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Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp, Monday night, a baby girl. The December Munspy contains a portrait and write np of Goveruor-elect Pingree. The Hay & Todd Mfg. Cq. snffered to thB tnne of $1,323.42 by the Mabley & Co. failure. George W. Ballis and J. E. Beal left forj'Soath Carolina Tuesday moruiug. VVhile there it ie stated they will purchase 20,000 aores of tiruber land. Wagner & Biermaun, the machinists on W. Washington st., bave dissolved partnership The business will be carried on iu future by Fred Biermann. Stickers, which can be seen in almost auy oonspicuous place in the city, announce the dates of the Aun Arbor Light Infantry Midwinter Circus, Jan. 12 to 1 ti, 1897. The sale uf stamps at the Ann Arbor post office during the month of November amounted to $2,797. 55. During November, 1895, the sale amouuted to $3. IJ 3.09, a falling off tb is month of $315.54. The attendanoe at the Young Men's Cbristian Association rooms during the dullest day last week was 60. This is strongly indicativo of the good that the assooiation is doing among the young men of Ann Arbor. The chorus choir of Zion Lutheran church, nnder the direction of Luuis Boes, will present tbe cantata "Jesús of Nazareth" some time during the boliday season in the ohurch. They ar3 uow busily engaged in praoticing the music. Better Times, Bach & Butler's publication, for December, coatains a spleudid article upon the CJniversity School of Music, written by Prof. L. D. VVines, which is handsomely illnstrated witb portraits of the faculty, and oiScers of the school. At the anuual meeting of the Young Men's Chrietian Associatiou Tuesday eveuing, the following gentlemen were elected directora: For three years, Chas. W. Wagner, George L. Moore, Henry Bichards, Arthur E. Mummery. To flll vacancy, Martin Haller, Alvick A. Pëarson. A description of every dog taken in by Dog Catcher Joe, Blackburn will hereafter be filed with City Clerk Mills, so if you have lost your dog au 'enquiry at the city offices on N. Fuurth ave. may save its life Dogs are held four days at the dog pound for identificaton, and payment of the license fee and expenses will secure their release. There has always been a dispute, espeoially among biojcle riders, as to the distance between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. H. P. Glover gives the following figures, which is according to the survey along the motor line : From tbe oorth line of Congress st. to the door of the post office at Ann Arbor is exaotly 8.72 miles or very near 8% miles. - Times Dr. B. L. McElroy, the new pastor of the First M. E. church, will be the speaker at the Young Men's Christian Association men's meeting next Sunday at 2 :45 p. m. Mr. Frank Smith, of Ypsilanti, will render a violin solo. The meeting will be held in the rooms over Tinker's store. All men invited. The subject of the address will be "How a youug man helped his fellow. " The teachers of the Sewing School are preparing for a Chrismas dinner for the children and ask their friends to assist them witb food, candy, nuts, frait or money. There are 90 cbildren to serve. Donations of money can be handed to the superintendent, Miss Browïi, 17 Church st. , at any time. Some ladies will solioit soon, so they will know what to depend on. The dinner will be served on Saturday, Deo. 2G. Gilmore's Band gave a fine concert at the Grand opera house Tuesday evening to a very small audience considering the talent contained in the organization which numbers 52 persons. The soprano solos of Miss Marie Donavin and the 'cello solo of Mr. Victor Herbert, the conductor, were much admired. Miss Donavin's solos were both encored but she merely bowed her acknowledgetnenfcs. Two or three of the band numbers were encored and were responded to. The Owosso Argus says: "Sprague Filmore, son of William T. Filmore, of Grover st., was operated on fot strangulated appendix Saturday evening, by Dr. William J. Herdman, of the medical department of the U. of M., at Ann Arbor. It was an unusually difficult operation of its kind, and its success cannot yet be fully determined, as fears are entertained of other complication. Mr. Filmore was Dr. Waite's patiënt, who, with Dr. Hume, assisted Dr. Herdman. The operation lasted from8:30p. m. to 12 :15 a. m. " Washtenaw .Lodge, No. 9, Otseningo Lodge, No. 295, Ann Albor En(lampment, No. 7, Cantón Ann Arbro, No. ; 30, and liois Lodge, No. 115, Daugbters of Rebekah, I. O. O. F., will hold a joint meeting at the new iiall in tbe Henning block, next Monday evening, to rnake arrangements for the public dedication of the hall by the grand officers of the order and the public installation of officers of the two subordínate lodges and the Daughters of Rebekah, whicb will take place .lan. 6, 1897 Tbe ceremonies will be followed by a banquet. Born, to Ald. and Mrs. C. A. Maynard, Tuesday, a nine pound girl. Fi-aternity Lodge, F. & A M., and Ann Arbor Lodge, K. of P. , elect their uiïïoers for the coming year this evening. Joseph Marión, of Chicago, for beiog drmik on the streets, got 20 days in jail from Justice Pond on Wednesday. A one lpfjged bicyclist has attracted considerable attention the past few days as hfi wheeled about the city with perfect ease. Humane Officer Peterson found an old horse with a broken leg on a farm north of tbe city tbe other day and promptly put an end to its existence. Invitations have been iesued for a leap year danoing party to be given by the young ladies of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger's classes od VVednesday evening next at the academy. The advancad class in elocution at the high Kobool gave a public program yesterday afternoon, in room G, consisting of selectious from poems and prose writings of Eugene Field. Aid. John Koen lost a $S warrant for bis services on the election board the other day. The finder of it migbt just as well return it to the alderman as payment on it bas been stopped. Eli Moore, superintendent of the Ann Arbor Agricultural Co., says more orders have been received the past few weeks than ever before in the history of tbe company