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The Manchester A. O. U. W. have eniarged rheir rooms and fitfed theai np in fine style. The new house beiug erected by Dr. Pyle, in Hilan, is euclosed aud tha fnrnace has been placed in position. The Sylvan Ladies' Aid Society gave a well attonded entertainment at the scboolhonse, on Wednesday eveniug. J. D. McLaren, the produoe bnyer of Salem, has pnt in a new set of scales at that plaeo which will be agreat convenience. Nelsou Sinitb, an old resident of Salem, died Suuriay week Jast. aged 80 yeitrs. The fnueral was held in the West M. E. cuurch. Over 100 tickets for tbe Milau high school lecture course bave been sold. It will comprise flve lectores and the tickets coat 75 cents each. Robert Lamming, of Manchester, has been a greafc sufferer with one of bis legs, from which he has had to have several pieces of bone extracted. Jas. L. Gilbert, of Cbelsea, and Mrs. Fanny Watkins. of Grass Lake, were married at the latter place on Wednesday of last week, by Rev. J. F. Bradley. Tbe young people of the Bethel churob, in Freedom, gave Rev. Paul Irion a very pleasaut birthday surprise party on Wednesday evening of last week. Thfl young peop!es' committee of the Baptmc church have a tea social at thfl handsome new reidence of Mr. and Mrs. F V. Stevens, on Wabash se, in that vülage, this evening. John N. Smith, by his attorneys, Les N. Brown and A. J. Sawyer, has commenced snit for $10,000 againsCaleb Eaton, of Superior, on allegin tions of fraud in tbepurchase of a farm in Superior. A small blaze in the workshop of O. A. Kelley's hardware store, at Hilan, cansed snme exoitement Wednesday of last week. It was caused by a leak in a gasoline soldering stove. Tüe damage was slight. Mrs. Arthnr Lockard died Wednesday of last week. at her home on Ballard st. , Ypsüauti, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis suffered some days previons. Her rernaius were taken to Charlotte for interment. Oa Weduesday evening of last week, at the home of the liride's parents, Mr. .and Mrs. W. J. Denman, of Chelsea, Miss Myrta Denman was married to Mr. Michael Keelan, Rev. J. H. Edmuuds performing the ceremony. They have twisted the bours of service about somewhat in the Salem Baptist chnrch. At 4:30 the Junior Union meets in the lecture room, at 6:30 the regular preaching service is held and at 7:30 the B. P. Y. Ü. bas its devotional meetiDg. The Epworth League of the Sharon M. E. church is officered as follows : President, Edwin Baker; secretaryJennieMonks; treasurer, Arthur Gil, lett; vioe presidents, Geo. Kirkwood, Fanny Gray, Nettie Gillett and Lncy Nichols. Edwin Gilbert, of Manchester, was given a judgment for claim aüd costs in the matter of some wheat and the paymont therefor, in Justice Kelly's court on Tuesday of last week, against Daniel Boomer. The judgment was paid. A number of stores in Dundee were burglarized within 36 honrs Tuesday and Wednesday. Hardy & Porter, lost f 4 in cash, tobacoo and cigars; Late Smith, shoes and cash ; Smith & Miller, a small ' snm of money; William Egabroad, $3, and several other merohants smaller sums. In ono store the bnrglars left behiud a bag of rare old ooins. All the stores were opened in the same way, the front door being pried open with a ohisel. John C. Taylor died at his home in Chelsea, Sunday afternoon, Oot. 25, of heart failure brought on by astbma and uervous prostration. He had ouly been conflaed to the house pno week. His deatb was unexpected and a great surprise to his relatives and friends. Mr. Taylor was born at Barkisland, in Yorkshire, Eugland, Deo. 23, 1834. He carne to tbis state with his parencs in 1842 and settled with them on a farm in Dnadilla, Lmugston connty, Mioh., wherc he speut his boyhood and youth. He weut to Chelsea in 1 859, where he res'.ded for the most part to the time of his death. He married Miss Huuua Kirkland, May 15, 1865, who, with three sons, Lorsuzo K. and George Taylor, of Detroit, and Harry Taylor, of CheJsea, snrvive him. í Ir-ert Valentine, ;iu"old resideut of Web-t r, rlted Ocr. 26, "aged 84 yaars. H. R. Palmer, of Bridgswater, has iiiu.b, autl tL. ld over 50Ü sbeep tbis fall. JYliiuc beter's new rheee factory will liommeuoe operutioiis the Jatter part of this rnouth. Tlie orgauizatiou of an Anti-Saloon leagae wilJ be effected iu Ypsilanti in about two weeks. George J. Nis8ly, of Saliue, sbipped 40,000 ponnds of ponltry froru Byron aud Hillsdale Jast week. Mr. Marshall O. Straight, formerly of Ypsilauti, will be married at Grand Rapids, tiext Tuesday, to Miss Helen A. Parker, of that city. Rev. William Stonex, of St. Clair, is the new rector of St. James' ohuroh. liexter. He condneted the services for the flrst time last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Engene Wilson, of Ypsilanti town, lost tbeir eight years old sou on Tuesday mornine!. His death was caused by scarlet fever. Miss Genevieve Thompson, a híghly respected youug colored wornan, of Ypsilanti, died of cousumptiou at her home in that city Tuesday morning. Mrs. Harper, of Saliue, while walkiug on a sidewalk one day last week was tripped,up by a loosa plank and feil, bruisiug and wrencbiug herself qnite badly. John Riley, wbo ciiminally assaulted a danghter oL Peter Sacks, of Sahut:, last week, will have his examination before a justice of the peace in Saliue today. