jridgewater 173 96 )exter 124 79 'Veedom 177 84 Lima 131 117 Lodi 182 109 Lyndon 108 82 Manchester .... 320 243 Nortbfield.... 211 133 Pittsfleld 95 151 Salem 120 187 Saline 187 2j4 Scio 271 220 Sharon 144 101 Superior 162 119 Sylvan 314 359 Webster .... 104 129 York 313 237 Ypsilanti tn 109 194 Ypsilanti city ... ... 670 878 Total 2612 3264 2578 2636 Mr. Kearney made a oreditable rnn, running ataead of bis ticket in Ann Arbor city, while Mr. Newkirk made jig gains in the towns centering around Dexter village, wbere be resides, Seio, Webster, Dexter and Lima. The vote was as follows : 53 e O ■ U F 3 Ann Arbor lst ward 188 289 2d " 249 23b 3d " 266 232 4th " 207 203 5th " 83 100 Oth " 104 205 7th " 100 165 Ann Arbor town 130 149 Augusta 228 248 Bridgewater 169 99 Dexter 103 97 Freedom 173 88 Lima 108 139 T,odi .. 185 106 Lyndon 115 76 Manchester 327 247 Northfield 222 121 Pittsflekl 89 158 Salem 125 183 Saline 179 260 Scio 202 293 Sharon 139 108 Superior 161 121 Sylvan 334 340 Webster 85 150 York 305 245 Ypsilanti town 115 190 Ypsilanti city 659 889 Total 5350 5737 Continued on Eighth Page. DEMOCRATSETTWÜ ContinueJ from First Page. On the face of the returus Judson has 78 majority for sheriff. He ran way ahead in the Third and Fifth wards in Anu Arbor, and the Fifth ward of ïpsilanti. Mr. Lighthall made a fine run in Sylvan and Saline, and ran way ahead in tbe First, Sixth and Seventh wards of Ann Arbor. There was a tremendous flght put up on this office and muca cutting both ways. The vote was as f ollows : sf w 'S i 3 3 m ■ Ann Arbor lst ward 206 270 2d " 244 242 3d " Ü08 292 4th " 204 2Ó4 5th " 66 117 6th " 145 157 7th ' 125 136 Ann Arbor town 125 156 Augusta.. 227 247 Jiridgewater 172 95 Dexter 121 80 Freedom 183 78 Lima 119 128 Lodi 188 104 Lyndon 125 68 Manchester 311 260 Northlield 211 132 Pittsfield 94 153 Salem llü 197 Saline 202 238 Scio 270 220 Sharon 144 103 Superior 157 122 Sylvan 362 313 Webster 98 134 York 305 244 Ypsilanti town 117 186 Ypsilanti city 652 892 Total 5491 5568 Capt. Sohuh just gets in as clerk, a big accompHsbment, when it is considered that the county was republican. He gained 165 in the Beouud ward of Anu Arbor and generally throughout the city. The tale is told in the following figures: M a Uj yo - c 5 1 1 a Ann Arbor Ist ward 200 281 2d " 315 169 &d " 281 219 4th " 206 208 5th " 93 91 6th " 80 227 7Üi '■ 95 170 Ann Arbor town 134 144 Auensu 213 260 Bridge water 170 96 Dexter 125 75 Frèetlpin 182 79 Lima 122 125 Lodi 187 102 Lyndon 116 75 Manchester 332 239 Northfield 226 116 Pittsfleld 93 154 Salem 124 184 Saline 201 240 Scio 270 220 Sharon 137 109 Superior 156 124 Sylvan 337 335 Webster ! 97 138 York 303 247 Ypsilanti tn 109 194 Ypsilanti city 642 897 Total 5546 5513 Mr. Cook is the next regisfer of deeds by 566 plurality. He oarried Ypsilanti city by 568, running especially well in Ypsilanti's Fifth ward, and leading McKinley in the city. This carne near rnaking him the star runner on the republican county ticket. 