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A Christmas Gift To Christ

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The following striking appeal bas beeu issued by the National Arineuiau Relief Committee iu the hope that it may move niauy to lend a helpfnl hand to these poor sufferera at the hand of the "sick man of the East" and hia ruffianly offloers and sohliers: Tvvo thousand yearn ago was heard in Runiah the voioe of "Rachel weepiug for her cbildreu." Today is borne to us from the same country tbe wailing of little orpbans, bomeless, imked and hungry. This is the vork of the modern Herod - Hamid II. Here, (Jhristmas bells ringiufi tbrough thousands of happy, oomfortable Christiau homes, "Peace on earth, good will to men." There, where Christianity first fouud its weloonie, 100,000 orphan ohildren of martyra waiting the coming of the barest necessities of life. Never did the "King's business" oall for greater haste. "Pnllius; up grass and eatmg it, roots and all ;" "whole villages oiy as we pass: 'We are hungry;' " "dying daily, from oold, hunKer, fever and exposure ;" "hudilled in stables;" "beggiug from door to door;" "waudering about like dogs, eatiug and sleeping where they can" - such ars tbe reports of eye vritnesses. The relief of these sufferers of Christ is entirely practicable throngh onr heroic American missionaries who are stayiug at their posts all through the devastated regioup, nnsinns aurl able to do this very work. If Jeft to the tender morcies of the Turks, the chiidren will be bronght up as Moslems, the girls being forced into Tnrkish harems. The paltry sum of $12 will support oue of tbese orphans for a year. No expense is needed for buildings or for salaries of those in charge. How dare we celébrate the birth of the Christ with costly gifts oue to auother, with pomp and circumstauce. while those of whom He spoke, "Inastnuch as ye have done it unto ooe of the least of these my brotaren, ye have done it unto me," perisb with huuger? Oh, happy childreü in this favored land! Will you uot THIS YKAR make a birthday gift to the Christ Child HIMSELF, represented by one of these? Oh, yuung men and woiuen, consecrated to tbe King's woik! VVhat better service ian you render "In His Name" thau the eariug for oue of His owu little oues? Oh, parents with empty eradles and vacant chairs! Yonr darlings ueed your tender care no louger. They are past your voice to lul!, or kiss to waken, happy "In the f;ir land to ahine and sintr Beforeihe Beautlful, the Klntc, Who fvery day dotli ChrlBtmaa muUe." But these other children waudering in tbe blaokuess of despair, reaoh out to you their tiny hands for the love and pity they so sorely need. Is not this a work that ytiu may do in meuiory of your loved and lost? Any gifts for this object should be sent to Browu Bros. & Co., 59 Wall St., New York, markert "For tlie ORPHAN FUND of the National Armenian Relief Committee." Seud for literature and further information to Rev. F. D. Greeue, Sec, (iii Bible HouEe, New York.


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