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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. [WILL geil Grnin Elevator, S o.-k Scales Horse Power. Faiininfr Miil. ] Grain Scale 'Smalt Scale, Ido íeet Coa] Sheds. Can be b jutrht for U 000. HENK Y LIESEMER, Saline' jlicti. ' .., OR SALE OR RKNT-I will sel] 80 acres or more of the "Fellows Farm" in Sharon near .the Freedom line, 1% miles from Manchester, or will take a small farm in exchanre lor the ontire farm of 217 acres. Will also SELL OR KENT 320 acres of the '-Parsons Farm" on hicapto road.west of Saline, X mils from the Germán church. These are both ■ hoice farms C. M. FELLOWS, Saline. 50-51 POR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Three farms, one close to Ann Arbor. &5 acres, first cla's buildings, another in Lima, 100 acres well timbered and gnod buildings, and the third in Lodi, 40 acres, sood ampie buildings. Cali on or addre6s Wm. Osius, Box 1551 Ana Arbor, Mich. r R. WILLIAMS, Attorne? at Lav and Pension Claim Attornev. MILAN, MICH. Oonveyaneinir and CollectiouR REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TheMIaW B&nk of inn Arbor At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business, Dec. 17, 1896. RESOURCES. Loansanddiscounts - Ï3O8,785 80 Overdrafts 3,251) S8 IL S. Bonds to secure ciroulatlon 26,000 00 Otber stock, bouds and mortg-afres 4,500 00 Due trom approved reserve agents... 17,626 91 Due from State Banks .and Bankers... 4.ñ31 95 Real estáte, furniture and flxtures. .. ÍJÜ.105 40 Checks and othercash items 3t4 5s Bill" of other National Banks 2,018 00 Fractional currency niekelsi ---- 355 17 Specie (including gold Treasury ■ notesi 19,386 35 Lejral-tender notes. 3,449 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent. of circulation). . . 1,102 50 Total $420,375 89 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $]0o,000 00 Surplus f und... _ 20,000 00 Other undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 30,688 48 National Bank notes outstanding 22,050 00 Dividendsunpaid... 180 00 Individual deposits subject to check. 150,859 59 Bemand certifloates of deposit 91,597 82 Due to State Banks and Bankers 5.0U0 00 Total. Ï420.375 89 State of Michigan, i County of Washtenaw, BSI, S. W. Clarkson, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of ruy knowledge and belief. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashisr. Subscribed and sworn to before me thig 23d day of December, 1896. LEONHARD GRUNER, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mich. (Correct attest). HARRISON SOULE, ) E. D. K1NNE, Directora. J. L. BABCOCK, S Commissioner's Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COÜNTy of Washtenaw. The undersigned huving been appointed by the Prohate Court for said County, coininiesioncrs to rpceive, examine and adjust all claims and demtuicls of all perwons agamst the estáte of James D. McMaster, late of suïd county, t'eceatied, liereby give notiee thal aix tnonths from date ure allowed, by order oí said Probate Court, lor creditorsto present their claims against the estáte of said ■ Pcenscd, and that thev wiltmeetat the office of Williara W. Whedoni in the city of Ann Avbjr,, in said couut', on Monda; , the 2 0 day ol Mareli, A. D. 1S97. nú on Mondiiy, the 21st oay of June, A. L. IS17, next, at ten o'clock a. m. ot each of said dayg lo receive, examine and adjust said eiaims. D.ued Aun'Aibor, Dect inher 21st 1S95 W. w: WHEDOH, GEORHE 1„ MOORE, Conimiafiioner?. Pg% Want Money? or a Home? Wan s Work? or a farm? Want to ouen a store in a g-rowirïg town? Want to raise live stock? Want to know how to buy improvp.: farms in a Vfl wel' settled repi011 without payingcaeh? Particulars and publications sent free by F. I. WHIT - - - NEY, St. Paul, Minn. MMÏF.MILEY DEALER IN pancy Qood ANÜ j{ri Qmhroidery Lessons given in al! kinds of Needlework. Stamping and Embroidering done to order. MAIY MÍLEY 20 E. Washington Si, ANN ARBpR, - MICHIGAN. Schaller's - Bookstore. A New Line of the Stationery just received. 11 tig Fashion la: Kept Constantly on Hand .... MABTIN SCHÜLLEE,. Bookseller, Stationer and Wall Paper Dealer. 19 E.Washington St, Ann Arbor


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News