55 ■ t A o o 6 Q O Aun Aabor Ist ward 156 316 2d " 242 239 3d " 258 240 4th " 206 201 5th " 91 92 6th " 76 231 7th " 80 182 Ann Arbor tn 134 144 Augusta 249 245 Bridgewater 170 95 Dexter 118 82 Freedom 180 81 Lima 118 128 Lodi 181 109 Lyndon 118 73 Manchester 332 240 Northfield 222 121 Pittsüeld 94 153 Salem 125 183 Saline 192 248 Scio 252 227 Sharon 143 103 Superior 153 128 Sylvan 337 336 Webster 193 130 York 328 222 Ypsilanti tn 104 203 Ypsilanti city..'. 494 1062 Total 5248 5814 John P. Kirk made an extraordinary ruil for prosecuting attorney, in faot the greatest run made at this eleotiou, overturning an adverse republican rnajority and rolling up one for hirnself of 694. He carried the republican city uf Ypsilanti by 428. The tale is told as follows: 55 f 's 5 Ann Arbor Ist ward 184 294 2d " 24 218 3d " 264 233 4th " 211 196 ótll " 90 93 6th " 87 219 7th " 90 172 Ann Arbor tn 137 141 Augusta 236 289 Bridgewater 170 96 Dexier 118 82 Freedom 178 83 Lima 119 126 Lodi 183 108 Lyndoii 115 75 Manchester 335 239 Northfleld 222 121 Pitttfield 92 154 Sajem 138 169 Saline 185 254 Scio 259 230 Sharon 143 103 Superior 1(59 111 Sylvau 339 333 Webster 100 134 York 311 239 Ypsilanti tn 140 164 Ypsilanti city 997 569 Total 5866 5175 Treasurer Rehfnss leads the republican connty ticket. He runs ahead pretty generally, indicating bis wide acqnaintance. Manu makes a good sbowing in bis home towu. The vote was as follows: _; 5 5 ■= 2 3 M Ann Arbor lstwaxd 143 332 2d " 212 273 hd " . 218 279 4th " 187 224 5th " 81 101 6th " 76 229 7th " 83 181 Ann Arbor. tn 119 162 Augusta 228 ,245 Bridgewater ; 170 98 Dexter 123 78 Freedom 191 70 Lima 12a 124 Lodi 193 198 Lyndon 115 70 Manchester 287 285 NorthfleM 208 136 Pittsfleld 94 152 Salem 125 183 Saline 204 235 Scio 256 236 Sliaroo 140 107 Superior 162 118 Syl van 834 339 Webster 97 136 York 311 239 Ypsilanti tn 112 191 Ypsilanti city 652 901 Total 5243 5828 Some interesting comparisons may be made with the vote of two years ago. McKinley's majority in Ann Arbor city is 169 more than Rich's was two years ago, and in Ypsilanti city 22 more. Bryan gets 127 more votes ia Aon Arbor city taan Fisher got, while McKiuley gets 296 more than Rich. In only three townships did McKinley gain on Rich's majority of two years ago. These were Pittsfield, 3; Saline, 6, and ypsilanti town, 6. The Bryan gain or MoKiuley loss in the ether' 1 7 townships as compared with the majorities of 1894 was as follows: Ann Arbor, 6; Augusta, 87; Bridgewater, 27 ; Dexter, 35; Freedom, 14; Lima, 16; Lodi, 9; Lyndon, 35; Mnaohester, 29; Northfield, 47; Salem, 24; Scio, 58; Sharon, 20; Superior, 37; Sylvan, 112; Webster, 83; York, 104. It will be seen that Sylvan shows the largist gain, 112, while York is a close second. In proportion to the total vote Webster shows the largest gain. Summing up the comparison with 1894, we may add that Bryan gets 1196 more votes than Fisher got, wbile McKinloy gets 544 more than Rich received. It may be added that the pro hibition vote decreased 295, and the people's vote, 126 of two years ago, has been merged in the Bryan vote, while this year the new nacional party gets 40 votes and the Palmer ticket 198.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News