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At Wahr's Bookstore

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HOLIDAY SUGGESTÏONS. # # CREATEST BOOKSALE EVER OFFERED. # # Children's Favorites. 16mo Edition. Fully Illustrated, including Colored Frontispiece and Vignette ïitle. 14 yols. lOmo. Each 75c. Adventures of a Brownie. By Miss Mulock. ' Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. Black Beauty. By Anna Sewell. Carrots. By Mrs. Molesworth. L Cuckoo Clock. By Mrs. Molesworth. a Griinm's Tales. Translated by Lucy Grane. JackanapesandDaddyDarwin. By Mrs. J. H. Ewing r Little Lame Frince. By Miss Mulock. Lob Lie by the Fire. By Mrs. J. H. Ewing. B Peep of Uay Story of a Short Life. By Mrs. J. H. Ewing. I Through the Looking Glass. By Lewis Garroll. iWater Babies. By Charles Kingsley. Wonder Book (A). By Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1 The Alger Series for Boys. j A series of spirited stories for boys, by popular writers. Kacli illustrated, uniform in size, bound in handsome cloth bindiuff. _.-. it is almost superfluous to say anything in praise of idSSI ÜÜ stories written by Horatio Alger, Jr., Harry Castlemon, j Edward S. E lis, James Otis, and others who have L ■H tributed to this series of stories for boys. These names mM&&P!rg':M are a passport, as every youngster knows, to hours of the pÜjiFR ' , keenestdelightandenjoyment In scènes of stirring hfe B.PRïQii)'1"01'! and adventure. A more judioious selection of spirited J stories for boys it would be hard to fiud than the followWÊkS ing list, and parents realizing this should provide these WÊmm-it' books for them. Price, 50c. . . . f ZZ :.$?■ Joe'sLuck. or, A Boy's Adventures in California. - By Horatio Alger, Jr. . Julián Mortimer; or, A Brave Boy's btruggles for L!i3 Home and Fortune. By Harry Castlemon. t-" Adrift in the Wilds; or, The Adventures of Two L Shipwrecked Boys. By Edward S. Ellis. Frank Fowler, The Cash By Horatio Alger, Jr. Guy Harris. The Runaway. By Harry Castlemon. i The Slate-lJicker; a story of a Boy's Life in the Coal Mines. By Harry í Prentice. T i Torn Temple's Career. By Horatio Alger. Jr. Tora, the Ready; or, Up from the Lowest. By Kandolph HUI. J Captain Kidd's Gold. The True Story of an AWventurous bailor Boy. By j jfenies Franklin Fitts. ■ -i 'T Torn Thatcher's Fortune. By Horatio Alger, Jr. _ - Lost In The Canon. Sam Willett's Adventures on the Great Colorado. By t Alfred E. Calhoun. . _ , n. The Castaways; or, On the Florida Reefs. By James Otis. JThe Errand Boy; or, How Phil Brent Won Success. By Horatio Algei, Jr. k Boy Gilbert's Search. A Tale of the Great Lakes. By Wilham l 'n'Tom, The Bootblack; or, The Road to Success. By Horatio Alger, Jr. Captured By Apes. The Wonderf ui Adventures of a Young Animalrainer. By Harry Prentice. _„. I A Young Hero; or, Fighting to Win. By Edward S. Ellis. A Jaunt Through Java. The Story of a Journey to the bacred Mountain. By Edward S. Ellis. _ _ ,,,. r A Runaway Brig; or, An Accidental Cruise. By James ütis. The Island TreMure; or, Harry Darrel's Fortune By Frank H. Convei se. The Treasure-Finders. A Boy's Adventures in Nicaragua. By James Otis. Budd Boyd's Triumph. or, The Boy Firm of Fox Island. By Wilham P. tahênBoy Cruisers: or, Paddling in Florida. By St. George Rathborne. , j, The Boy Explorers; or, Adventures of Two Boys in Alaska. By Harry } f