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We're Doing Business

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Jr All the time now, and have a store f uil of ejoods to do it with. We have seen lots of BEflUTIFUL 5UÍTS 25 OVERCOflTS büt never a store # full at one time. We do the business iu Cbildren's Clothing because we sell C the best goods for the least money. If there are any who have not visited our C Boys' and Cliildren's Department they should do so at once and conv-ince themV 4k selves that they have been DOINQ BU5INE55 IN THE WR2NQ FLflCE. l s % HIT5 we bny direct from the manufacturers and save you the jobber's # Rroñt. We are directly interested in four large retail stores, one in Bay City, C one in Flint and one in Battle Creek, which give us an inside on all "goods. C The above facts teil you why we have always been the leaders in our line of S business. Wadhams, Ry an & Reule, 0R


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News