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Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Club

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The Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Club met at the home of Col. Feuu, of Bridgewater, Deo. 17. The day was ciiil, but pleasaut ; the atteuduuce was largo aud all liad a rigbt good time. It seemc'l like a faniily reuuiou as se.veral w hnd beeu omittod. After the frieudly greetiogs aiul a ood dinuer President R. G. English oalled tho meeting to order and the proceediugs of the State Assooiatiou of Farmers' Clubs receutly held at Lansing was discussed, The platform adopted at Lansing was approved, and the law makers from this district were asked to give tbeir aid to snch legislation. lu addition to this the club asked tht a luw be passed similar to the "Pure Food Law" to prevent fraud iu the oomposition of clothing fabrica, which shall reqoire a stamp ou all goods manufaotured or sold within the state, showiug the oompositiou or material entering ioto the manufacture of snob goods, uertifyiug the preseuce of shoddy or any foreign substauce entering into such goods. The law will punish the wool grower for putting any foreigu substance iuto bis woo!. Now, let a law be made tbat wül pnuish the manufaoturer for putting shoddy into cloth aud selling it to the wool grower for "straight goods." The club also asks for the repeal of the law which requires the payment for newepapers or periodioals coming to one's address without direction or after term of subscription has expired. They were satisfied witb the present systeni of taxation relative to highways but thought bicycles should be taxnd aud tbe fuuds applied to improve roads.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News