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Dr. John B. Dowdigan, of Owosso, spent Sunday iu the city. Miss Lucia, daughter of Mrs. Albert Loyns, is ill with bronchitis. George H. Rhodes is suffering trom a severa attack of rheumatitm. Miss Abbie A. Pond has gone to Owosso to epend the holidays. Miss Nellie Mingay is spending the holiday season with Flint frieuds. Mrs. Marión Ross is spending the holidays at her old home in Paw Paw. Mrs. Charles F. Wade, of Jonesville, is the nest of J. H. Wade, on S. State st. Henry Luce, of Geddes ave , who has l)Qpn dangerqusly ill, is slowly recovering: Miss Annie Condon, has returned fiom a visit of several weeks iu Hancock. Mrs. W. 8. Hollands has gone to Jaukson to attend the funeral of D. J. Hulden. Mr. and Mrs. Zeitz, of the School of Musio, are speuding their vacation in Milwaukee. Miss Anna Muma, of the Saginaw, E. S., schools, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rice A. Beal. Mr. aud Mrs. P. J. Lehman and family will spend Christmas with friends in Manchester. Mrs. J. G. Sehweinfurth, of S. State st, is iu Troy, Ohio, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Isaac Sheets. Mrs. Emma Hutchinson, of 39 S. División st, is in Battle Creek, where she will epend Christmas. Karl E. Harriman has a little Vermont tale eutitled "The Going Out" in the Christmas Claok Book. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sawyer, of Milan, will spend Christmas with Hon. A. J. Sawyer and family. President Angelí atteuded a meeting of the International Waterways Commission at Detroit Satnrday. Mrs. Porter and daughter Alice wil spend Christmas with the former's son, Dr. I'rauk Porter, in Bay City. Mrs. V. W. Wadhains has returned boma trom the mineral baths at Mfc. Clemnna greatly lieiiefited in health. .Ji.cut) Braun, depnty county treasurer, oes home tu Freedom tomorrow to speud Cbristmas with bis parents. Mrs. I. N. Demmon left Friday for Denver, Colo., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Ninde, for a few weeks. Piofs. Walter, Levi and Effiager wili atteud the meeting of the Modern Langtiage Association in Glerelaud, Deo. 29-81. Jay C. Talyor leaves Ann Arbor in a few days to joiu the Audrews üpera oornpauy, to play throngb the state of Kansas. Mrs. Alice L. Haven and daugbter, Miss Graee, left home yesterday to spead the Christinas vacation with friends. P. M. Sessions, of ColnmbuB, Ohio, is here to spend the Christrnas season with bis parents, Mr. aod Mrs. J. Q. A. Sessions. Mis. Frazer and her two children, of Chicago, are in tho city to spend the holidays with Mrs. Frazer's fatber, David Heaning. Instructor Strauss, r,f the U. of M., bas gone to New York for the holidays.' He will be aocompanied on his return by Mrs. Strauss. Mrs. H. and Miss Ada Hasbronck and two obildren, of Marshall, are speuding the Christmas with Moses Seabolt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner S. Lamson are spendiug the holidays in Boston and New York. Mr. Lamson will do sorae concert work while in the east. Fred Schmid was oalled to Coluinbus, Ohio. Jast Friday, by the dangerous illuess of his brotber, Prof. Sbomid, of the Capítol Uoiversity. Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Young left Tuesday tor a two weeks' visit in Louisville, Ky. Mr. Young will visit his parents in Covington, Ky., while he is away. Benry Derringer, oar inspector for the Ann Arbor road at Hamburg, for the past ten years, has been transferred to Aun Arbor and moved his iamily here last weok. Mr.' Loud, tbe well known Oscoda capitalist, was the guest of Prof. H. C. Carhart Sunday. Before leaving he presented the Wesleyan Guild a check of flOO for ourrent expenses. - Times. E. N. Ball, of Harnbnrg, has sold his entire stock to Oscar W. Mast who will asaume control Jan. 1. Mr. Ball goes to Ann Arbor where he forms a partnership with one of that city's finas. - Oakland Excelsior. Prof. H. C. Adanis and Prof. Taylor will atteud the meeting of tbe Am.irican Economie Asociation ín Baltimore, Md., Dec. 29-31, of which Prof. Adams is president. Mrs. Adams acoompanied her husband. Rev. M. M. Martin, of Allegan, has moved with his family to this city and will reinain here during the winter. He will snpply the (Jongregational chnrch pulpit at Ypsilatiti ifter Rev. Eastiau Simts goes to Charlotte. J. G. Hulapliau, of Toledo. O., was in the city Friday to exfcend an invitation to President Angelí, Major SouIp, and Profs. M. E. Cooley, de Pont, i Vaughan, Carrnw, Craig, Stanley, Darling, Hutobius, Martiu, Knowlton, Hoflf, Dorrance and Greene, to attend tbe first annual banquet of the Toledo Uoiversity of Michigan Alumni Association. Mr. Halaplian ia president of tbe assooiation. Tbe banquet will take place next Wednesday evening, Dec. 30. Thnre are neatly 400 alumni of Miotaigan dow in Toledo, and the banquet will be a great event.