in the same length of time. Jacobs & Allmand, the shoe dealers in the Washinton Block, E. Washington st., announce their intention of dissolving partnership and going out of business. They advertise the olosiDg out of their entire stock within the next few weeks. Miss Gertrude Kress gave a very pleasant party Friday evening in honor of her guest. Miss Foster, of Chelsea, at her home on Kingsley st The program of the evpning's amusement consisted of vocal and instrumenta music and card playing. The verdict of the jury in the coroner's inquest held over the body of James A. West, who committed suicide Friday morning, was that he came to his death from an overdose of morphine administered by his own hand with suicidal intent. At the meeting of Fraternity Lodge, No. 263, F. & A. M., Friday evening, Prof. Myron O. Graves, superintendent of the Petoskey public schools, took his Master Mason's degren. He received the other two dfgrees some years ago in the same lodge. Bishop Hall's fiftb lecture will be delivered at St. Andrew's cburch, Suuday eveuing at 7 :30 o'clook, an the subject, "The temptation of power." The series wil] close with tbe sixth lecture, to be rinlivered at St. Andrew's cburch, Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 8 p. m. on tbe subject, "The sequel of the temptation. " Deputy County Treasurer P. J. Lehman has been appointed probate register by H. Wirt Newkirk, the new judge of probate. Philip Blum, jr. , of Lodi, is to be County Clerk Schuh's deputy. Jacob Brown, of Freedom, a brother-in-law of Treasurer Wm. F. Rehfuss, will succeed Mr. Lehman as deputy treasurer. Several Ann Arbor oitizens have expressed their intention of bidding for small portions of the $10,800 of sewer bonds issued the city. The bonds are of $500 denomination eaoh and bear interest from Ang. 27 at 5 per cent. It iá a good safe investment for anybody's money and pays good interest. All the bids must be in by Deo. 21. Mrs. James Shirley, of this city, died in Jackson Saturday, of consumption, and her remains were brought here Monday for interment. The funeral services were held at the First M. E. church Monday afternoon, followed by interment in. Forest Hill cemetery. Just about a month ago Mr. Shirley committed suicide while in a fit of despondency. Lost week George G. Stimson purchased the James homestead, 25 E. Liberty st, for the suin of $2,500. The property is the balance oí' the original lot of 60 feet front with the old brick hoase which has been owned by the James farnily for 41 years. It was formerly owned by Judge Olney Hawkins and was by him eold to Enoch James in 1855. It nrigiually oonsisted of three full lots, extunding on Liberty st. from the Hyde property on the e&st, to Mrs. Price's property on the west. Five dwellings are now erected on this property. Rehearsals are now in progress for a dramatic entertainment by local talent, nnder the auspices of Ann Arbor Cbapter, No. 122, O. E. S. Tbe society comedy drama entitled "Fate" will be given. This play was written by Bartley Campbell for Fanny Davenport, some ten years ago. This in itself will eusure a drama of merit. The performance will take place at the opera house, Monday, Dec. 14. Tickets for the entertainment will be on sale at Watts' Jewelry store, S. Main st., Palmer's Pharmacy, S. State st. , and other places, also by members of tbe order.Fnll particulars will be given next week. The Christmas Scribner has another of those brilliant and beautiful coveis in gold and colors that first attraoted popular favor on last summer's Fiution Nnmber. The Cbrishnas design is by Bryson Burroughs. Anotber example of snecessful color printing, in which Soribner's is leading the way, is in the twelve pages of decorative designs which Oliver Herford has made, to aoeompany Kenneth Grahame's story. '"Tlie Magie Ring."-1 This is the author's first appearance in an Arnerioan magazine. He made his reputation here with "The Golden Age" - an idyl of childhood that bas been already called a "classic" by eminent critics. Today is pension day and tbe old vets are seuding in their pension vouchers to be cashed. Miss Sarah Pardee, aged 84 years, a resident of Ypsilnnti since the early thirries, died Wednesday after a lingering sickness. . The opening hop of Goethe Commaudery, No. 28, ü. F. of M., last evening was a well attended and successful affair. iu tbe case of the People vs. August, Redéis, for assault and battery on bis wife tried in Justioe Pond 's court Wednesday, the jury disagreed. D. F. Schairer has not got smallpox in bis family, but a friend in Chicago sent bis boys a couple of goats which he says are jnst about as bad. E. E. Hart,' assistant to Prof. E. D. Campbell, iu the chemical laboratory, was badly burned about the face and hands Tuesday by the explosión of bromipe. Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Nancrede save a reception at their home, No. 4 Cornwell place, yesterday afternoon and evening in honor of their oldest daughter, Miss Edith Nancrede. A sneak theif stole nearly $20 from the cash register drawer in the Cook house bar on Wednesday evening at 10:30 o'olock, after tbe barkeeper had locked up and was gone to get a lunch. Tbe Ann Arbor Humane Society is about to become an incorpoiated body. It will have two objects to prevent, cruelty to animáis and also to cnildren Judge N. W. Cheever drew up the necessary incorporation papers. Michael Shea was arrested Tuesday night by Officer Huhn for being drunk and disorderly. He was taken to tbe jail and at once started in and licked a fellow prisoner. Wednesday morning Justice Pond gave him 60 days in jail for his quarrelsome disposition. Rev. Perry Millar's lecture on the "Land of the Midnight Sun" at the Prestvyterian chnerh last evening in the ï. M. C. A. lyceum lecture cours, was "one of the finest." His eloquent accounts of travel in Norway and Sweden were simply deiightful. The Saturday evening class at Granger's academy now enjoys dancing to orchestra music. The Monday evening, oi married people's class, will open for the winter season next Monday evening and a full attendance of those intending to join it is desired by Mr. Granger.