Captured By Zulus. A Story of Trapping in África. By Harry Prentice. ( Dan, The Newsboy. By Horatio Alger, Jr. ] The Search for the Silver City. A Tale of Adventures in Yucatán. By } imTony!Sthe Hero. A Brave Boy's Adventures with a Tramp. By Horatio ( Alger, Jr. ■ ( The Train Boy. By Horatio Alger, Jr. . With Lafayette at Yorktown. A Story of How Two Boys Joined the ] iinental Army. By James Otis. . ■ The Young Scout. The Story of a West Pomt Lieutenan. By Edward S. Ellis. .Lile rimucuuu ucüfo. Eaeh Complete in One Volume. Uniform Oloth Binding, 75c. A series of standard works by popular autbors. sss_- Embraeing Ffctnn, History, Essays, Fairy Tales, s?? EEEÍ etc. Printed trom large type, on good paper, and gj .ggí bound in handsomeclotb binding. ElnSSMH Les Miserables. By Víctor Hugo. QUMi H The French Hevolution. By Thomas Garlyle. gj The Count of Monte Cristo. By Alexander Pumas. v, Montaigne's Essays. Translated by W. 0. f litt. Grimm's Fairy Tales. (Illustrated.) By The Brothers Grimm. The History of Torn Jones, a Foundling. By j Henry Fielding. 9 Ten Thousand a Year. By Samuel Warren. B Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels. 1 By Goethe. (Cariyle). - The Mysteries of Paris. By Eugene Sue. The Wandeling Jew. By Eugene Sue. A Beantif al Christmas Gift. The Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen. Every one guaranteed for five years. An always acceptable and useful A Nice Box of Fine Stationery. New styles and low prices. Iwe do all kinds of Engraving and Plate Printing. We have all the latest styles for Visiting Cards and Wedding Invitations. Wrand Soecial Offer A nice box containing 120 sheets of Fine Writ1 ing Paper with yonr monogram enibossed in colors, and 125 Plam Enve . ■ lopes to match for $2.25. You have the privilege of selecting five kinds of paper. We offer a íarge variety of Fancy Goods. Photo Albums at importers' prices, Games and Gold Pens. Bemember we take pleasure in assisting our patrons to obtain any accessible work whether printed in the country or abroad, at the lowest pnce. Special Wholesale prices to large purchasers and to librarles. Librarles bought and sold. Rare books in all classes of literature bought and sold. ■R-;ile5 We offer an immense stock at 25 per cent discount. The genuine Oxford, the Bagster and the Eyre & Spottswood editions, with all the Helps and New Maps, price $1.00 to $8.00. We carry the largest stock of Gatholic Prayer Books, also Prayer Books and Hymnals, Theological and Devotional Books. AlltheNew Jnyenile Books and Toy Books. A splendid assortiment, any price trom 5c. to $3.00. We beg to invite attention to our mammoth stock of books in every depart■ -ment Illustrated Gift Books, dainty editions in Prose and Poetry, Celluloid and Hand Painted Books, Reference, Art,Biography, Essays, Fiction, History, Ptrv, Scientific, Religious, Travels, Adventures, Standard bets, Juvenile Books, Fine Imported French and Germán Books. Special dis1 count prices to everybody. Jjetail and Wholesale. Books in the Germán Language. j We are the largest importéis of Germán Books and Periodicals in the state, 3elow we quote only a t'ew titles of our large stock. ] Soethe's Werke 6 vols 10 00 Haeusliches Erbauungsftitter von Geiste 4 " 4 00 buch von Storr, Ar schiller's Werke 6 " 3 50 nold, Roosth 75 P. Heyse Novellen 5 " 7 50 Stark's und Funeke Der Wandel von Abendandachten 