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Throat Cöughs Is there a tickling ín the throat? Do you cough a great deal, especially when lying down? Are you hoarse at times? Does nearly every cold you take settle ín your throat? These "throat coughs" are very deceptive. Don't neglect them. Troches, or cough syrups won't touch the spot. You must take remedies that will enrich the blood, tone up the nerves ; and heal the inflamed membranes. SCOTTS EMULSIÓN of; Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites contains such remedies. It has wonderful nourishingi aod healing power. The cause of the cough ís removed; the whole system is given new life and vigor % and the danger j f rom threatening lung trouble is swept away. Book about it free. For sale by all druggists at 50c and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. Mortgage Sale. "EFAULT HAVINO BEEN MADE ,J J the conditions, of :i eertain mortgng lade by Ollver Johnson ai d Elizabeth John on to the Ann Arbor Sa vin tra Assoeiatior ated Novpmbor lOth, A. I). 1892, and record, i the office of the Kegistcr of Dorcls.for f 'ouuty of Washtcnaw and utate of Michltfr n the li t li day of November, A. D 18fl ber TB of Mortgages, on pae 100, on whiott iortga(re there Is clainied to be duo at tht ate of thls nottce the sum of one hundred nd alxty-elght dolíais and nlnety-twocentt. nd an attorney's fee of twonty üvo dolían rovidcd tdr in BBld mortgage, and no sutt oi iroceedlngs a,t law havlng been lnsti'utedt 'OtMivor iho rjQon6ys seourcd by said mortgage t B n pa il 1 lint'nl : Now, therefore, bwlrtue of the power ot ale contnincd in said mortgage, and the statte in sucb case made and provlded, notlce la ereby glven that on Saturday, the Hit h cmy f January, A. D. 1897, t 10 o'olock In the orenoon, t shall sell al public auctlon, to tbe ilgbest bidder, at tin; 'ust door ( thu ouri House, in the Olty of Ann Arbor, 'that i'lniï the place where the Circuit Courtfp Vashicnau Oounty 18 holdon), the premisa escrlbed n said morti;iKu, or eo mncli tho fasmay ! netessary to pay the ainm;.... uo on said mortgage, with soven per cent." nterest, mui all Ick:i1 costs, together witii in ittorney'a fei i ftwenty-flve dolliira'Convenuted for therein, the premises being desrtbed In said mortgage all that eertaln lot, lieer and l el oi liuid sil uate in the Olty Of nu wbor, in tbeCounty of Washtenaw, and Itate of Michigan, and known and descilbed s follnws: Lot number sixteen (18) In Jainea t, Gott's addltlon totheCityof Ann Ar bc ANN AUHOi: SAVINGS A8SO0lATIOlk J. H. MortgHgeo.E A'.toiney lor Mortcnpee. Mortgage bale. DEPADLT HA VING BEEN HAHE IN THE eondli.onpof a certain uu ni gage made by 4etti6 0 Ise to the Ann Arhor Savinfffi Assoitatloa, dalrd .1 11 ) 22, A. I). 1895. umi recoided ii the ■ Hii-e of the Résister of Deeds. for the 'ounty of Washtfiinw and ftateoi M i'li'jian in the lOth rtaj ol August, A. D. I8K, in I.ilici Bol MortgaVes on paire 162, fin whlch mortrage there ís clatmed to le chic if tlile notloe the suiii of lnimfrvi md elxt.i-pfivcn cloliurs and Hfiy-two cents nul ;in iiiioriHy's li f nf twenty five dolíais provided ti r In sald mr'naire, and nosuitor jroceedlngsui law having o en lntitated to recover the moneys secuied by sald mortgage r iiu.v pari thereof Now, theretore, by virtuo of the power of sale oontalned in said mortgage aml thi jtatuto In such i'ape nijidi and pi ovidru.noure hereby gien thai on iaturday, the Sthdaj i January, A. D. IM)T, at ten o'clock in the r r-n on, 1 sliall teil at puMie auction, to itni ghot blrtder at the easi front door of ie Coin i House, In thecityof Ann Arbor, VI job., (thiit being the plce here the rircuit '"ourt for WiislitcTüi'v i ounty is holden.) thej promises descrlbed fn suul cnortgagi or sol niuofa theteo) :i may be ncceeuary to imyj the amount dne on Huid mnrtf?a(re. wltnl scven per cent Interest, and nll leeul costs, togrether itli an attornty'n fee ol twentyñvo dollars con veaanted for t here n, the premis B being desciibed in Kiid mortgage as all that oertal lot, pleoe and iarcel of laid situate In ihe City of Ann Arbor. In the C unty of Wachtenaw and state of Michigan, nd kiimin uní! dpscrlbed follows; The east twenty-elght(28) fietof Int number tline(ü) and Lf e twenty-two i'"'i of 1 t uuinbr four (il, in blook number twenty-four tZtj ín ( irmsbj & Page addH ion io s-.iiil city, acopra ing to the recorded plat thereof ANN AKBOK 8AVINGS AS8OCIATION. 