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Secret Society Elections

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Last week and this have been notable among the different secret societies in the city and county on account of the elections of officers that have been held in the several lodges. Below are given a few of the results: Fraternity Lodge, No. 262, F. & A. M., held its annual election Friday evening and it was noticeable for its more than usual excitement. The result was as follows: VV. AI., Dr. F. G. Novy; S. W.,H. G. Prettyman; J..W., Elmer E. Beal ; treasurer, C. E. Hiscock; secretary, O. W. Greentuau; S. D , Walter T. Seabolt; J. D., A. A. Pearson ; tyler, Thomas Taylor. A committee consisting of H. G. Prettyman, Dr. V. H. Dorrance and Prof. M. E. Oooley was appointed to procure a suitable testimonial to be presented to the retiring master, C. B. Davison, who by bis long and faithfol occupancy of the master's chair has done so much for the welfare of Fraternity lodge. Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 44, K. of P., elected its officers for the ensuing year on Friday evening last as follows: C. O., John Lindenschmitt; V. C, Fred Barker; prelate, Dr. J. L. Rose; E., Henry Herser; M. of F., M. C. Peterson; K. of R. and S., Charles Ream ; ! M. of A., Nicholas Glaser; delégate to Grand Lodge, John Lindenschmitt. The officers of Branch No. 14, C. M. B. A., at its annual meeting, j day evening, chose the following j officers for the ensuing year: Chancellor, Thos. Haven; president, M. J. Cavanaugh ; lt vice president, N. Camp; 2d vice president, Ben O'Neil; recording secretary George H. Fisher ; assistant secretary ; Wm. H. McIntyre, jr. ; financial secretary, B. St. James; treasurer, James Boyle; marshal, George Cropsey; guard, M. Williams; trustees, Will Conlon, Frank Camp, Wm. McDonald; representative to Grand Council, George H. Fisher; altérnate, Morgan J. O'Brien. The election in Washtenaw Chapter, R. A. M., Monday evening, resulted as follows: L. O. Goodrich, H. P. ; W. H. Dorrance, K. ; J. Fred Hoelzle, S. ; I C. E. Hiscock, treasurer ; N. D. Gates, secretary ; W. E. Howe, C. of the H. : H. G. Prettyman, P. S. ; George L. Moore, R. A. C. ; Elmer E. Beal, M. of Sd V. ; Oscar Burkhart, M. of 2d V. ; Robert Phillips, M. of lst V. ; Thomas Taylor, sentinel. All but one of the members of J. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90, S. of V., were present at the annual meeting Monday night. The officers elected for the ensuing year were : C. M. Stevens, captain; E. G. Krapf, firat lieutenant; Henry Allmendinger, second lieutmant; W. O. Thomas, G. VV. Coats and W. H. Krapf, camp council; G. W. Coats, delégate ; James B. Saunders, jr., altérnate; Major Harrison Soule, installing officer. Instaüation occurs early in January. The Modern Woodmen elected the following officers Monday night: Venerable consul, Enoch Sears; worthy advisor, John Lucas; cierk. G. P. Stauch ; eminent banker, Wm. M. Shadford; esoort, Edward Muehlig; watchman, Ernest Kitson ; sentry, Henry Kitson ; managers, John Mahlke, William Barrows, August Sinke; physicians, Drs. J. Boylan and E. A. Clark; forester, Henry Meuth ; delégate, Enoch Sears; altérnate, Wm. Shadford. After the election 35 persons sat down to lunch furnished by the new officers. Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. R., elected the following officers at its meeting Tuesday evening for the coming year: Com. , Horace P. Danforth ; senior vice com., Wm. A. Clark-, junior vice com., N. Woodmansee; chaplain, W. K. Childs; post surgeon, W. F. Bieakey; officer of the day, Hi A. Sweet ; quartermaster, O, S. Elmer ; officer of the guard, W. H. Fisher; inside sentinel, Conrad Noll ; outside sentinel, J. T. Jacobs; delegates, Dr. Breakey, C. Noll; alternates, W. A. Clark, Patrick Irwin. Ypsilanti Lodge, No. 128, F. & A. M., elected the following officers Thursday evening of last week: W.M., Charles Stevens; S. W., M. M. Read; J. W., George Wilson; treasurer, E. B. Newhall; secretary, F. B. Deubel; S. D. , W. W. Brooks; J. D., Elmer McCullough; tyler, William Court; stewards, Messrs. Dolson and Thompson. Excelsior Chapter, No. 25, R. A. M., of Ypsilanti, held its annual meeting Friday evening and elected the followiDg officers: H. P., Wm. A. Moore; K., F. H. Barnum ; S., M. M. Read ; treasurer, George F. Schaffer; secretary, George A. Cook; C. H., B. W. Kief; P. S., C. R. Lambert; R. A. C, C. R. Huston; M. 3d V., Wm. J. Hyzer; M. 2d V., T. L. Tower; M. lstV., Wm. Webb; guard, George W. Kishlar; chaplain, W. H. Sweet. Curpenter Post, No. 180, G. A. R., of Ypsilanti, on Friday evening elected I the following officers: Commander, C. C. Carr; S. V. C, John Chapman; J. V. C, Nelson B. Tuttle; geon, A. C. Cutler; chaplain, C. W. I Haynes; O. of D., A. D. L. Kniseley; O. of G., DeGrove Shipman ; repiesentative, Milton Van Tassel ; altérnate, Henry Hodgkins. Phoenix Lodge, No. 13, F. & A. M., Ypsilanti, on Tuesday evening elected the following officers for the ensuing year: W. M., W. S. Carpenter; S. W., B. W., Kief; J. W., C. R. Lambert; treasurer, H. R. Suovill; secretary, George A. Cook; S. D. , John Van Fossen ; J. D., E. W. Thorn ; stewards, Oscar Gareissen and A. L. Smith ; tyler, George Kishler; representative to Grand Lodge, Adam Turnbull. The installation of officers will be held Dec. 15. Queen City Lodge, No. 167, K. of P. , Ypsilanti, elected its officers Monday evening; C. C, B. H. Com8tock; V. C, O. E. Pratt; prelate, C. R. Stevens; M. of W., Fred Kenny M. of E., B. W. Keif; M. of F., W. J. Clark; K. of R. & 8., F. L. Showerman; M, of A . , Fred Green; I. G., Frank jjliller; O. G., F. D. McKeaud. Followiog are the offlcers of Comstock Post, G. A. R., oí Manchester, elected Tuesday evening, Dec. 1, for the coming year: Conimauder, Thos. F. Rushton,; senior vine commander, Dan. Bnroh ; junior vice, H. H. Fellows; quartenn-aster, John Braun ; chaplain, R. E. Teeter; officer of the day, George Nisle; officer of the guard, A. A. Stringham; delégate, H. Kirchhofer; altérnate, George Sherwood. The Milan Knights of Pythias have elected offir.ers for the ensuing year as follows: C. C, Milton W. Hitchcock;; V. C, George D Chandler; M. of F., Elou Gauntlett; M. of E., E. Warner; K. of R. and 8., Charles Steidle; prelate, Clarence F. Needham; M. at A , G W. Hitchcock; I. G., Frank C. Heath; O. G., Lloyd Ward. The followiEg are the officers of Chelsea Lodge, No. 194, K. of P., elected at their meeting Wedneeday evening, Dec. 2: C. C. Geo. A. BeGole ; V. C, Julius M. Klein; P., Bert J. flowIfitt; M. of W., Chauncey M. Stevens; K. ofR. and S, Beit B. TurnBull; M. ofF., John D. Watson; M. of E., Edgar A. Williams; M. at A., Geo. W. Beckwith ; I. G., Thomaa Speer; O. G, Ernest E Shaver; trustee for three years, Harmon S. Holmes; representative to Grand Lodgo, P. O. James L. Gilbert; altérnate, P. C. Hiram Lighthall.