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There are 210 convicta in the Marqnette prison all of whorn are bnsy Warden VanEvers says. The total output of oil in the pepperment district at Deoatur for the season will aggregate 50,000 pounds. John McVicar, of Detroit, has been nained for the position of public printer under the McKinley administration. Goorge Frazer, of Shephard, is serving a 60 days' sentence in the Detroit house of correction for stealing a pair of tuitten s. Fred Trombly, of Pontiac, had the fleshy part of his arm torn off by the accidental discharge of his gun while out duok hnnting. Charlotte temperance people are going to organize an anti-saloon league, althongh there is not a saloon in the whole of Eaton county. Pittsburg men are investigating the ontcroppings of iron ore thafc have been funnd in Midland county, and more may be heard of it later. Burglars stole $40 from the safe in the Hillsdale Standard office one night last week. Just fancy a newSpaper office with $40 in it these days. Otisville women will organize a club for the study of politics. They think the time is not far distant when the right of suffrage will be granted to vromen. JVIicbael King was killed Friday night wbile walking on the track of the St. Joseph and Benton Harbor eleotrio railway, through being struck by a car. Peter Lajinues was sentenced in the Honroe circuit court, Friday, to five years in Jackson prison, for accomplishing the ruin of his stepdanghter, aged 10 years. Herman Fittiuger, of Uniouville, had his skulí crnsbed by a piece of falling rock while he and bis bruther were engaged in blastiug rocks with dyuamjte. He will recover. Tbere were nine criminal cases on the St. Clair county circuit court docket which were eithfir rape, criminal assaolt oi" illegitimate parentage cases. Rather a tougb record. Anthony Siamski, a Polish laboring man, of Jacksou, was caoght in a sewer exoavation and completely buried by repeated caviug of the sewer walls. Thongh badly crusbed he will recover. So much snow feil in tbe copper country last week, that the Hecla & Torch Lake railroad was forced to use snow plows on its rock train. It snowed steadily for three days. Lucinda M. Biggs, of Flint, kept her premises in snch a filthy conditiou, that her neighbors bad her arrested for it and she was senteuced in the cirouit court to pay a fine of $50 or go to jail for 00 days. John Pago, of Fenton, before election swore tbat a razor ahould uot touob his lace nor a puir of shears his bair until Bryan was elected. He will be a very hairy biped in tbe years to oonie if he keeps that tow Miss Carne Jacksou, editor and proprietor of the Milford Times, married Grant Rowe, wbo had beeu working for her, one day last week. The conple will still issue the paper, but it will now be a partnership affair. Thus. Miller, of Fowlerville, was fined $30 or 60 days by Judge S. F. Sinith, at Howell, I"riday. He was tried for assault with intent to cormnit rape ou a girl 12 years old, but was found guilty of assault only. A. V. Pantliud, of Grand 'Rapids, one of the oldest hotel keepers in the state, aud who was numbered as a ppreonal friend by thousands, is dead. He was nearly 74 years old aud his death was the result of a paralytio stroke. Grand Blaao is to have a baby show Nov. 28, wheu prizes will be giveu for the prettiest, fattest, youngest and best walker, the prettiest twins, and the loiigest haired and handsomestred hair. Busienss raen coutributed the prizes. In oue of the little villages of Geneeee county there are eight applicants for the postmastership, one of whoro is a saloon keeper who has the indorsement of all the ministers of his looality. He obtained their support by a promise to shut up the whisky shop in case he was appointed. Michael Plant, a pioneer resident of St. Clair county, is dead, aged 78 years. The Qaeen mine at Negaunee, will increase its working force of men by 200 at once. A Niles couple agreed to get married if McKiuley was elected, and they are now making preparations to keep their promiso. BeDJamin Kennan, a Hillsdale colJege student, will serve one year in Ionia prisou for stsalug from bis college mates. Mrs. Hattie Stebbius, an insane woman, who lived with ber father at Bath village, ten miles from Lansiug, suicided by locking herself in a room and setting her clothing on fire. After working for 32 years on the F. & P. M. railway, without meeting with an accident, Daniel Gibsou, of Saginaw, got bis hand badly crusbed between the draw bars of two cars the otber day. Two Olivet students were oanght in the act of tearing up a widow's sidewalk. She made them come into the house and forced tbem to remain two hours, while she prayed for the miserable sinners. Frank J. Brillman was genteneed to one year in Ionia prison by Jndge Kinne at Monroe, on Thursday of last week. Brillman's crime was crirninally assaulting a 13 years old girl while he was drunk. The 270 Pottawottomie Indians of Cass county have had paid over to them by Special Agent Selby, of the U. S. treasury departrnent, the sum of $118,000 appropriated by the governrnent some time ago to pay deferred annuities. A little girl in Traverse City has written Mayor Pingree, reminding him that when he spoke there he told the people that if he was elected governor they could have anything they wanted. "Now, will you please send me a violin?" she said in conclusión. Ferdinaud Williams, a rich pioneer of Waterford township, Oakland connty, died Nov. 12, at bis farm home, aged 91 years. He was woroh about $125,000, and was of a very retiring nature, oonfining his hannts to the boundaries of his own lands. John Uptograph, 22 years of age, of St. Louis, was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun while out hunting in Greendale, Midland county. He jnmped across a log, the hammers of his gun caught in some way and the piece was disoharged blowing the back part of his head off. The state fish commission bas purchased five acres of land on Mili Creek, just above Comstook park and across the river from the soldiers' home at Grand Bapids, for a blaok baas batchery. It will be the only one of its kind in the country. Suitable buildings will be ereoted this fall. Fred J. Brooks, alias Willis C. White, alias