
Miss May Manly is on the siok list. Mrs. Edna Porter is visiting ber old home in Dexter. Mrs. Fred Besimer is making a short visit in Detroit. Mail Carrier Wm. F. Armstrong is laid off with the grip. Miss Celia Colburn, of Grand Rapids, is visiting the Misses Gross. Mrs. T. C. Trueblood has goue to Battle Creek for treatment. Dr. C. Jeorg was in Chicago on professional business this week. Miss Minna Jaoobs has goue to New York to pursae the study of art. Mrs. F. H. Belser spent Snnday in Toledo with her friend, Mrs Schlenker. Miss Jennie Buell, of this city, has been re-eleoted secretary of the state grange. Mail Carrier V. J. Miller is back at his work again after a severe attack of the grip. Roy C. McClure is back from New York state and will remain here for soiue time. Miss Louise Winfield, of Syracuse. N. Y., is the guest of H. J. Brown and family. Mre. Foley, of Lansiug, is visiting ber dangbter, Mrs. O. A. Maynard, ior a few weeks. Miss Nellie Edvvnrds, of Detroit, is visitiug Mr. aud Ars, Jasues Kaarnes, of Thompson st. Miss Mattie Nelson went to Kalamazúo Weduesday, where she has accepted a position. Pruf. Alberto Jonas played at a recita] in tbe Auditorium hall, Toledo, Tuesday evening. The Misses Ella and Emma Shafer, of Hnntiugton, Ind., are visiting relatives in this oity. Mr. and Mrs. Dnbois and daughter, of Detroit, spent Sunday with A. F. Covert aud family. Miss Elvira Boltwood, of Grand Rapids, has been the guest of Mrs. J. L. Babcock this week. Mrs. C. Eberbardfc was called to Duckirk, Ohio, Friday, by the dangerons illness of her ruotber. Miss Louise Bugle eutertained a few of her yoong frieuiis Mouday evening at hei home on Bill Street. Miss Catherine Pfeifle attended the dooble wedding of the Lombard sisters, at Whitmore Lake, yesterday. Mr. aDd Mrs. H. Albro and sou left for Los Angeles, Cal., yesterday morning to make tbeir home there. Misa Shepherd has resigned the position of poetess of the freshman olass and Miss Walker bas beeu chosen in her stead. A complete list of the periodicals on file in the University library has been posted at the atteudants' desk in the genera] library. Mrs. F. L. Keeler, nee Bliss, of Mt. Pieasant, is in the city visiting her rnother aud other relatives and friends during the holidays. Charles Binder, sr., who has been seriously ill for some weeks past, is at preeent somewhat better and his health is gradually improving. Martin J. Cavanaugh is in Paw Paw atteudmg th9 wedding of his brofcher, Thomas Cavanaugh, tn Miss Jeasie Harrison, of that place. Miss Mabel Midgley, was given a surprise party on Thursday evening of last week by 40 of ber young friends at hel boma No 18 Traver st. F. C. Welch and famiiy have gone to Candeler, , Fla., where they will remain for the next three years if the country aud climate suits them. John Nelson, of Toledo, was in the; city the earlier part of the week, visit-. ing relatives and attending the funeral of his brother, the late James Nelson. Miss Winnie Burchfield, who wen with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burchfield to Texas some weeks ago, is so low with consumption that little hopes of hor recovery are entertained. Karl E. Harriman went to Detroit yesterday to see the noted actor, John Hare. He also atteoded the reception I to Mr. Hare by the Fellowcraft Club, of Detroit. He was the guest of Clay E. Cooper, state editor of the Jonrnal, daring his stay. Fred. McOtnber was in La Porte, Ind., for a few days this week visiting Dr. Fred Weir, who fouuded the Cbequamegon orchestra in this city. While there he played the flute score for the opera "The Doctor of Alcántara" which was produced under Dr. Weir's direction. Wm. R. Muss, who is establisbing for himself a high repntatiou as an entertainer in readings, rccitatious and lectures, went to Napoleon today, where he delivers tonight his lecture on "Ameriua's Bobbis Bnrns, " James Whitcomb Hiley. illnstrated with extracts frorn the works of the inimitable Hoosier poet. Dr. James F. Breakey, who has been on tho staff of physiciaus at tbe Pontiao insane asyhim for the past two and a half ypars, retnrned home to Ann Arbor, Saturday, and will enter into the general pructice of medioiue. He will have his offic with his tather Dr. W. F. Breakey. He will also take up post gradúate wor ut tbe university. Airs. J. Willard Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, who has baeu serionsly ill for four m on tbs, made the Argns a pleasant oall on Friday afternoon. It is a souroe oL great grutification to Mrs. Babbitt's many fnenris to sae her out again after her longeDfcrced confinement to the house.