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Bangor is to have a free silver paper. Dipbtberia has broken out at Hancock. Belding's ten faotories are all running on fnll time. Wayne connty charcoal burners are experiencing an incraased demand for their product. Burglars stole a bag of money containing $100 froiu the Lake Shore depot at Jouesville the other night. Bidgeway mercbauts now close their places of business at 7:30 p. ra. exoept Saturdays. This boldg nntil April 1. Herbert Kennedy, of Murenci, died of lockjaw Thauksgiving Day from the effects of a gunshot wound in hi3 arm. Miss Susan Donaldson, wbodiedin Mt. Clemens Tbanksigivng Day, had taught a Öunday School class for 30 years. Ashley and Bannister are in the throes of an oil and coal fever. Oil bas been found at Ashley and coal at Bannister. Leo EyaD, a yonng Brighton lad, ucked an "aJl-day-suoker" down bis tbroat and oame near giving tbe undertaker a job. The term of the present postmaster at Birmingham will not expire for two years yet, bat tbere are 13 hungry applicants for the $1,200 job. Union City fools amuse tbemselves by stretohing ropes aoross the sidewalks to trip up the unwary. A reward of $30 is offered for tbeir apprehension. Benton Harbor business men are planning to form a stock oompany to bnild a $28,000 opera house to replaoe the structnre reoently destroyed by flre. An Ionia man shipped 100 bushels of ehoice apples to Chioago and received as bis share of tbe proceeds of the sale of thern. the munificent sum of 20 cents. A strange epidemie has broken out among the sheep south-east of Tecutnseh, which is supposed to be hydropbobia and many sbeep have been killed. Stellwagen Bros., of Wayne, bonght nearly 1,000 pounds of pepermint oil oue day Jast week. Not f ar from 15,00 pounds will be sold there during the scasou. H. W. Cainpbell. olerk of Monroe county, has been appointed keeper of the legislativo statiouery room at Laning during tbe coming session of the legislatura. Hoq. W. I. Baboock, of Niles, has in one frame all the pictures of Michigan's grand inaster Masons for 50 years past, or dating from Lewis Cass down to W. H. Phillips. The Jaokson farmers' mutual insurance company settled 73 lossea the past year, foi whkih the company paid $13.648. More than half this loss was oaused by lightning. John Johnson, for smuggling Sumatra leaf tobaoco iuto this country last spring was sentenoed to one year in tbe Detroit bouse of correction by the United States District Court at Detroit, Saturday. Many Standish people will lose all their savings of years through the failnre of the Arenac County SavingB Bank, of whioh W. H. Judd, oashier of the First National Bank of East Saginaw, ■was proprietor. Adjt.-Gen. Green's biennial report to Gov Rich praises the Michigan National Guard highly. Tbe number of ofticers.and troops is 2,876 and naval brigade, 103. This is the largest enrollment yet reoorded Last week the Lansing typographical uniou declared a boycott on Baird's opera honse in that city, because the program is printed at a non-union office. Friday night this action was indorsed by tbe council of trades. C. E. Smith, of Liberty, Jackson county, had a terrino battle with a hog wtiich had attacked his six years olc son, recently. He was bitten anr wounded in many plaoes, wbile tbe chiid wa left in a preoarious coudition. David Stephens, of Sault Ste. Marie ■wagered a pair of trousers with a young lady friend. He bet on Bryan. Mr Stephens bas had a pair of bloomerlookiug articles made which were pre sented to her by proxy. The lady in question is looking for him with blood in her eye. Laiuell Cbeesebro, of Mancelona, lost ha Jife Friday by the caving in of a 65-foot well. The buokwheat erop of sonthwestern Michigan was the largest tbis season ior many yeara. Dnring the 25 days of the deer hunting seasun 3,000 deer were slaiD in the upper península. Edwardsburg people are trying to secure the location in tbeir village oí a beet sngar faotory. The band at Soboolcraft bas disbanded. aDd the people of the village can enjoy peace and qniet again. Eaton Rapids is a local option towü, but the nnmber of drnnks seen on ita streets nightly is inoi-easing. Ont of 50 Jackson oonnty persons wbo applied for teachers' certifioates recently only 19 were snooessful. The newsboys' assembly, a hall 70x54 feet in size, at Grand Kapids, was formally dedioated on Sunday. Steps are being taken at Midland for tbe organization of a oitizens' league for the pnrpose of booming the city. The St. Angnstine chnroh bazaar, at Kalamazoo, had a total receipt of $1,800. Pretty good for these time. Between 100,000 and 150,000 square feet of cement sidewalk was laid in Port Huron the past season at a cost of nearly $5,000. F. W. Gilcbrist, of Alpena, will lnmber between 6,000,000 and 8,000,000 feet of logs in bis pinery northeast of Lewiston this season. A Sand Beach man is tbe possessor of a mammoth turnip. It weighs 5% jounds, and measures 30V incbes one way and 25L the other. A man named Walter Fox, who is in ail at) Pontiao for stealing, says he is [2 years of aga and bas been a tbief