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Miss Ella O'Dwyer, of Jackson, is visiting friends in the oity. Mrs. L. F. G9rstn9r retnrned home from a visit íq Chicago Satnrday. L. G. Hayes left for Los Augeles, Cal., yesterday, to spend the winter. Emil Richter, of Saginaw, has been visiting friends here doring the week. Mrs. John Fisher, of Miner st, has goue to Cinciunati, O., to visit friends. Mrs. C. P. Osius, of Edmore, íb visiting the family of Leonhard Gruner. Miss Martha M. Drake went to Detroit yesterday morning for a short visit with friends. Prof. and Mrs. JU. P. Jooelyn are are rejoicing over the birth of a Jittle baby girl to them. Mrs. Mary J. Colston, who has been visiting Herman Krapf and family, bas retnrned to her home in Munith. Ward Howlett. Jobn Parker, Robert Power and Harry Pond spent Sunday and Monday at Cavauangh Lake. C. VV. Hills, of Washtenaw ave., was called to Gillman, 111., Tuesday uigbt, by the death of bis brother. Mrs. Willard K. Clement, of Moscow, Idaho, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. (Jramer, of E. Hnron st. Jndge and Mrs. N. B. Cbeever anu Miss Pamela JSIoble returned Saturclay from a visit with frieuds iu St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor, who have resided here for six yeais past, have goae back to tbeir old home in Keuton, O. H. E. Bennett, formerly conductor on the Aun Arbor road, now conductor on an electric line at Bowling Green, Ohio, came home Tuesday to vote. The many friends in this oity of Mrs. J. Willard Babbittt, of Ypsilanti, will be pleased to learn that she is convalescing from her recent severe illness and is now able to sit up. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miner left Wednesday inorning for southern California to stay the winter, and where it is hoped Mrs. Miner will flud benefit for her enfeebled health. Mis-1 May Fisoher waspleasantly surprised on Thnrsday of last week at the hoiuo uf her cousiu, G. Frauk Allmendinger, by about 20 of her young frieuds. A jolly eveniDg was speut by all. Master Harold Bennett entertaiced a number of his young friends at the home of his parent?, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bennett, 12 S. Tbayer st., last Saturday evening, at a Hallowe'en party. Mrs. Wm. C. Sprague, No. 719 Casa ave., assisted by Mrs. Junius E. Beal, of Ann Arbor, and Miss Soripps, Miss Avery, Mias Howard and Miss Ziegler, entertained Saturday at luncheon the merabers of tbe Beta Theta Pi of the University of Michigan. - Detroit Free Press. Henry Kohl, formerly a printer iu this city, but who bas for sorne years been proprietor of a large job office in LaSalle, IU., was iu the city yesterday shaking hauds with old friends. Henry has sold out his office on ancount of i 11 health and is now endeavoring to recnperate. B. Frank Olinger, who has bad charge of the Mergenthaler type setting machine iu the Times office since it was first put in four years ago, left yestsrday fur Chicago, where he has the promise of a situatioa with Fred C. Brown & Co., in their linotype composing rooms. Suocess to you, Frank.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News