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Oratorical League

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The Northern Oratorioal League has been liamueied during the huif dzeu yearts of its existeuce by lack of fuuds. lu five out of six years there has been a deficit in the treasury after the inoidental expenses aud the two prizes of $100 and f50 have been paid. The ouly fnnds of the League are the door reoeipts whicb have always proved inadequate, furcing them to levy npon outside sonrces. Prof. T. C. Trueblood, the organizer of the League, has surmounted this diffioulty. During the Thauksgiviug recesa he made a trip to Chicago to wituesa the Michigan game aud iucideutly culled upuu Mr. Fied W. Peuk in nis office at the Auditorium. From bim he obtained au annual eudowmeut of $150 to be useci as testimouials for the winners in the oratorical ooutest. Mr. Peuk is nnt in favor of the intense iuter-collegiate rivalry in athletics; he is aot a football eutbusiast and the professor fouud him in a receptivo frame of miad, willing to promote an'l eucourage intelleotual rivalry betweeu our colleges. He also cnuseuted to be present aud preside over the Lext coutest, whioh will take place in this city the fitst Priday in May, wben he will deliver the prizes iu persou to the winners.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News