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.T. H. Prentiss visited friends in Chicago, Sunday. Marshal Peterson went to Muskegon, Snnday, on business. Mrs. Bankor, of IMnskegon, is visiting at the Alpha Phi house. Mrs. J. M. Smoots is dangerously ill at her home on Forest ave. Miss Lon Gerstoer has retnrned to her vpork in Maok & Co. 's store. John Quackenbush, of Salem, visited friecds iu the city, Satnrday. Heury Lasky, of Detroit, visited Ann Arbor friends over Sunday. Col. J. A. Jacox has roturned from a week's business trip to Kentncky. C. W. Reynolds, of Saline, visitad in Ann Arbor Saturday and Sunday. 1 Mrs. Alice W. Taft, of E. Huron st, lefo Tuesday for southern California. Mrs. Henry Binder is now occupying her new honse, No. 1 E. William st. VV. W. Wedemeyer spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Kalamazoo. Mis. W. S. Gabrielski, of Detroit, is visitiug her ínother, Mrs. Henry Binder. Jaoob Klein and wife, of Lima, spent Suuday with Mrs. C. Beyer, od S. Hain st. Mrs. M. L. Pi'ingle Jeffc yesterday for a visit with br daughter in Isabella county. Boy Alexander, of Ypsilanti, attended the dance at the Light Infautry Wednesday night. Rev. J. M. Gelston exohanged pnlpits with Dr. J. M. Fulton, of Grand Rapids, Snnday. O. S. Schairer, of Saline, spent Snnday ia the city, the guest of Mr. ánd Mrs. B. E. Staebler. L Mrs. Eiizabeth Nietbamraer, of Sáline, is visiting Ann Arbor relativés and friends this week. Miss Mabel Hazard, of Detroit, is the guest of Edward A. Keith and family, of Th ayer st. Mrs. Robert H. Ward, of Marshall, is the gutst of Miss Mary E. Wiison, at the American House. Mrs. Wm, Dutilap, of Whitmore LaL, js visitiug ïvlatives and frieuds iu the oity for a fo.v days, E. J. Ottoway, of the Detroit Free Press, spent Friday and part of Saturday with W. W. Wederneyer. Misa Ella Meutb has returned home from a lengthy visit in Chicago, Milwaukee aud other western points. Mrs. Goorge B. Mills, who has been quite siok for some time at the home of her son, Glen V. Mills, is slowly recovering. Mrs. Jobn O. Jenkins has been visiting friends bere eince Wednesday. She atteDded tbe L. O. T. M. anuiversary baaquet last eveniag. Mrs. Dr. S. M. Hartley is in Milwaukee, Wis., visiting her danghter, Mrs. Hemy Killilea. She attended a large reception at their borne last evening. tshe will return tornorrow. The Misses Nellie Brown and Lulu Rinsey are visiting in Monroe and Detroit. They will also cali ou Harry Brown, at Sandwich college, before they retnrn home totaorrow evening.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News