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Cometo us cheerily, Thankful day, Out ot the 8weet blue sky ? Hearts are noping and laufíhs are gay, Flowers are blooming along the way, E'en if the frost be nigh. Come to us hopefully. Thankful day, Out ot the tearful tomb ! Stars are steady and sure to stay- God is watching forever and aye- E'en in the darkest gloom ! - Will Caileton in Everywhere. Next Ta'ursday is Thanksgiviog Day. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pipp, Sunday, a nine pouud girl. The Ann Arbor Dancing Club will have its next party on Moaday evening at Granger's Academy. The ladies of St. Thomas' parish will give a social in the school hall next Wednesday evening. Mary A. Pool, of Milán, has been grantefl au original widow's pension throngh W. K. Child's agenoy. The laches of the Bethlehem church will give a social in the parlors of the churoh this evening for the" beuefit of the Orphans' Home in Detroit. The official reconnt of Jackson coanty gives Bryan 6,518, MoKiuley 6,211, Sligh 6,322, Pingree 6,256, Barkworth 6,571, Spalding 6,109. J. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90, S. of V. , worked the secon 1 üegree of the order on a candidate Monday night and afterwards enjoyed a bountiful supper. The board of canvassers say that the votes cast in the seventh ward at the recent election were the neatest, best and sajest of those of any of the wards in the city. A fire in Qibson & Clark's photograpb gallery at 2 o'clock Saturday morning rlamaged the building 200 worth and the negatives, cameras, etc., about $2,000. Eddie Dunlavey, ooe of our high school boys, is in Ann Arbor for medical treatment, his tronble being partial paralysis, the eit'ects of diphtheria. - Dexter Leader. Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., will give its seoond hop of the season Wednesday eveniug, Dec. 9, from 8 p. m. to 1 a. m., at the Maccabee hall, over the post office. The dates for the Ann Arbor Light lnfantry's Mammoth Mid-Winter Circns are Jan. 12 to 16. There will also be two matinees, making seven performances in all. The boys intend to have an even better show than that of last year. Iavitations have been reoeievd by the members of Ann Arbor Chapter, O. E. S., io attenóa birthday reception to be given by the members of Ypsilanti No. 119, O. E. S., at the chapter rooms in Ypsilanti, on Monday, Nov. 30, from 3 to 5 or 7 to 10 p. m. Eacb invitation is aooompanied by a little bag in wbioh those who attend will deposit pennies enough to make op the nnmber of the years of their age. WAILOF THE FAT MAN WHO DOESN'T R1DE WIIEEL. Teil me, ye winged winds, that rouud m patbway roar, Do you not know some spot, whore scoreher scorch no more ? Some lone and pleasaDt dell, some valley i the west, Where hts that goes afoot, may find a place t be at rest? The Iqud wind dwindled to a whisper low, And sighed for pity, as it answered, "Ño." A band of 15 jneiabers has bee formeel at the Normal sohool, Ypsi lanti. Robert Scadin, of Dexter, is nnder treainent at the nniversity hospital for a tumor. The Forty clnb holds the first of a series of dancing parties at Granger's Aoademy this eveniug. Three leap year parties are booked to take place at Granger's Academy before the close of 1896. Osmund H. Tower was admitted to the bar and Frank K. Logan to citienship in the circuit court on Satnrday. Port Hurón has joined tbe ranks of cities in Michigan that have standard time for their guide. When will Ann Arbor also fall into line? W. K. Childs has secured a minor's pension for the child of the Jate Wtn. R. Swick, of Milan. The claim was entered about the last of August. John Mahlke has the contract for the erection of the new Dieterle buiding on E. Liberty st. It will be of brick, three stories high and 22x66 feet ground measurement. Glen V. Mills was run down by a bicyoler Saturday night while walking ou the sidewalk on Paokard st. Glen 's trousers were quite badly contused, but he was not otherwise injured. Ths Inland Press has improved the appearance of the interior of its office )y the addition of a haudsome railing with plate glass" panels aronnd the bosness deparrnjpnt. Owing tu xkness the reception to Bishop Foi .