2 50 Gott 1 25 Hiller's Liederkaestlein 75 i Priscilla an Sabina, PresLuther's Psalmen Aus: sel 3 band 8 00 legung 2 vols 3 00 Ben-Hur, Lew Wallace 1 25 Stark's Gebetbuch 1 75 i Edelweiss, B. Auerbach 1 75 Lehrer-Bible Mit AnDer treuer Hut Gerok 2 75 hang 2 50 Der Krieg gegan FrankHartmann Predigten 1 50 reich 1870-71 ï. Linder 2 00 W. Hotacher's Predigten 1 75 Die Hausfrau, Davidis 1 50 Die erste Liebe, Arnold 75 Lieder und Gedichte, P. Morgen Segen, Fries 1 76 Widenmann 75 Abend Segen, Spengler 1 50 Das Buch der dugend 2 40 Sehatskastlein, Bogatsky 1 25 , Arndt Abend-Klaenge 1 25 Germán Bibles trom 50c to 7 00 Germán Periodicals. Alte und Neue Welt 12 Hefte 2 75 Illustrirte Zeitung 52 Nrn. 9 35 Architectonische RundJugendgartenlaube 24 " 1 36 schau 12 " 5 00 Kinderlaube 12 Hette 1 2o Aus allen Welttheilen 12 " 2 75 Kladderadatsöh 52 Nrn. 3 00 Bazar 48 Nrn. 2 75 Klassiscber Bilderschatz 24 " 4 80 Bibliothekder UnterhaltKunst unserer Zeit l2IIefteH40 ung u. des Wissens. Maler-Journal 4 " 8 00 gebdn. 13 Boende 4 00 Meggendorfer'shumorisBuch fur Alle 28 Hefte 2 50 tische BIsetter 26 " 3 60 Chronik der Zeit 28 " 2 00 Meisterwerke der HolzDaheim 18 " 2 50 schneidekunst 12 " 3 80 Dekorative Vorbilder 12 " 3 50 Modenwelt 24 Nrn. 1 70 Deutsche Jugend 24 " 2 00 Moderne Kunst 14 Hefte 4 50 Deutsche Romanbiblio Moderne Kunst .26 " 4 50 thek 26 " 3 00 Neue Blatt 33 " 2 80 Deutsche Romanzeitung 52 Nrn. 4 00 Neue Musikzeitung 24 Nrn. 120 Deutsche Rundschau 12 Hefte 7 00 Ncu'd und Sud 12 Hette 7 00 Deuts. he Wespen 52 Nrn. 2 00 Scnorer's Fainilien blatt 18 " 2 50 Elegante Mode 24 " 2 00 Ueber Land und Meer. Engelhorn's Folio 52 Nrn. 4 0 liothek 26 Bande 4 35 Ueber Land und Meer, " geb. 26 ' 6 70' Folio 26 Hefte 4 00 Fliegende Blsetter 52 Nrn. 4 00 Ueber Land und Meer, Fur's Haus 52 " 1 35 Octav 13 " 4 00 Gartenlaube 52 " 2 50 Universum . 26 3 75 Gartenlaube 28 Hefte 2 50 Unsere Zeit 14 ' o Gartenlaube 14 " 2 50 Velhagen und Klasing's Gewerbehalle 12 " 5 00 Monatshefte 12 4 ib Gute Kamerad 16 " 2 50 Vom Fels zum Meer 13 ' o 00 Hausfreund 26 " 2 50 Vom Fels zum Meer 26 " 5 00 Heimgarten 12 " 2 40 Weltspiegel 80 Nru. 3 50 HumoristischesDeutscnWestermann's Monatsland 24 " 2 00 hefte 12 Hefte 5 40 Illustr. Frauen-Zeitung 24 " 3 35 Wiener Mode-Zeitung 24 " 3 35 Grosse Ausg. 24 " 5 70 Zukunft 52 Nrn. 6(0 Illusir. Romane aller Zur guten Stund 28 Hefte 3 50 Nationen 28 " 1 85 Salonhefte „Zur guten Illustrirte Welt 28 " 2 80 Stunde" 18 " 3 50 Some Dainty Books, Booklets and Calenders Imitation of Christ. Full white binding $ 50 Daily Strength for Daily Need 1 00 Phillips Brooks' Calender ju Gold Dust. Morocco binding 0 Longf ellow's Evangeline. Fine edition 5 Bfe'ssingTof Cheerf iiines's' (The).' By Rev j. R. Miiler, D. D., 35 Children's Wing (The). By author of "Talks About a Fine Art" 3o Conflicting Duties. By E. S. Elliott 35 Culture and Reform. By Anna Robertson Brown, Ph. D oö Do We Believe It ? By E. S. Elliott 35 Expectation Comer. By E. S. Elliott ■ ? Family Manners. By author of "Talks About a Fine Art," etc o Girls : Faults and Ideas. By Rev. J. R. Miiler, D. D 35 Happy Life (The). By Charles W. Eliot, LL. D 35 Jessica's First Prayer. By Hesba Siretton Kingof the Golden River ( i he). By John Ruskin 5 Laddie. By the author of L" Miss Tooaey'a Mission " i5 Love and Friendship. By Ralph Waldo Emerson o Master and Man. By Count Tolstoi 