Death Of Stephen Mills
Stephen Mili?, the aged pioneer farmer aud fruit grower of Pittsfield, ■was fonud dead in nis bed at nis home on section 6 of tbat towuship, on Tuesday rnorniug at au early bour. He went. to bed about 8 o'clock Monday night, apparently in bis usual good health, altbongh he said he was a a litis tired. He must have passed away n the early part of the night as wbeu jvirs. Mills spoke to him in the rnornng aiid received no answer, she ouched his hand and foond ir. eold Slio wrapped a sbawl around bim and hen went out and told her sou Charles and his family that sne believed he was dead. Aud so it was, the "old pioneer had died without a struggle, sleepiug leacefully away. Mr. Mills was bom in Dover, Morris county, N. J., Aug. 11, 1809. His jarents were Daniel H. and Joanna Vlills, wbo came to this cöunty in 1835 aud located on eection 7, Pittsfield, following the deceased, who had oorue )ere in 1833 and bought a tract of land n Manchester township, after which ie returned to New York. In 1836 tfr. Mills returned to tbis county and made a permanent settlement on seotion 6, Pittsfield, which was his home ever since. He followed his trade oí a brick masón until 1865, since whioh lime he had devoted his attention to 'atming and raising Einall fruits. He married Miss Clemme McKnight in 1839, and seven sons were boru to them. They are George B., Myron H. and Fred A., of Ann Arbor; James and Clark E., of Antriru county; F Elmer and Charles, of Pittsfield. Glen V. Mills, city clerk of Ann Arbor, is a grandson. All the boys and their mother are alive. The funeral Ffirvices were held at the old horneste; d yesterday afternoon, Rev. B. L. McKlroy officiatiug, and the remains were buried in the Forest Hill cemetery. A large number of his old friends and ueighbors atteuded the services and followed the remains to their last resting place.