■ by the Foley Gnild, whioh was t i have taken place Friday evening at fct. Thomas' school hall had to be be postponed indeflnitely. A quantity of excellent gravel taken 'roin the excavation for the foundation of the new Dieterle building on E. Librty st. , has been pnrchased by the city nd will be placed on E. University av. Friday evening was the first anniverary of tbe marriage of Mr. and Mrs. jouis Boes and 40 or 50 of their friends athered at their home 24 Second st., nd gave them a very pleasant surprise. Hugh Brown, manager of the Home tudy association, has applied for a patnt on a novel and useful calendar pad. ?he leaves of the pad are so arrauged lat they remain in conven ient form !or ready reference to such memoranda s may be made on tbetu. Mrs. Sarah E. Carr diedather home, 3 Broadway, Snnday night, of conumption.aged 79 years, 10 months aad 1 days. The faneral services were ield Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. M. Gelston offioiating. The remains were taken to Ypsilanti and interred in iighland Park cemetery. Charles Caramella, 16 years oíd, son f John Caramella, fruit dealer, left ie city Nov. 9 in oompany with a cou3le of strangers. Wben he did not reurn after a few days, bis parents inoked Marshal Peterson's assistance to isoover Lis whereabouts. Monday morning it was learned that he was in pringüeld and his father left at noon o bring him home. E'l. Staebler has on hand a number E breast protectors for horses, which je recently purcbased. In large letters n eacb of the protectors is the motto I Want Good Roads," followed by ie badge of the League of American Wheelmea. It is to be naturally inferred ïat a horse should prefer to travel on ood roads as well as a bicyolist, and ne motto is a very appropriate one. ' Dr. S. F. Upham, professor of praccal theology at Drew Theological eminary, addres9ed two large andinces at the First M. E churoh Sunday. n the morning he preaohed a powerful ermon and in the eveniug he lectured jefore the Wesleyau Guild on "The ebt of you,ng Methodists to the atbers. " Dr. Upham's remarks made strong impression on his hearers. John P. Kirk and George A. Cook, uosecuting atturuey-elect and register : deetls-elect, respectively, were sereoded at tbeir homes in Ypsilanti, hursday night of last week. The par;ioipators were the Ypsilanti Light nard and band and 15 or 20 invited utsiders. Cigars and light refreshments were served interspersed with jeeches and cougratulatory rematks. So far f.s any oontest on the vote for ïeriff is concerned, there will not be ny. Hiram Lightball, the candidate 'or the office on the silver ticket bas ithdrawn all claims to the office_aud aves Sheriff Judson in undisturbed )ossession. The gentlemen had a meetng Monday morning and agreed to side by the previons couut. Afterards Mr. Lighthall dined with the heriff. Ann Arbor Lodgs, No. 825, B. P. O. 51ks, will hold memorial services in acordance with the provisions of the Slks' constitution, the first or eecond unday of next month, either in the opera nouse or at some cburcb,, as shall be decided by the committfie in charge of the services. The motto of the order "The faults of our biobers we write upon the sand; their faults upon the tableta of love and memory," will be expotinded and exemplified. Last spring Aid. John Terns offered tobet $5 tbat McKinley wonld not be che next president, $5 that Pingree would not be the next governor, $5 that Ike Davis wonld not be the next alderinan from the Fiftb, and $5 that a oertain minister did not know wbat he was talking abont. Mr. Davis saya that McKinley, Pingree and himself got their jobs nicely and now wants to know how the senior alderrnan of the Fifth came out on his fourth bet. - Times. Ypsilanti correspondent. With ;i terrible cola ia his hoad. And his eyes heavy and sore, The editor sat on a broken ehair, And earncstly; bitterly swore A youth had dropped in with a poem, A man was there with a dun. And a ohap was there to teil lum, How the paper ought lo be run. An irate subscriber had told him, Thac his paper was not fit to be read, And another had carefully promised To punch the editor's head. The dovil was eallins for copy, And the wind whlstled in at the door; And