Dan M. Sinclair bas been found guilty of adultery at Howell. The complaining witness was Mrs. Maggie McGinnis, of Delhi, his latest victim. Brooks bas been married several times, according to his testimony. He lived with one woman at Williamston until five children were bom. He bas served time in prison. A Lyons woman who bas a mania for borrowing sent to a neighbor's for the loan of a wash tub. Tbe word came back that the tub was in use. Tbe borrowing woman was not to be side tracked so easily. "They 're mighty stingy about tbeir old tub. Go back and ask them to lend me a dollar to buy a new tub. Then I'll be independent of them." Convict William Malouey jabbed keepar William H. Hu ff in the eye at Jacksou prison, Friday, with a brooni haudle, inaking a painful and daugerons wouud. When the keeper was not looking he punched him throngb tbe bars of his cell door. Maloney was one of the rioters who neaily killed Depnty Warden Northrup last year, and has been confiued in his cell ever since. Farmers need not keep a maohine that will not do good work. Tbat has been settled in oourt at Mt. Clemens. August Schultz had a McCormick selfbiuder which would not out1 short graiu satisfactorily, and he refnsed to pay. Tbe McCormick people sued for paymeut, and the court decided that the machine, not being up to grade, could be returned to the company. It will go bauk. A Capac mob of white caps took Lüuise Roy from hor home when she camo to the door in response to tbeir summons, tore her clotbes partially off and rollerl her in the mud. She was then rnarohed througb the streets and finally retnrued to her home. The girl is acensed of breaking up the family of Lawyer H. R. Jenney, and had been warned by notioes signad "whitecap" to have no further acequaintance with tbe lawyer. The mob bad prepared to tar and feather Jenney, but be slipped away and escaped, and bas not been .een there sinco. Harrison Haight, of Port Huron, was found guilty of oommitting a felonious assault upon Polly Crouch, a 72-yearoid woman, living alone in a cabin, on the lake shoie in the northern portiou of St. Olair county. The crime was cotnmitted abont a year ago, the old lady being cruelly maltreated. A dramatic incident occurred during the taking of the old lady's testimony. She was asked by the prosecuting officer whether she could identify her assailant. She replied in the afflrmative, and wbeu told to piek out the man from those assembled in the court room, went over to where the jury were sitting and, placing her hands upon the knees of one of tbe jurors said : "He is the man." Although her identification was a failure she told an apparently straight story, and the jury brought in a verdict of guilty. A new trial will be asked for by his attorney. Deer are very plentifnl in the upper península. Baraga may have a new opera house iu the uear future. Fifty oases of barber's itoh are reported in Port Huron Lots of snow in Kalkaska and the sleighs and cutters are out. Business iu the norchern luruber woods bas picked up greatly since election. Roehester has 1,000 population aud six physicians. A new one will lócate theie next month. H. W. Clark, of Portland, has a oat wnicb has a thumb on each of its fore feet and is minus a tail. The Uuited States Fidelity & Guarantee Cu., of Baltimore, bas been liceused to do business in Michigau. The city treasury at Escanaba had nothing in it and the ccuuuil had to borrow $2,500 to pay current expenses. Toni Smith, aged 19, had his thigh shattered by a bullet from his brother's rifle, while out huntiug near Sturgis, íáunday. Bernard MoSweeney, of Mt. Cleruens, shot a wild swan at JLakeside near tbat place on Sunday, which measured six feet from tip to tip. A 10 years old lad living near Williamston, got his hand in a steam com husker Saturday and it was so badly manglej that it had to be amputated. Woodchoppers found three skeletons in a partially petrified condition one day last week while digging for a mink in the woods north of Newberry. Broek Camburn, a Canadian, was given 30 minutes by Prattville citizens in which to leave thafc place or he would get a coat of tar and feathers. He left. Hon. O. A. JoDes, of Hillsdale, has announced himself a candidato for the office of (Jnited States pension agent to suoceed Maj. Griffln when the proper time arrivés. Williarn J. Armstrong, 47 years old, took poison at his room in the Randolph hotel, Detroit, Saturday, and killed himself. At one time he was worth $100,000, but he died leaving $7. Southwestern Michigan is being flooded with counterfeit silver half dollars of excellent workmanship. The coins are dated 1885, are of ful] weight and can only be detected by tbeir lack of ringing qualities. The common conncil, of Lansing, will pay John Voisell f2,150 for personal injuries received by falling throngh a defectivo sidewalk, rather than run the risk of paying a greater snm after a trial of the case before a juryNeis Surdean. a Swedish millwright, was taken with an epileptic fit, and feil across a chain carriage in a sawmill at Chassel, Monday. Before the carriage could be stopped he was carried on to the circular saw and his body out entirely in two. A Saginaw boy, ernployed to peddle bilis, thought to do up his job in a hurry so crawled under a barn and set fire to them. A neighbor lady saw bim at it and prevented a conflagration by putting ont the ñames. The smart boy decamped. When Leo Wagemao, a Kalamazoo brewer, quit the sale of beer, he had 465 barrels on hand, on whinh revenue had not been paid. It spoiled and the United States revenue officers fiuding they could not oollect . the revenue, dumped it out into the river like so much water. The government required that it be accounted for or destroyed. About 35 years ago Anna Frouw Van Sparrewonds died iu the Netherlands, leaving a fortune of over $100,000, the interest of which was to be paid as marriage portions to desoenflpnts who could prove their claims. Sept. '0, 1896, Chañes "W. Thornpson and Miss Jennie Williams, of Gogebic county, were married. They received 25 from the Netherlands government. Mrs. Thompson is a granddaughter of Rolaf Kauaar, of Muskegon, fivo of whom have received benefits from the estáte.


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