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Milán is to bave a dancing scbool in tbe near future. Henry Abbey died at his borne in Wbittaker, Snnday, aged 75 years. M. E. Keeler's fine farm in Sharon has been christened tbe "Maize Farm." M. L. Raymond, of Sharon, raised 2,560 bushels of corn on 25 acres of ground thi3 year. Edward Brenion has pnrchased Mrs. Sohmid's homestead in Bridgewater, oonsisting of 600 acres. The receipts for the fii'st entertainment of tbe Milán high school lecture course aruounted to $45. George C. Moore, of Ypsilauti town, dislocated bis shoulder recently. He is all right agaiu now however. The December term of "the oircuit oourt which opened on Honday, had 11 Ypsilanti cases ou the docket. Ed. Cornwell received an order on Saturday f rom Washington, D. C. , for 300 barrels of Ypsilanti mineral water. Several membera of the cbapter of Eastern Star at Manobester will pay a visit to the Brooklyn chapter thjs eveniug. The animal meeting of the Michigan Shropshire Breeder's Association will be held in Lansing, Tnesday of uext week. The hen roost of Supervisor Hall, of Sharon, was raided the other uight and a number of ohoioe fowls were takeu. The Grass Lake News says: "Chelsea Uheap Johns are scurrying throngh the :ountry raking in all the poultry they can flnd. " The Dexter Leader says there never was a period in the Mstory of the Dexter school when it was more prosperons than at the present time. The one week old cbild of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schairer. of Scio, died Friday morning and was buried in the Scio churehyard Snnday morning. The boiler, machiuery and apparatus for the Manohester cheese factory bas been placed iu position and the business was started up Wednesday. B. B. Morgan, of Ypsilauti, bas takeu out patents on his block signal railway signal apparatus, and raiiway signal aud interlock switch signal. Miss Jessie Stever, of Milán, has commenced her eighth cousecutive term as teacher in the Barns' district, Londou townsbip. She is evidently appreciated. Dr. Walter Fowler, of Clinton, a fornier resident of Saline, bas aooepted a cali í'rom the M. E. church to establish a medical missionary station in Liberia. Thomas McAndrew, of Ypsilanti, slippad off a table ou which be was standing, Satorday, and sprained bis ankle so badly that be bas bad to use crutches since, President Kimble, of Manchester, bas received a letter frorn soine parties who would like to start a fouudry aud machine shop in tbat place, if some of the citizeus wonld taka stock in tbe ooncern. Eev. Bastian Smits, pastor of the Ypsilanti Oongregational churoh, reoeived a flattering cali frona the Congi'egationalists of Charlotte last week. Ou Sunday he announoed to his congregation that he had deolined the cali. Claude Raymond, son of Geo. Raymoud, of Sharon, underwent a surgical operation at Aun Arbor, Monday of last week, for a disease of tbe peritoneurn. His condition on emerging from the ordeal was prononnced highly favorable for recovery. - ürass Lake News. The new pump of the Ypsilanti water works was formally tested for an hour on Friday last and showed a capaoity of 3, 250,000 gallons in 24 bours. The oontract callad for a pnmp tbat wonld stand 100 pounds pressnre, but the pnmp stood a pressnre of 120 ponnds on Friday. The Monroe cirouit court bas granted a divorce to Irving Beacb, of Ypsilanti township, against his wife, who lives in Alonroe connty. She had sued him for divorce, and he filed a cross bill by his attorney, M. J. Cavanaugh, of Ann Arbor, and gained bis case, with tbe cnstody of his little daughter Cora May. The. devotiou of the Fotty Hours' Prayer iu böuoi of Onr Blested Lady will commeaci iu St. Marv's( cburcb, Chelsea, ou The devotion will open wit!) hg,i rniiss on Suuday at 10:30 a. ra. An elo ueut Redernptorist Father fr m Detroit will candnct the exercises, Wbiob wül close on Tuesday evening. Pinckmy will settle its post office soramble by the oallot. Jauob Trautweiu and George Viukle have opeDed a furuiture repair shop iu D xter. Xhe Chelsea stove factory has again started up after beiug ehut down for two weeks. George Wiard, of Ypsilanti plains, has reuenfly filled au order for 600 barrles of eider. President George Hindley will lectura in tbe Baptist ohurch, Dexter, on Mouday evening. A horse belonging to Mr. Nelsou, who lives on the old Doe. Beunett place near Ypsilauti, was killed by the oiirs near the Peninsular milis Sunday night. A cow kicked a lamp over in a shed attacbed to the barn of W. L. Oelke, iu Ypsilauti, Mrmday eveuing. The abed and hay oontained in it were burned but the barn and its contenta were saved. Duudee may havo a stook food boiler mauufaciory iu its midst. M. J. App e. of Tifliu, O., the inventor, was iu tbe village lookiug over the situatiou last week. The December meeting of the Saline Farmers' Club was beid at the residence of Mr. aud Mrs. Chas H. Coldron on Friday last. An interesting program was gone throngh witb. The Hamburg M. E. Sabbath school is preparing tbe cantata "The Toymakers of Wouderland" whicb they will render Christmas evening in tbe M. E. church. The first Methodist Episoopal quarterly meeting of tbe conference year was held at the Milan ohnreb, Saturday evening and Sunday. Presiding Eider L. P. Davis was present throughont the services. The offleers of the Dnndee lodge of Oddfellows for the usning term are : N. G., Frauk Boor; V. G , Chas. 1 kerson ecretary, H. G. Drew ; treasnrer, H. A. Wilkerson; captain of degree team, A. H. Cnrtis. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bartlett, of Bridgewater, were given a surprise Mouday eveoiug of last week it being their fourteeuth wedding auuiversary. Over 40 of their neighbors and friends ware present and a grand time is reported. Richard G. Monks, who was arrested in New York last week for forgery, had in nis pockets blank cheoks on 200 different bauks, a punoh snoh as is nsed in banks, a loaded rev ilver and pictures of "two beautiful young women, taken in Ypsilanti, Mich." t Jobn Gordou, of Saline, Everett Daven port, of York, Sherruan Cook, of Urania, and Will Hopkins, of Milan, were four out of a party of flva deej hunters, who spent the season in the ] woods in Alger county and secured 13 deer for their share of the hunt. Frank L. Martin, wbo has been day operator here for several months, has accepted tbe position of station agent at Tjaketon Junctiun, Iudiana, aud C. A. McLeruore, tbe nigbt operator, has been given the day job. We have not yet learned who will take the night job here - Milan Leader. Farmer Joe Peck, of Superior, while plowing one day recently, had a serious encounter with the off handls of his plow, causod by a ooncealed stone. The haudle came cff victorions, laying Joe out in the first round. Heis now able to be around again, and says he ] don't want any more of it. - Ypsilandi Commercial. Mrs. Cordelia Cooper died at tbe resideuce of her son-in-law, Rev. J. Ward j Stone, in Milan, Tuesday of last week, aged 82 years, 2 months and 22 days. I The funeral services were held I day afternoon and were coudneted by ', Rev. M. L Marvin, of Saline. The remains were taken to Niágara Falla. I Ont., and interred in the oemetery tbere. Charles Mclntosb and Lou Brownwho live near Gilbert Riggs' place south of Belleville, were arrested last week ou suspicion of being the men who stole Mr. Riggs' cattle, slaughtered tbem and then brought the meat and bides to Ann Arbor and sold them. They pleaded uot gnilty aud were taken to the Wayne county jail at Detroit in defanlt of 300 bail.. A lively runaway took place at the freight house, Manchester, on Tbursday of last week. Fred Mahrle, of Bridgewater, had a load of hogs in his wagon, his team became frightened at the cars, draggpd Fred on tbe rough grouud for some distance, overturued the wagon and spilied tbe porkers out, smashed one wheel of the wagon aud ran into the marsh near the frog pond where they were captured. - Manchester Enterprise. A w ornan who pretended to bail frorn Hillsdale. ciroulated about this village a few days ago in the role of an irnpudent beggar. At one house sbe knocked and cried out in rapid tones, "Let me in ! Let me in ! Let me in quick, or you won't go to heavon!'" At other dwellings she demanded money, clothes, etc., and acted like a lunatio. Some one offered to introduce her to the village marshal, which so offended the sensitive creature that she took the first train east for Chelsea. - Grass Lake News. Augustine H. Hotchkin, of Saline, died Monday of last week, aged 86 y6ars and 29 days. He came to Michigan in 1840 froru York state, locating in Lodi with his wife and two children. In 1857 he sold his Lodi home and after a year's residence in Saliue, removed to York township, wbere tbey lived until 1881 when he and his wife, who died six years ago, removed to Saline with their daughter, Mrs. S. A. Fitzgerald. Four of his flve children survive him. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church, Saline, Wednesday of last week, and he was buried in Oakwood cemetery. Chelsea young people are enjoying fiue skating. Work on repairiug tbe Sylvan church has beea o uniuenced. Wm. Benz, of Webster, has just bad cornpleted on bis farm a fiue reservoir wbich will hold 80 barrels of water. Miss F. Maude üoodell, of Manchester, bas closed a sncoessfal term of school in district No. 4, Bridgewater. A young man named Ballard, living near tho Quaker cbnrob, in Augusta tovvuship, was out rabbit bunting Tuesday moruing when bis gun was accideutally disuharged and tbe charge carried away tbe lower part of one of his wrists and tbe palm ot tne band. Dr. Huestou, of Ypsilauti, attended to his injnry. A few days siuce while A. W. Lashier, of Saline, was cutting tbe bide of a Texas oritter into harneas straps, be run into several large shot located in different paris of tbe skin. They were eaibedded out of sight from eitber side aud had doubtless been shot theie when tbe cattle were being berded. - Saline Observer. Twenty-four men and 15 women have orgauized tbe Auti-Saloou League of ypsilanti by electing ofiicers and ïnakiug arrangements for tbe appointrneut of an executive oommittee of 15. Tbe officers are as f ollows : President, Prof. Daniel Putnam ; vice president, F. A. Todd; secretary, Rev. E. P. Goodrioh; treasurer, Bert Uomstock. Miss Martha Albau died at the home of her rnotber, Mrs. C. W. Alban, of Willis, ou Mouday of last week, of typboid fever, after an illness of four weeks' duration. She had bgen organist of tbe Willis M. Ë. church ohoir for three years and will be gceatly missed by a large cirole of friends. She was a prominent Normal school student. The Milan Knights of Pythias are making elabórate preparatious for their New ïear's ball and entertainment. In tbeir ludge room and bauquet hall in the Gauntlett block tbey wil! give an elabórate entertainment and bounteous supjei. The ball will be giveu in the opera house, and is to be made the e vent of the sea&on. - Milan Leader. The ladies of the Milan Presbyterian ohurch will have a bazaar in the Oddfellow's hall in that village tomorrow afternuon and evening, at which they will endeavor by all the innocent wiles known to tbem to extract tbe shökels from the pookets of the unwary Milanese in exobange fur the go.ods they offer for sale. It is said by the Milan Leader tbat the supper will be a "dream. " Excuse us, when it comes to supper we would ratber bave the reality aud take the "dream" afterwards if we have to.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News