this, with a few otlier reasons. Is why the editor swore. But the angel took it to heaven, And reeorded the verdict tliere: "The jury flnds in the present case, It was a jusüüable swear." O. M. Martin has had eight calis for lis ambníance sinoe he put it in. The University School of Dancing wil] give a Thanksgiving hop, Tbursday evening, Nov. 26. Moses Seabolt, president of the board of h're cornmissioners, has presented the ire department with a fine new clock. Rev. J. M. GelstOD's sermón Snaday evening, at the Presbyterian ohnrch, will be on the .subject "What is man?" The Church Benefit Association will ;ive a social in the Wall st. chapsl this eveniug to whioh all are invited. AdmissioH 10 cents. Two new generators have been put nto the Ann Arbor Co. 's works to sup)ly the power needed for the use of the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti electrio street ailway. The next entertainment in the Yonug Men's Christian Association course will be a leoture on "The Land of the MidnightSun," by Rev. Perry Millar, of Milwankee, Wís. Tuesday evening Rev. J. M. Gelston )erformed the marriage ceremouy that nited the lives of Mi'. William E. Seedle and Miss Fannie A. Campion, oth of tais oity. According to O. E. Butterfield's afflavit, tiled with the oounty clerk, his xpenses during tha recent campaign as candidate for the office of oircuit onrt commissioner, were only $5. The Womau's Anxiliary of the Voung Men's Chrisciau Associatiün vill give its anuual Thanksgiving super to tbe members of the association n Tuesday evening next at tbe rooms. Mra. William J. Miller entertained large party of her lady ñiends to a 5 o'clock tea od Monday evening. The ladies had a most happy and enjoyable time even if there were uo men around. The floral decorations of the tables were veiy diinty and profnse, coDBisting largely of chrysanthernums of different colors. Rev. Lee S. McCollister, of Detroit, delivered the fourth leoture in the Unity Clnb series at the Unitarian church, Monday eveniug, to au audieuce of abont 200 people. His subject was "Old New Englaud Snperstitions. " The lecture was illnstrated with views of Salem witeh times, old colonial architectnre, etc. Rev. J. I. Tainama, of Nagasaki, Japan, will give a leotuie at Newberry hall tomoirow evening. The leotnre will be illnstrated with 100 fine stereoptioon views of scenery, customs, life and nainre of Japan, and also views of the late war between China and Japan. Mr. Tamama is a gradúate of Albion College, and is the anthor of "The Land of the Rising San." A joint meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Clnb and the Association of English Teachers of the north central states, will be held in this city Friday and Satnrday of next week, Nov. 27 and 28. The meetings Friday morniug and afteriioou will be held in Newberry hal), the meetings Friday eveniug and Saturday at the School of Music. The program will be one of nnusual interest. Becanse nf a nearly empty treasnry, the Charitable Union is this year nnable to furnish the pour of the city with the cnstomary Thanksgiving dinner. It is earnestly hoped that the contribution in the churches on Thanksgiving day will be a generous one, in order that the absolutely essential work of the Union may be carried on during the winter. MARY W. D'OOGE, Secretary. "Railroad Jack," whose speeches in front of the oourt house during the late campaign are still green in tbe memories of those who heard them, got info trouble in Detroit tbe other nigbt. He was speakiDg to a crowil at the corner of Lafayette ave. and Griswold st. when one of nis hearers pusbed bim from the barrel which he used as a platform. Jack pounded tbe fellow, who made a complaint to the pólice, and Jack was arrested. Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 325, B. P. O. Elks, announce that a bazaar will be given in its rooms in the Sudworth block, on E. Washington st. , ooinmenoing the eveuing of Deo. 2, and contiuuing all the week. The event will be a sooial one and all are invited to attend. The ariangements are in oharge of a oommittee, of which Ed. V. Hangster fer is chairman. The other members are Charles A. Ward, George J. Halier, Fred Besimer and Andrew Reule.