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l). of M. vs. Oberlin at the athleti field tomorrow afternoou at 3 o'clook The Webster and Alpha Nn societie are makiug arrangemeuts for a join debate. A large number of applications are being made for entrauca to the literary sociecies. The ü. of M. Masouic Club will nave a bauquet tomorrow evening at the Ma souic temple. The University Young Men's Christ iau Association reading room is becom ing quita popular. The Poley Guild will give a recep tion to Bishop Foley this evening in St. Thomas' school hall. The Stndents' Christian Association will have a social for raembers at Newberry hall this evening. The University class of '99 will give the first class social of the seasou at Grauger's Acaderay this eveuing. F. P. Sadler, lit 96, who was prominent in oratorical circles, has returned to college and eutered the law departtnent. The snccessor to the' late Joseph Clark has not yet bsen appointed. Harry W. Clark is acting superintendent in the meantime. Michigan won the hardest fought football game of the seaBon Saturday, at Minneapolis, when the boys defeated Minnesota by the score of 6 to 4. The U. of M. football team was accorded au eathusiastic reoeption ai the Ann Arbor depot on its return home from JVIiuneapolis Sanday afternoon. The reading of Shakespeare's "As You Like It" given by Miss Anna Elizabeth Kunkle at the law lectnre room Friday uight, is said to have been very fine. The class of '93 football team defeated that of the class of '99 on Tuesday, in one of the prettiest games that has been played this year. The soore was 4 to 0. The All-Fresbrnen and High Schoo! elevens played a pretty game of football Saturday on the athletic field. Two halves of 20 minutes eaoh were played, duriug which neither side soored. The Alpha Nu Literary society has a libiary of 1,000 volumes of standard works. Tbey have accepted au offer of $200 froru the regenta, and it will be removed to the University library. A campas ciroulating library is proposed. A new mcsical club is being organized in tbe university. It is to be called the Technological Mandolín and Guitar Club, and will ba composed entirely of engineering stndents. The club has a luembership of 15, seven raandolins, seven guitars and one flute. The '99 football management bas printed some unique nards, one of which is giveu to every man (or womau) who contri bntes to the cause. The oard reads: "I have paid my snbsoription to the '99 football team." - ü. of M. Daily. A combinatiou of the uuiversity annuals, the Palladiurn, Oastaliau and JRes Gesta, has been definitely effeuted. Each of the old boards will have fonr rnembers on tbe new editorial board, making 12 editors. The new publication will be known as the Michiganensiuro, and will eqnal in every way the annuals of the other large uuiversities. The vesper services in university hall vrill begin next week. Forty names have been enrolled for the chorus and it is expected tbat the services will be even more interesting thau they were last year. The oourse will run until spring vaoation. Solos will be made au espeoial feature ttais year, and one afternoon each week Prof. Stanley will give an informal organ recital. Tbe Woman's Gymnasium was formally opened Tuesday afternoon with exercises in the part that has been teinporarily fltted up for use. In spite of the bad weather 150 girls were present. Dr. Mosher made a brief address and President Angelí, in a short speech emphasized the point tbat the use of the gymnasium in its nnfiuished state will be a standing plea for additional funds. Mrs. Reighard stated that the amonnt y et needed is $7,000. Af ter a few reraarks by Regent Barbour, Miss Alice Suyder reaii a paper on "Physical Culture." A reeeption to the freshman girls of the university was given at the Waterman gymnasium, Friday nigbt by the sophomore co-eds. It was a woman's affair throughout, the junior and senior co-eds took the freshmen to the party and the sophomores footed thfi bilis. About 500 guests were present and there were 100 spectators in the gallery. lt was a fine opportunity for the girls to get acqnaiuted and they availed themselves of it. Light refresbments, social conversation and dancing to the musio of the Chequamegons formed the program of the evening. The chaperons were, Mrs. Angelí, Mrs. D'Ooge, Mrs. Knowlton, Mrs. Pattetson, Mrs. Wait, Dr. JVlosher, Mrs. Vaughan, Mrs. Carhart, Mrs. Copeland and Mrs. Soule.


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