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Broken 0 Chain The f amily circle ís never so happy after the chain ís broken and a link taken. Some f amily chains are strong, others weak. Have you a good famíly hi story? Or ís there a tendency to coughs, throat or bronchial troubles, weak lungs? Has a brother, sister, parent or near relative had consumption? Then your family chain is weak. Strengthen it. Take SCOTTS Emulsión of Cod-Iíver OU with Hypophosphites. It makes ríen blood, gives strength and vigor to weak lungs and run-down constitutions. With íts aíd the system throws off acute coughs and colds. It prevents the chain f rom breaking. Shall we send you a book about this, f ree? . For sale by 11 druggists at 50c, and $1.00 SCOTT & BÓWNB, New York. Mortgage Sale. DK1 AULT HAVINü BEEN MADE IN , the condltlons of ;i certuin mortgage oade by c lliver Johnson and Ellzahei h Joba-on in iir Ann Arbor Savinaa Asaociatton, lated November lOth, A. I. 1892, mul recorded 11 the ofnVe of the Register of Deeds, for the 'ouniv of Waabtenaw and state of Mlobigan, ia the lOth day OÍ November, A. ]) 1892, In lberT8of Mortftagea. on nizv 100, on wbioh aortgajie there is rlniimd 10 be due at the late of thls notlce the sum of oue hundred ind slxi.v-riu'lii dollars and Dtnety-two cents, md in attorney'a fö6 of twentyftvc dollars n.. Ided for In Mud mortgage, and no sull or )rocoedinge at law havln been instltuted to recover the moneysaeourod by said mortgage, r m part 1 beroof; Now, therefore, bTvlrtue of the power of ale oontaiued in huid mortgago, and the statite In ench oase made and provlded, notloe is iei-i iiy u'iven on Saturday, the Kit li day of January, A. j. IWT, at 10 o'olock In the 'orenoou, I shall sellat publio auctlon, tol be iirhest bidder, it the east door of the ,'ourt House, In tlieCity of Vnn Arbor, fthat telng the place where the Circuit Courtfor Waantenaw Couuty ia holden), the premises lescflbed In sakl mortgage, or so muuh thereifas niay be neoessary to pay the amount lue on 8&ld inortaife, with sevt'ii per oent, Dterest, and all legal costs, together wltn an K torney's fee of twenty-ftve dollarai conventnted for tbereln, the premlsea belng desirlbed In sald morteage as all thatoertaln lot, leoe ind pareel of land sitúate in the City of nn Arbor, In theCounty of Waghtenawj ind State of Miobittiin, and known and deseribed 18 f olio ws: liOt number Mixteen (16) in .Turnes i. Gott'.s addIMott totheCltyof Ann Arbor. ANN ABBOB BAVINGS &BSOOIATION, '. H. Kt,ine, Mortsasee. Attorney for Mortsafree. Mortgage Sale. rvEFAULTHAVINGBEEN MADE IN THE L' conditlonsof a certaln mortgafïe made by Wttio c'.wiso lo tin' A n n Arbor ëavlngs Absoiation, dated .July 22, A. D. 1886, and rworded ii the office of Register of Deeds. for the ■ountyof Waahtenaw and Htate of Mimngan, ui the lot li day of August, A. ]). 1SW!, In Líber [8 of Mortuages on page lt2, on wliicli inortrajre theiv s eliiimed-to be duo at the data if thirt notiiM; the suin of fourteun hundivp und stxty-eeveu dollars and lifty-two centB, and m ittorney's 1'ee of twenty live dollars provided for in sald mortgaKe, and nosuil or proeeedings at law ba ving heen Instltuted to recover the moneya aecured by said mortguge or any part tliereolNow, thorefore, by virtue of the power oí sale oontaincd tu said mortgaife and the statute in Buch case made and provided, notiee is hereby Kiveii tliuton Saturday, tho ifithday ofjanuary, A. D. 1897, at ten oVlock In the forenoon, I ahall sell at public auctlon, to the blghest iiirtder, at the east front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Mich., (that being the plnce where the Circuit Court lor Waslitenaw County is holden,) the premises describud in saitl mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage, witn Beven per cent. interest, and all Icsul costs, togetber with an attorney's fee oi' twentytlve dollars corivenanted for t lieivm, I be preniiscs being described in sai.i mortgage mr all that eertai" lot, piece aml paroel of land mi hate in tlie City of Ann Arbor, in tho County of Washtcn:i v :lii1 Staio of MIchiKan, anti known and dpscrlbed :ik (ollowa; The cast. twenty-elght (28) feet of lotnumber threo (3) and the twenty-two (22) l'cci of lol number four (4), in block number tjWenty-four i:'4i in Ortnsby & Paye addltlon to said city, acoordingtoi'he recorded plai ihcreof ,N AEBOB BAVING8 A8SOCIATIOK, ( . il Kmxk, Mortgagee' Attornej' for mortgaifee. Estáte of Amanda M. Traver. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wuahtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probat Court for the Oounty of WaBhlenaw.holceu atthö Probute Ofllce. in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the 27th day of Octobur, ín the year one thousaud eight hundred and uinety-slx. Present, J. Willard Habbilt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Amumhi M. ïraver, deceaaed. Ahu H. Traver, the ad rain tetra tor of sdid estáte, comes into cuurt nd representa that he is now pro pared to reuder h ia linal account as SUCb udni instrutor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tueaday, the flrst dny of December tiext, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be asaigued lor examiaing and allowiiog such account, and that the beirs at law of said defi-iiwil, and i tl other persoun interosted In aaid estáte, are required to appear at a eession of aaid court thnn to be holden at ihe Frobate otflce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any the re be, why the said account sbould not be allowed: And it ih lurthei ordered that said tidnunislrator give notiee to the persons interested in eaid estáte of the pendency ol said account, and the hearing thereof, ty causing a copy of this order to be publiahed ia the Ann Akbor Aröus, a newapaper printed and circulated in said county, three aucceasWe weeks previous to Bad day of hearing . J. WII.LARD BABBITT, [Atrueeopy.] Judge of Probate Wm. ü. Doty. Probate Register Estáte of Stephen Mills. ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Uourt for the County of Wuehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbcr, on Friday, the tith day ol November in the year one thousand eight bundred and ninety-six. Present, J. WUlard Babbitt, Jude of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Stephen Mills, deceased. On readlDS and tilinji thepetition duly verifiedof Clark E. Mills, prayitiK that a cortaiu iustruinent now on file in this court, purportin to be the last wjll and testament of sa lel deceased, may be adniitted to probate and tbat administraUon of auid estute may be i'anted to Charles Milla and Ck-mme Milla, the exeoutoru in said wil! named, or to some other suitable rerson. Thereupon it ia ordered, thwt Monday.the 7th day of December next, at ten o'clock m the forenoon be asaiijned for the hearing of said petition, und tbat the devisero, legateea, and hei re at law oí said deceased, and all other persona inicreated in said estáte are required to appear at a uession of sai court, then to bo holden at the Probate Office ín the city oí Ann Arbor, and show cause if any theru be, why the prayer of the petiüoner should not be granted, And ii U further ordered, that said petition er give notiee to the persons intereBtediusaid estáte of the pendeucy of said petition (nd the hearing thereof, by causltyr a copj of thia order tobe publiahed in the Ann Abbok Argus, a uewspaper printed and Mrenlated in said countf, thren succeesivc weeka previous to said day of bearing. J. WILLAUD BABBITT, [A truecopy.] Jadgeof Probate, Wm. O. Doty. Probate Register


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News