all lis life. He claims that he cannot help stealing. A 19 yesrs oíd Brooklyn girl has commitied snioide by drinking a bottle of oarbolic acid because tbe yonng man ;o wbom ehe was engagod to be married jilted her. Lewis D. Ortt, of Grand Eapids, aged 23 years, blew the top of bis head off Snnday nigbt, by placing the muzzle of a shotgnn between bis teeth and pulling the tïigger. Central Lake, Antriin oonnty, has experienced a boom the past season. ifive business honses and a schoolhouse lave been erected and the village now ïas 1,000 population. The Wayne connty board of auditors has offtsred a reward of $2,000 for tbe capture of the fiend who criminally assaulted Mrs. Hitzel, of Mt. Elliott ave., Detroit, on Priday last. Chandler Meade, of Troy, six miles east of Utioa, was thrown off a load of hay near Boyal Oak Friday afternoon. Two ribs were broken and be snstained internal injuries. His recovery is in doubt. Croswell has a citizen who can read and write eleven langnages and talk most of thern. They are: Germán, Rnssian, Bohemian, Polish, Hebrew, Latin, Bnglish, Greek, Danish, Swedish and Turkish. The editor of the Maple Rapids Dispatcb says tbe residents of that village arose from their slumbers the other morniDg "to find mother earth oovered with a sable mantle of snow. " "Sable snow" is good. A Laingsburg man hid $105 in bis shirt sleeves une night for safe keeping. He forgot all abont it next morning and when he looked for the bilis after be had been on the streets some time tbey were gone. Postmaster Crampton, of Monroe, has received a flattering notice from the first assistant postmastergeueral at Washington, complimentiug him on the manner in whioh the mail at Monroe has been bandled. An electrio car on tbe Owosso & Cornnua street railway ran into a flook of sheep -which were being driven along tbe road. Tbirteen of the flook were conveited into rantton by rapid transit and 12 more were wounded. Louis Kibadeaon, the 5-year-old son of Barney Ribadeaun, of Mnskegon, bas seoured a verdiot of $1,500 against the C. & W. M. R. R. Co. for bodily injuries received two years ago by being run over by a freigbt train. Col. Henry Cooper, the EDglish giant, wbo stands 8 feet 6 inchea high, and weighs when in good bealth, 400 to 425 ponnds, is taking baths for rheumatism at Mt. Clemens. His weight bas reduoed to 346 ponnds since he was taken down with rheumatism. Allen Cole, of Casnovia, has sued for a divorce and instead of tbe volumiuous list of complaints usually made in snnh a bilí, all it oontaiued were these words: "Defendant deserted yonr orator about ten years ago and your rator has not ssen or heard of the said de fendant since that time." A Mendon man was raising a heavy safe to the seoond Rtory of a building, and when it was alinost up the chain broke, and down oame the safe. When his friends pulled the safe off him with the assistance of a block and tackle, it was found that be was not injured in the least beyoud a few bruises. Sopbronia Root, of Flint, got a judgment of $637.56 aganist R. B. Root for assaulting and battering her. Tbe execution in the case was returned unsatisfied and Root was arrested on a capias and clapped into jaü. Released under $1,300 bail bonds, he left for parts unknown, and now Mrs. Root has a case for $2,000 damages against Sheriff Garner for letting him gpt away. The Jonesville Gazette is responsible for the following: "Confldenoe is restored - hnve just put in two more inen!" was the laoghing remark of Frank Barker a few days sinoe. Whu it is considered that Frank is a fnnerul director, his remark appears like a grave joke. Gus Sobroder, of Mnnkegon, invited a friend into his room and tben robberl bim of $20. Two years and a half at lonia. An Iouia oonnty farmer fed bis apple erop, wbich was alinost wortbless to bim, to a lot of lean boga wbioh he had. He bas just sold the bogsfor 111. The "800" Light Gnards, 70 Rtrous, which will be one of the companies of the Fifth regiment, M. N. G., was mnstered in Friday night by InspectorGeneral Walsb, of Port Hnron. In a qnarrel ovei' an old razor od Tbanksgiving Day, Charles Vandewood, of Rudyard, 20 miles from Sanlt Ste. Marie, shot Wm. MoGinn m the back witb probably fatal resalts. A ■well-known citizen of McBain wod three tnrkeys at a raffle. He put une in a box outside of tbfi door, bnt it was stolen. Tben he set his foot on the neck of the next one, bat some one ent the head off and raii away witb the body. He managed to get the tbird home safely. Dr. EngeneíKellogg, a qnack doctor, who claimed hu conld cnre every ill tbat afflicts tbe human race, was killed by his own medicines in WellB township, Tnscula couuty, last week. He waa concccting a mixture of belladonna and extract of dandelion, with wnioh he proposed to treat Mrs. A. Vandemark for cáncer. Every now and again as the mixture was cooking be wonld take a sip of it and also gave some to Mra. Vandemark. He suddeuly went ont to the barn and dropped dead Mrs. Vandermark's life was saved with difflcnlty. He was illiterate and unable to read.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News