0, H Klink, Mortgagee' Attoraej for mortgagee. Estáte of Adeline C. Lockard. STATE OF M ICHIQAN, C0UNT7 of Washtknaw, 88. At a sessioo ol thi Prob'ate Court fnr the ('ounty ol Wnahtenaw, holden at tht Proliate (ittice in the Oitv of Ann Arbor, on Frhluy, ihe l.'Hli iliiy of November, in ïhe year one thousand eight huudred aud niuety. six. Present. J. Willard Biibbitt, Jude of Probate. In the muiter ot the eetute of Adelioe C. Lockard, deceased. Onreadingand lillng the netition, duljr rerified, ofArthurM I.ookurd pra ing that n certain instrument now on tile in this court, purport ng to beihelast will and testament of suid deceased, muy be admitted to probate and ih:il administration of ' s;iiil etttate muy be granted to biniself, the execulor In Baid will uarned, or some other auitahle person. Thereupon ít íb ordered, that Monday, the 14 h day of Deceinher next, at ten o'clock in the forenooü, be HSHigncd for the hearing of Baid petition. and that the deviséis legatees and heírs at lawofauid deceased aad uil other pernonslntricsted in said ostate are reqniri-d t" pprttt :it u IS i?ion of f-aid O urt, theii to he húMoa at the Probate Office in the city of Alïn Aifbór,audshow canse ií any thcre be, wb} the prayer of the petitioner should DOt bc grautcd: And it is furtheroideredthat said petit iuiier give notice to the persons interesled in said eatate of the pendeucy of said petitiouand the baurlng theceof ry causiugacopy of this order to be puhlished In the Ann Akbob Argits, a newfipaper printeJ and circulated in said county,three3ucces(ive week prevloua to said day of heurinn. J.WXLLARD BABBITT, [A trtie copy-1 Jmlge of Probate Wm. G. Doty. Probate RedsUr. Estáte of Tobías Holmes. qTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ 0 of Wafhtpnaw, es. Al a session of ihp Probate Court for th Giunty of Washtenaw, bold. n at the Probate Office in the City ol Ann Arlor, on Wtdnt-stlay, the 25' h day ol November, in tht year ■me tbousanrfeiirhi humiredaiid ninety-aix. Present. J.Willard Babbitt, Jiidge of Probfite. Id the nuitter of the estáte of Tobías Holmes, decead On ri'iulinif and filine the rfilnion, Huly vprified, 01 Ida R. H timos praying tlial a certain instruinfut nowun file in t hú court, ui po tinjr lo be tbr Ihsi wil! and testament and codicil ol' paidd' ,■ mtty bc adinitU-iï to probate and that I tionofSHÍd eslate may be grantrd U Gcorge J. '+reen,Ge rtfe W. Holmep, and Ellen J. Holmes, the exeeuto's D Baid wil) uanifd or lo some othcr hui'able p'-rpon. Thereupon it is ordercel that Monday, the ï!at day ol ï0' ember, uoxt, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be assined for the hearinsr ot' .'aid [m ilion íih'I that the devísees. . légatela an'.l heire ut l;iw of Raid deceaseil, and all 'tïier pprsoua interpstcd in aanl fstHte. ire reqiiiiêd to cppear ut a seí-ioi) of j saíd BOnrt.then .o be holden at the Probate office, in cbe city of A.nn Arbor, in siid county, and show canse, il iiny tliere be. whv i ht pruyer of the petitioiHT sfaould nut be grantt-d. Aad it is further ordered. that said etitioner give notloe to the penóos int. r pted in Baid esïaie of the ■ dm-v of sftïd petition, and the hearinir thereof. by . causing a copy of tbinoider to be publipbed in the Ann abbob boob, h npwspttpor printed andeir-í culatlng in wntrj cuüiity. Miree Hnccésivp weekf previous to aid tJav l heitri ng J WILLARD HArtRITT, ( truc r-opy. ) Jurijf e of Probate; William G. ÏDotv. Probate Reiriöter.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News