35 Miss Toosey 's Mission By the auihor of "Laddie" óo Paths of Duty Counsels to Young Men. By the Very Rev. F. W. Farrar, Dean of Canterbury -- 35 Real Happenings. By Mrs. Mary B. Claflin 5 Secrets of Happy Home Life. By Rev. J. R. Miiler, D.D do Stillness and Service. By E. S. Elliott, ' 35 Sweetness and Light. By Matthew Arnold Talks About a Fine Art. By Elizabeth Glover Teil Jesus. By Anna Shipton --- fö Too Good to be True. By E. S. Elliott Two Pilgrims (The). By Count Lyof N. Tolstoi ■ ■ Victory of Our Faith (The). By Anna Robertson Brown, Ph.D 3o What is Worth While. By Anna Robertson Brown, Ph.D 35 What Men Live By. By Count Lyof N. Tolstoi - 3o When tbe King Comes to His Own. By E. tv Elliott 35 Where Love is, There God is Also By L. N. Tolstoi - 35 Young Men: Faults and Ideáis. By Rev. J. R. Miiler, D.D 35 J. Cole. By Enima Gellibrand --- 35 A Gentle Heart. By the Rev. J. R. Miiler, D.D ■ 5 500 Art Calenders. Each - - f Jf . 500 Booklets in hand-painted binding, each ■ 75c to 1 öU 500 copies öf Titus, each --- Kemble's Coons. ïbirty beautiful half-tone reproductions ivo Gibson's Pictures of People 4 (J Posters in Miniatura. 250 celebrated reproductions '■ & Legends of the Virgin and Christ. By Uuerber ] 25 Stories trom the Wagner Opera. By Guarber l Literary Courtship By Anna Fuller _ Riehelieu. A Drama by Bulwer Lytton. 1 75 Rivals. By Sheridan. Fully illustrated 175 Rome of Today and Yesterday. Illustrated 6 {) Rubaiyat of Omar Khaygan 1 0 Rustic Life in France A ll ]' St. Elmo. By Evans. Fine Holiday edition. 2 vols 4 o Saul. By Browning. Illnstrated J Shakespeare's Complete Works. . , 7oc to 10 00 Shakespeare's Héroes of the Stage o Sketch Book. By living. Illustrated 1 ) Little Minister. By Barrie. 10 etchings. 2 vols 40 Uncle Renus. Holiday dition To Ben Hur. Holiday edition f fd Gathe's Faust. Fully illustrated 1 'ö And all the new illustrated Holiday Books. Fine Edition of all the Poets from 75c to 6 00 James Whitcomb Riley's Poerns. Best cloth edition 1 A Child World. New 15 Neighborly Poems { 1 Afterwhiles , L Pipe O'Pan } fJ2 Rhymes of Childhood J ? The Flying Island of the Night . J Green Fields an Running Brooks ? Oíd Fashioned Roses V Armazindy , ft Will Carleton's Poems. Farm Bailada 1 ' Farm Festivals 1 75 City Ballads 1 75Legend s 1 75 City Festivals : 1 75Rhymes of üur Planet 1 25Some Beautiful Illustrated Holiday Books. The American Eevolution. By John Fiske. Illustrated edition. ContaiDing 22 photogravures of portra'ts and paintings, 15 colored maps and plates, and 280 text cuts and maps. 2 vols.; $8. Cape Cod. By HenryD. Thoreau. Holiday edition. With 100 illustrations. in water colors by Miss Amelia M. Watson. 2 vols. crovvn 8vo; $4. Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book. By Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Rubricated, and bound in antique leather, handsomely stamped. A very beautiful volume. 16mo; $1.25. A Year in the Fields. By John Burroughs. With 20 pictures from photographs by Clifton Johnson. 