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State's First Flag

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The inspection of the Anti Arbor Liight Infautry at the armory Wednesday evening, by Col. J. E. Tyrrell, of Jaoksou, followed by the presentutioii of ruedals to nienibers of the corapauy Eor best attendance at drill, turued out to be more of ari event tban a great many thought it would be. The inspeotion, whioh was most satisfaotory, was oonduoted by Uol. Tyrrell, who at its oooclnsiou highly ootnplimeuted the nieu on their proficiency aud on the good state of their acouutrements. Following this oaine the preaentatiou of the silver and brouze medals for the best attendauce at dnü during the periods of la and sis months respectively. The preseutation speech was made by Hon. A. J. Sawyer, and was ooe of the finest of the many fine speeches tbat that geutletnau bas at various tnios delivered. After the speech the medals were given ont as follows: Silver medal, for 12 months' perfect attendance at drills - Lieut. W. F. Arrustrong, Sergt, W. C. Cooper, Corp. Karl Kern, Corp. Fred Huntoon, Frivates Leo Grnner, Viotor Kauffmann and George Kyer. Bionze medal, for six months' perfect attendance at drills - Sergt. .Tuoob Gwinner, Corp. Bruce Monroe, Corp. Rembert Jones, Privates Arthnr Jones, Ed. O. Sohairer, Gilbeit Perriue, Arthur C. Warren, George H. Fischer, Ralph L. Miller and Joseph Seabolt. Then following the most iuteresfiug part of the eveuing's doings, when Col. J. E. Tyrrell stepped to the froat and in a neat speech presentad to the Uuiversity of Michigau the first state colors ever issued and given to the First Regiment, M. S. T., back in the sixties. The flag was reoeived on behalf of the university by Regent H. S. Dean, who replied in feeling terms to Col. Tyrrell's kindly words. The flag will b6 preserved in the halls of the university, as, altbough tbat institution has always had a United States flag, it has never had a stand of Michigau colors. The attendanoe of citizens at the arrnoiy was excellent and all were highly pleased at the iuteresting proceediugs.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News