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Gashed Her Throat

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i.rnest L. Chase, sou of the late Dr. A. W. Chase, of this city, wbo was author of the farnous "Cbase's Recipe Book, " ont of which he made a bandsorne fortune, hut in bis oíd age lost, cominitted the deed of a madman at bis room on the seooud ffonr of JSTo. 72 Grand River ave., Detroit, ou Monday moruing at 8 :30 o'clock. He first gasbed his wife's throat and neuk with a razor and theu deliberately ont bis own throat, severing the wiudpipe. Mrs. Chase was sittiug in a rooking chair when her busband came up bebiud her and drawiug her bead baokward ent her throat. The condition of the room in wbioh the deed was dono olearly showed tb at a terrible strnggle had taken place between Chase and his wife either before he ent her or aftervvards, and the nature of Mrs. Cbaae's wounds, whioh are largely superficial, show that Chase iutended to rnurder her if possible. The flesb of her neck v:s gasbed agaiu and again. There are only a few inches of the neck, and those on the back, that are not slashed. One ent raus across her left cheek from the chin almost to the ear. Her tongue is bady cut also. Chase's own woands do not go clear round, but tbe big oue in front went throngh tbe wiudpipe. Both Cbase and bi wife, who were taken to Harper hospital, are pogressing rapidly towards recovery. Ernest L. Chase is 38 years old and his wife, whose inaiden name was Catherine -Hauks, is 85. He first niet her in Toledo 18 years ago and inarried her, tuuch ögaiust bis father's wish. He was then fresh from college at Ann ArbCir and a flue yonug feilow. His father, Dr. Chase, was not praetioiug, but was in the grocery business, in whioh Ernest engaged with hirn. Tbe doctor turned it all over to bim, luit young Chase ruined it, and within two years be had sqnandered the mouey his father left hini. He became a hotel clerk then, and for 11 years was employed at tbe Palaoe hotel in Cincinati. Wbile there he took the gold cure, bnt his habit of dirnkiug soon broke out again. Tbey went to Detroit a few years ago and he was eniployed at varinns times as an express messenger ou the D. L. & N., as a clerk at Levens' grocery store on Grand River avenue, and at the Detroit Store Works, but be never staid at anything long. His wife fiually concluded that sbe could uot livo with him on accotine of his habita. Shs pawned the last remnants of ber jewelry and started a rooming house on Park plaoe; bnt in this she did not ucceed and theu took the rooms at 72 Grand River ave. Then she allowed Chase to come and live witn her agaiu on'his promise to reform. He oontiuned to spend every cent he on ld get fot dirnk and repeatedly hieateued tokill her.finally attemptiug ;o do so as relatad above. Mr. and Mrs. Chase have two sons, Duke, aged 10, whu íb employed in a estaurant in Detroit, aud Howard, aged 14, who goes to school. Letters fonnd on Chase's person iudioaced tht the deed was premeditated. Chey also showed that he was jealons of his wife, although it is very evident rom the testimony of her brother-inaw and others that he had no grounds whatever fur his jealonsy. It is another striking example of what the excessive nee of liquor will inoite a man to do.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News