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Ann Arbor Savings Bank

Ann Arbor Savings Bank image
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f K1ÍFOKT OF Tlli. (LOKD1T1OX ()!' THE At Ann Albor, Michigan, at the Hom ui buuiüa, Oct. ';. ; RESOCKCES. UARir.TTlES. Loans and Discounts JñO7 8.fl 17 . Stocks, Bonds, Mortífage8, etc 504 7ñs 1 ■'' (u-k pmd lu S0.U0O Kf OverdrnfM f 3Í 37 wrpliw Mimi ÏSO.UOO 00 Bmilcinp House 80,600 00 Pi-iHvwIiwl i.mfit lesa curren t expenFurnlture hikI Fixtures 8,417 ;E ■'"('s '"'"v-i mJ tuxcs paid 4,085 41 Other Keal Estáte ia,92u 1 i Kk-wi imvi iaü co p AOU Due from banks in reserve cities IT.Í'í") ir DKPOSTT?. Duefrom other banks and bankers.. 1B n rmnfrcfi rtvnnolt i i ,.r-t t„ Checks and cash items j,; n X.'k M'Wect to Nlokels and Cents 7 7 s,ï 7í;.Í TW TO o !.s a,? i NkttokTBnk"Ni;:::::_ i)ut; u ls""k"lit " littnkers ■ 7,095 00 STATE OP MICHIGAN., M,B.8 80 Countyof Washtenaw. CB8I, Cliarles E Hlscock, cashier of töf hovo nntrmt ttuftK, iIm oieinnly swear that the above siatement is true to the best of niy knowledx' nnd bvHoi Ohas E IIiscock Cashler 8ubecrilied and sworn to before me. thif Bth d? irt Ooiabt r. IHW MifiMi-i .1 Fritz, Notary Public. Correct Attest: ChriBtlau Mack, W. D. Hurrunun, Vt. B, fmlth, Dlrectorb. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,000,000. Transact a general banking business: büys and sells exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago; selb draits on )) tli principal cities of Europe. This bank, already having a large business, invites merchants and othera to open accounts with them with the assnrunrc of the most liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest at Ihr of tour percent, is paid semi-annually, on the tiist days oi .Jaïiuary umI Jul, on all snms that were deposited three months previotis te those i;v, thng rTording the people of this city and county a perfeetly sai'edepobitory fi i !i-ir funda, together with a return in interest for the same. Mouey to loan i pnved securities. Dirbctoks.- Christian Mack, Jamtí Hiscock, Willard B. Smith, W. I) Harrimon, Williain Deubel, Bavid Hiiie, 5, inunT. Officeks.- Christian Mack, President: W. i., Vice-i'resident Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. M. J. Fritz. Ass'i-Cashici.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News