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Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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REPORT OF THE CONOITION OF THE At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, üct.[6, 1806. HESOUKCBS. LIAB1LIT1ES. Loans and Discounts, lñO7,85fl 17 „ ., , Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages, etc 504.7R8 lii CaP'tal 8tock paid in 50,(K)0 00 Oyerdrafts 831 87 Jiin.iiifi tumi 15U,U00 00 Banking House 20,500 00 undmaed proflts lesscnrrentexpen-; Furniture and Fixtures -.. 8,417 32 interest and taxes paid 4.08.ri 41 Other Keal Estáte 19,920 98 "ividendsunpHid, 4(MJ u0 CASH Due from banks Jn reserve citiee ... 77,245 71 DEPO8TTS. avUnSftV..?;: ,&S cSekrcial depmiu sllt)Jott to1s „ Nk-kela and Cents 467 19 Savfn DepoVltV.:::.""":; riffin Si?iereoin 2WO0O vinjrs of Doposïts,::".:: K ü.'s?anCdNatïonaÏBanir--Nöt-e9,-:::::: ffllif.g üo Due 'ontaand BankerB ■ 7,595 W STATE OF MICHIGAN. . ' W $1'2Si'K8 County of Washtenaw. (H8I, Charles E. Hiscock, cashler of the above nmed bank, do aoiemnly swear that the above statement is truc to the best of my knowlertire and beltef . Ohas. E. ÍIiscock Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th lv of Octbfr, lS8i. Michaei, .1. Pbitz, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Christian Mack, W. D. Harriman, W. U. Sinlth, Director. Capital, $50,000. Surpfus, $150,000. Resources, $1,000,000. Transacts a general banking bnsiness; buys and sells exchanges ou New York, Detroit and Chicago: sells drafts on all the principal cities of Europe. This bank, already having a large business, invites merchants and othera to open accounts with them with the assurance of the most liberal dealing consistent with safe banking-. In the Savings Department interest at the rate of four per cent. is paid semi-annually, ou the íirst days oí January and July, on all sums that were deposited three months previous to those (ïays, thus affording the people of this city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funda, together with a return in interest for the same. Money to loan od apnroved securities. Directors.- Christian Mack, Dajiel Hiscock, Willard B. Smith, W. D Harrimon, "William Deubel, lavjd RiDsey, L. Gruner. Officblis. - Christian Maek, President; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Tresident Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. M. J. Fritr. Aas't-Cashier.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News