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The Late Mrs. Harriet A. Hurd

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It seerns fitting that some mention should be made of the deatb, not long ago in Tecnmseh, of Mrs. Harriet A. Hurd, who made her home for several years in Ann Arbor, and will be retnembered by her friends here as a womau of unusual ability, intellectual, well read and fond of good books, aotive and iuterested in all good works, loyal in her friendship, and pxtraorciinarily devoted to her church aud its services. The followiug is taken from the Teeumseh Herald: "Mrs. Harriet A. Hnrd, who has been in poor bealth for some ruoutbs, passed away from earth very suddeuly aud nnexpeotedly last Sunday morniug. The Angel of Death iudeed carne so quietly and bore her spirit away so peacefully that her own irnuiediate friends did not dream of the sad visitation nntü they went to her room Sunday morning to cali her, when they were inexpressibly shocked to fiud her cold in death. "Mrs. Hnrd was making her home with her sister, Mrs. H. S. Lee, at the Patterson. For some time she has been in decliuing health, though not confined to her bed, and in fact, was able to ga ont to some extent. On Satnrday she was feeliug unusnally feeble, but retired apparently comfortable and without manifesting any symptoms that gave reason to expect the nearr approach of death. Her pbysician prouonnced the probable canse of death to have been hemorrhage at the base of the brain and that she must have died in the forepart of the night. "Mrs. Harriefc Amelia Hurd was a daughter of the late Dr. M. A. Pattersou. She was 02 years of age, haviug been a native uf this village md having spent most of her life here. Oü Oct,. l(i, 1802, she became the wife of Rev. Wm. C. Hurd, au Episcopal elergyman, at that time located at Kalarnazoo After less than five years of married life, duriug which Mr. Hurd preached at Kalamazoo and for a sbort time at Clinton, and dnring muoh of which time the illness of her husband brought ont her strong deotion to him aud to his canse in a beautifnl manner, she was left a widow. "Since tben, with the exception of a few years in Ann Arbor and a short sojourn in California, she has been in Teeumseh. "Mrs. Hnrd was possessed of unnsual intellectual ability, and a love of good literatnre while her well-read mind aud leteDtive memory made her an interesting woman, whose iufluence was refining aud enuobling npon all who had the pleasure of her acquaiutance. "She was devotedly attanhed to the church in whose services sbe took constant delight to the very last of life. "Her funeral was held at St. Peter's church Tuesday afternoon, the rector Bev. J. B. Blachford, assisted by Bev. Mr. Vicborn. officiatiug, in presence of a large cougregation of life-long friends."