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See that ít ís there! Thís ís the trade-mark which ís on the wrapper (salmon-col[ rirw' - 71 ottá) of every -- J@k bottle of the ' ZémÈ? noine SCOTT'S &%% EMULSIÓN. wrmp? surc tIlis is on Í Mt' tie Packag:e, and -w ÜI " ' a noking cse 11 jB'1 is palmed off on 5Smm you when yu ask tor ït. Nothíngf has been made that equals it to give strength and solid flesh to those who are run down or emaciated. Your doctor will teil yoa that it ís the one food for all those whose weíght ís below the standard of health. Put op ín 50 ets. and $1.00 stzes, and sold by all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. Mortgage Sale. DBFAtTLT HAVINü BEEN MADE IN the conditlons of a oertain mortgage mude by Ollver .Johnson and Elizábet li JohnBon to the Ann Arfoor Savinga Assouiation, dm cd November lOtli, A. I). 1892, and recorded In the office of the Register ol Deeds, for the Oounty of Washtenaw and of Miohlgan, on the lm li diiy ol' Novomhcr, A. l 1892, In liberT8of Mortgages, on page 100, on whloh tnortgaite there la clalmefl to be duaal the date of this tiotlcc the sum of onfl liundred aml slxty-eight dollars and nlnety-two cents and au itlorncy's ol' twentylivc dollars providod for In sald mortgage, aml no snit or proceedlngs at lawhaving been instituted to recover the moneys socurcd by biiid mortgage, or any part t bereof; N ow, therefore, liy of the power of sale oontalned In sald mortgage, and the statuto in ench -;ir made and provlded, notlce w hereby glven that on Saturday, tbe ïiiih day of January, a. l. 1897, at 10 o'olock In the forenoon, tshallaellatpubllo auctlon, to the hlirhest bidder, at the east door i the (ohm House, In the Olty of Aun Ai-lun-, (tlmt belng the place where the Circuit Courtfor Washtenaw Oounty ie bolden), the prei described in said mortgage, or so muoh tbereofasmay be neeessary to puy the aniount dueonsald mortgase, wlth seven per rent. Interest, and all legal cosí 8, togelhertvjth an attorney's fee of t wentj -flve dollarsieonvenanted for tbereln, the premlses belng iloorlbed In sald morteage as all that oertain lot, pleoe and parcel of land -,it uate In the lity of nn A rhor, in I lic ('on nt y of Washlciiaw.'and State of Michigan, and known and described as follows: Lot ruftnber Blxteen iltii in James B. Gott's addüion totliciiivni nn Arbor. ann VRBOB SAVINQ8 VSSOCIATION, O. II. Kl.INK, Moil A'ioracy for Mortgatree. Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT II IM. BEEN MADE IN THE condltlone of a Cörtaln mortgage made by Nettie C.Wfge to the Ann Arbor Sa vtngs Ahsoclal Ion, dated .Jnly 2"., A. 1). 1895. and reoordod ii the office ol the Register ol Deeds. for the County of Washtenaw and State of Mlohigan, on the lOth day of August, A. D. 1895, In Líber 78of Mortgages on page ltü. on which mortgagethereis olaimed u ho due at bhedate of this notice the suiD of tourteen hundrep and gixty-xeven doll:ii' and Hft.v-two centB, and an attorney's fee of twanty live dollars provlded for in -aid mortgage, and no sull or proceedlngs ai l.-nv havini; hoen instituted to the moneys secured bj sald mortgage or any part tliei-coi. Now,. therci'orc, by vlrtueof the power of sale oontalned in saiil mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided. notice is hereby glven that on Saturday, the itith day of January, A. D. 1897. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, 1 shall 6cll at public auctiou, te the hlghest bidder, at che cast front door of the Court Houae, In theCltyof Ann rbor, Mi di.,! that belng the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw Oounty ia holden.) the premlses described In said mortgage or so mueh thcrcol as mny be neceeaary to pay the amount duo on siiid mortgage, wltb s ven percent, interest, and all legal CO8 ta, together wlth an attorney's fee of twentyfive dollars convenanted tor therein, i be premisos belng desenlie. I in said mortgage as all that oertal" lot, pieeo and parcel of land sitúate in the City of AnU Arbor. in the County of Washtenaw and state oí Michigan, and known and dpscrlbed as follows; The east twenty-elght (28) feetof lot number three (8) and the twenty-two (28) feet of lot ber four (4), in hlook nninher t enty f Our 124) In Orrasbyji Page additlon to sald city, acoording to the recorded plat thereof ANN ARBOR SAVTNG8 AS8OCIATION, G. 11 Ki,ink, Mortgagee. Attorncy for mortgax-ee. Estáte of Amanda M. Traver. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, as. At a seasion of the Probate Court for the Uounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Prolmte Office, in the Citv of Ann Arbor. on Tuonday, the 27ih day of Ootobcr, in the year one thuusand eight hundred and ninety-six. Present. J. VVillard Itabbiu, Judgeof Trobate. In the matter of the estáte of Amanda M. Traver, deceaeed, AU ;i II. Truver.the adiaiuistrutor ot' said eatate, comes into court r.nd represent tlial be is now pieiartd to render liin linal account ub such admlnistiator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tueadaj', the tlrst dny of De 'ember next, at ten o'elock in the Ibreooon, be assiened tor examlnlng and allowiing Buch account, and thal the heirsatlaw of suid deceaijed, and al] other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at 8 aession of said court th-n lo be holdcD at tbe Probate office in the city of Ann Arhor, and show cause, tf any there bp, why the said account should not be allowed : And it m iurtbei ordered that naid administrator gfve uotice to the persons interested in sald eatate of the pendency of said account, wnd the hearing tbereof, by cauuing a copy of this order to be puhlished in the An Akdor Akous, a newspaper printed and circulated insaid county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAHD BABRITT, [Atruecopy.] Judgeof Probate. (Tb. U. Doty. Probate Register Estáte of Stephen Mills. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Wttshtcnaw, sb. At a sension of the Probate Court for the County of W aeh tena w, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the üth day oi November in the year one thousandeitflit hundred und ninety-six. Present, J. WlllSTd Hiii)bitt, Jude f Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí títepiu-n Mills, deceasf d. On readine and filinthc petitíon dulj' verificdof Clark E, Mills, prayiiif? tbftt a oertaÍD ínstruim;nt now on (Ie in this OOUTt, purport ing to bc the lat witl and tes taai ent oi' said dceeased, inay le udmitted to probate trui that admuiistnitlon oí síiiii estáte may be granted to Charles Milla and Ülemm6 Mills, the executora iu suid will nuined, or toeomi othar ftultable person. Thereupon it ia orderetl, thut Monday.the 7th day ol December next, at ton o'clock in tbe forenoon be assiijned for ïie bearing of said petitioo, and that the devisees, leñatees, and hei re at luw ol sa id deceasttd, and all other persons interested in Huid estáte are required to appear at a aession oi yai1 toart, then to be holdea at the Probate Qffioe in the city ot Ann. Arbor, and show ctiuse, )f any there be, why tbe pi ayer of the petiüoner should not be uranted. And it ie furtlier ordered , that said petitioner give notice to the persons intereated in said estáte of the pendency f said petition und the heariDg thereof, bycauamg a copj of this ordt'rtobe publiöhod in the Ann Abbob Akgus a oewspaper prlntedand iirculated in saidcounty, tb re1 suecesaive weekü previous to said day of hearing. J.WILLAKD BABBITT, [A tniecopy.j Jadyeof Probate, Wm, G. Dott Probate [tegister


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News