12mo, gilt top; $1.25. The Story of Aaron, So-named, the Soii of Ben Al i . A Sequel to "LittleMr. Thiroblefinger and His Queer Country," and "Mr. Rabbit at Home." By Joel Chandler Harris With 25 illustrations by Oliver llerford. Square 8vov in illaminated cover; $1.75. ' Three Little Daughters of the Revolution. By Nora Perry. With illustrations by Frank T. Merrill. Square 12mo, tastefully bound; 75 cents. A Little Girl of Long Ago. ByElizaOrne White. A companion volumeto Miss White's " When Molly was tiix." With cover design and two otLer illustrations. Square 12mo; $1.00. The Alhambra. By Irving. Fully illustrated; $1.60. Camon. By Meriorell. From the French; $1.60. Conquest of Granada. By irving. $1.60 Constantinople. By E. De Arnicis. 50 Photograveurs, 2 vols.; $4.00. Con tantinople. By E. De Arnicis. 1 vol.; $1.60. Gray Days and Gold in England and Scotland. 100 illustrations; $2.00. Grimm's Life of Michael Angelo. From the Germán. 2 vols.; $4.80. History of the Last Quarter Century in the United States. 2 vols.; $4.80. Hyperion. By Longfellow. Beautifully Ülnstrated; $1.60. In Oíd Virginia. By Page. 12 f uil-page illustrations; 12.00. In Vanity Fair. 70 half-tone reproductions; $4.00. Gibson's Drawings. $4.50. Poster Calender. 50 cents. Ali the Poets in fine morroco binding, $1.00 each; also in ñne English cloth binding, 85c each; in stamped cloth, 25c each. ArnoJd (Matthew). Lalla Rookh. Browning (Mts.) Longfellow (II. W.) (Early Poems.) Browning (Robert). Loweii. (Early Poems) Bryant(W.C) Lucile. Burns. Mei-edith (Owen.) Byron. Mil ton. Campbell. Moore. Chaucer. Mulock (Miss). Coeridge. Odyssey. Cook (Eüza). Percy's Reliques. Dante. Pilgrim's Progress. Dryden. Poe. Eiiot (George). Poetry of Flowers. Familiar Quotations. Pope. Favorite Poems. Procter. Faust (Goethe's). . Red Letter Poems. Gcethe's Poems. Schiller. Golden Treasury. Scott. Go'dsmith. Shakespeare. Hemans. Sheüey. Hoód. Southey. Hugo (Víctor). Spenser. Iliad. Swinburne. Jean Ingeiow. Tennyson. Keats. . . Whittier (J. G.) (Early Poems.) Lady of the Lake. Wordsworth. Alcott, Louisa M. Little Women $ 1 25 Eight Cousins $ 1 25 AnOld-FashionedGirl 125 Rose in Bloom 125 Little Men 125 Underthe Lilacs 125 Jo's Boys & How they turned Out 1 25 Jack and Jill 1 25 lllius's Fslii WÊÈÊË TRiANOÏN SERIES. IH Profnsely Illustnted in Aqui-Tint Colors, L S-Jfe&B Acollection of he raaaterpieces of Enplish aid Amen ,.n rmurt-, nanuy vu urne size laretypeedi'ions Eacln volume contRins illuminated title paifes, nil portrait ot author, and illu-trations in aqua-tint colors. Half White Vellum aad Gold 25 cems. Improved Chautauqua Kindergarten ,W ,(ra Drawing Board and Wriiing Desk. jff f ïï The above cut showstlie tlosk open, ready for f s & j uso as a writing tlcwk. witb rack iit back for f u i50 J' - ' pens. ink and pivpcr. Likc an casél it can bc ' " &i- - : moved to any pnrt oL tho room. Formerly sold A b$;.75 eacb Presentod witU 30.00 trade. LseS This Dictionary Holder %&aslF Locks wheh opened, and is j WEBSTER'S j closed and clasped firmly by INTERNATIONAL strons; springs when unlockPICTIONARY ed Can be adjusted t0 anJ size book, and is adjustable THE BEST CHR1STMAS GIFT, to any height oij angle. Pri[í,wít!iPit{JlIiiiíS,3. Price $2.50. The New Standard Dictionary "í' with Index, $11. " f , , All mail orders will receive our prompt and carefnl attention. Correspondence iuvited. " I m} " I . I i f r L--l I J Publisher, Bookseller and Stationer, Importer of l L Jl vTTI Y Y I VJ Vl V, Foreigh Books and Periodicals. ■VB&Mif ■W"OifO Down Town, 4 North Main St., Opposite Court House. A TvTTvT A PPHR ÏVTTPT- WO S lOKES: Umverty Bookstore, 20 South State St. 1N IN AKdUK, 1 VU Uil. .1


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