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Stoddard, of York, celebrated the Kith anniversary of tbeir wedded life Tuesday evening of last week, amoug a large party of their ueigbbors and frieuds. Miss Leach has closed a very successful fall teim as teacher in the Sylvan district school and the people gouerally regret that she has not been engagedto teach the school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stoddard, of Saline, celebrated the lOth anoiversary of their wedding Tuesday of last week. A company of ttieir friends who carne iu and surpr sed tbein helped the occasion to pass ofï very pleasautly. A ujion temperance meting was held in the Presbyteriau churcb, Saline, last Suuday eveuiug, at which readings, ruüitations and speaking by the young people ot the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyteriau churches, formed the program. The tower of St. Mary's church, Chelsea, which was injured last August, bas been repaired. The tower was tormerly of the Gothio style of architecture, but in the remodeling it conforms to the Rotnanesque style to be in consouauce with the chucrh proper. A lady living on the flats in the southwe8tein part of Ypsilanti recently discovert-d a iarge ra-ttlesnake iu her celJar. Sbe called her husband and the reptile tas quickly dispatched. It had üve rattles. Toe lady had a worse case ot rattles when she discovered the suake, howtver. - Times. Married, Wednesday, Nov. 28, at St. Josepb church, Wbittaker, by Rev. Father Kennedy, Henry Nugent and Miss Emma Gabel, both of that place. After the ceremony a bountiful weddiug feast was served at the home of the bride's parents. The presents to the bridal couple weie numerons, .bandsome and nseful. The officers of the Presbyterian Christiau Endeavor Society, at Ypsilanti, for the eusuing year were installed last Suuday eveuing. They are as follows: Miss Laura Jeuness, president; Prof. Ross, vice president; Miss Hattie Swift, corresponding secretary ; Miss Mildred Sinith, recording secretary; Robert Yoat, treasurer. Chelsaa Lodge, No. 195, Knights of Pythias, will under the direction of Francis Labadie and Miss Hattie Rowell, pnt the play ot "Damon and Pythias" on the stage at the Cbelsea opera house, next Wednesday evening. Mr. Labadie and Miss Rowell will enact the principal roles and the rest of the cast will be made up of local knigbts, who will be drilled by Mr. Labadie. The Saline Farmers' Club held a meeting at tne home 'of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Cobb today. The question diseussed was "Good Roads. " The program conoprised a paper by Theodore Joseuhuns; select reading by Mrs. S. R. Crittenrien ; assooiation qmst'on: "How can Farmer Clubs best ace implish the woik they have uudertaken through the state association." Mies Mary Euders, of Ypsilanti, died Saturday morning of cáncer, from which she had suffered for a long time. Au operation was performed for its reruoval about a year ago, but the disease had too firm a hold on htr systein for it to be enccessfnl. The funeral services were held at the home of her brother C. F. Enders on Monday and the remaius were interred in Highland cetuetery, Ypsilanti. Albert H. Pearson, an old and highly respeoted oitizen of Ypsilanti, died Monda morning of pneumonía. Mr. Pearson had been an invalid for two years, suffering with creeping paralysis. He was 73 years of ae aud died in the house which he erected 40 years ago. He leaves a son, Frank Pearson, and a daughter, Misa Jennie Pearsou. The funeral was held Weduesday afternoon, aud the remains were buried in Highland cemetery, Ypsilanti. The near relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Foster, of Chelsea, surprised them Suuday, Oct. 25, and celebrated the silver anniversary of their wedding. Attei1 tho sumptuous dinner was over Rbv. Fr. Considine, on behalf of the clon ora preseuted Mr. and Mrs. Foster with a silver servies of six pieces. He gave to each of them abaudsomeprayer book a3 bis present. Mr. and Mrs. Fosier were the flrst couple married in the present St. Mary's chucrh, Cbetlsea. Wm. Solman, of Cberry Hill, who be.came derauged last week, bas been sent to tbe Poatiao insaue asylum. The Dexter progressive pedro club bas reorganized for tbe winter aud wil] hold its first sessiou nextTuesday evening, at the houie of Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Houey. Artbur Arnold, yonngest son of M. and Mrs. Wm. Arnold, died at their home, in Dexter, Taesday, Oot. 27, of spinal rlisease, after a long and painfnl illness. The members of tbe Germán Lutherau churok, Dexter, met Tuesday, Oot. 27, to disouss tLe advisability of employiug a resident minister. Heretofote a minister has had charge of this and the ühelsea chnrohes, residing at Chelsea and preaehing here every other Sunday. It is probable that tbe plan will be oarrierl out. - Dexter Leader. A season of forty hours devotion was held at St. Joseph's chnrch, Dexter last week, at whioh tnere was a large attendance. The mission was conduotpd by Very Reverend Daniel D. Cushing, President of Afsnmption college, assisted by Rev. Fathers Goldrick, of Northfield, Kelly, of Aun Arbor, Comerford, of Pinckney, and Fleming of Dexter. The new soldiers' mounment to be pnt up in the cemetery at Chelsea, will be of light gray, rustió granite, square diminish die above three bases, with parade rest figure 6 or ? feet high standing on the cap. The base is by2 feet square and the total heigbt 13 feet. The die bears polished panels and inscriptions on all sides and tbe lot will be omaoiented with four or five. inounted oannou.