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scribner's magazine; A Red-Letter lf ear for 1897. Tho entir novelty of man y of the plans for 1897 is noticeable. For instauce, the series devoied to "LONDON AS SEEN BV CHARLES DANA GIBSON." Mr. Gibsou has not before uppeared as a writer. He visited Loción last suuitner for Scribner's Magazine, ior the pnrpose of depictiug with pen and pencil tbose scènes aiid types whiuh the huge metropolis presenta in endless variety. Of like novelry is the first considerable NOVEL BY RICHARD HARDING DA VIS, "Soldiers of Fortune. " The hero is one of the tnost vigorous rnea that Mr. Lavis has dlftwn. Illustrated by C. D. Gibsou. "THE CONDÜCT OF GREAT BUSINESS." A beautifuüy illustrated series of articles of wbioh tho following are already coinpleted: "ïbe Great Departruont Store." "The Management of a Great Hotel." "The Workiug of the Bank." "A Great Manufactory. " "UNDERGRADÜATE LIFE IN AMERICAN COLLEGES." A series of artioles touohing upou the life of onr older nuiversities as represented by the doins of the students themselves. Jmlge Heury E. Howland writes on "Uudergradnate Life at Yale. " Mr. James Alexander on " Princetou," and Robert Grant and Edward S. Martin on "Harvard." "JAPAN AND CHINA S1NCE THE WAR" will be a most interesting group of articles ricbly illustrated. 'THE UNQUIET SEX. " Under the title of "The ünqniet Sex," Mrs. Helen Watterson Moody will write a series of artioles: - "Woman and ReforuiH," "The College-Bred Wornan," "Womau's Clubs," and "The Case of Maria" (a paper on doruestic service). W. D. HOWELLS' "STORY OF A PLAY." In this Mr. Howells givea os the best novel he has ever prodnced in bis delightfnl eiu uf light cornedy. GEORGE W. CABLE. In addition to the fiütion enumerated tbere will be a series of four short etories by George W. CabJe, the ouly ones he bas written for many years. HOW TO TRAVEL WISELY with a minimum of wear and tear must be regarded as au art little nnderstood. Mr. Lewis Morris Iddings, in two articles, will offer a variety of useful snggestions aud data on "Ocean and Laud Travel." Tbis will be happily rounded ont by au artiole írom Mr. Richard Harding Davis od "Travellers One Meets: Tbeir Ways and Methods. " The illnstrations by American aud foreigu artists will be highly pertinent. It is impossible in a small space to eveu iTiPiition the many attractivo features for 1897. A beantifnl illustrated booklet Ikik hi n prepared, which will be stut, postpaiü, cu request. Scribner's Magazine $3 a Year 35 cents a copy CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 123.127 Flfth Ave., New York WINC, iïEBZ, NO.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sic,Onaheihl amd Frísco Paimter, srildiiiir, calclmininp, glazintr and paper haag mg. All workls done in the best style and warrantcwj to s-lve sarisfaotlon.


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