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i No Gripe When yon t.ike Hood's Pilis. The big, old-fashtoned, sugar-ooateü p!Us, whlch tear yon auto pleoes are uotin itwitb ilood's. Easytotaka Hood's ;mii ciisy to opérate, Is true of Hood's Pilis, whieh aro I i Safe, eertaln and sure. All ■ ■ ■ ■ druggists. 260. c i. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Tlieonly Pilis te. fc&ke uuh Hood's Sarsaparllla. 1 lAPlIVA For the most valuable Hhr Iw I A contributíon to thclit' ■■ ■■■■■# crature of the world III ■ UTFIt since the production of I ' nflll I til the Bible. The Grcat ■■■■■ ■ "■ Work of the Great I Thinlters, Famous Orators, Renowned . Scholars, Wise Writers and 1XVKNTII CiATOKH of the 19th Ccntury. In all the range of literature thero Is 1 not another book llke THE PEOPLE'S BIBLE fflSTORY Y In tliis book alone can he found tbc infor mation sooght by every BI ble reader, Y whetht'r old or young, scholarly or uu lettered. 3tis, indeed, a great work. T Recent disL-overies in nrchreology Inivobrousht m tho world of today face lo fuce with tho nier who T lived, and ticted, and wroto duriu the early Á poriods coered by líibüiul Hiftori&ss. Thoso w discoyeries jiave resaltad in thfiriuniphuntvinx dication of ".he siicri'd voliiuio froni thoclmrces m brouiíht íuíainst it ii opeo foM ana pretended T fricmls, B?ery lntslfisflut psraon willorderthe A book, sa tLo matter ooutai&ea to it is of vitnl Y importanc(dnd cannot be íound iïi uny other book ou tisxta. Write foï descriptive and beautifully m illustnited vumphlüt circular. Address i THEHENRYO.SHEPARDCO. 1 212-214 Monroe St. c=w-CH!CAG0. IN THE North American Review Yin; wri.r, A:,t avs pind The Right Topics, By the Right Hen, At the Right Time. The Topics are always those which are uppi ■ osi in the public mind- In moráis, politics, science, literature, business, finance, industrial economy, social iml municipal affairs, etc- in short all subjects j 1 1 wh ch Americana requlre and deal re 10 be Informed. ffo magazine l'oi.uiivs m CLOSKliï yv.ov. aONTH TO S4ONTH THB COUltBE OF PI BMC INTEREST. All subjects au treated impartiaily on hoih sides. The Contributors to the Revibw are the tnin and women to whom the world looka for the most authoritative staiements on tbe subjects of the day. No othe' periódica! oan polnt to such a succf sion of iüstinrulsii..l wrHers. The lisl is a roll of the people who are making the lnstory. oontrolling the alfairs, and leading the opinión of the age. Tbe Time when thest ubjects aro tremed oï by these contributors in the Review is the very time when the subjects are in the public mimi. The Etwlevv is the only periódica] of itskind whi h a recognizetí placeas A FAMILY MAGAZINE. This is bi'i ■!-.■ ii di'vutt-s so miiL'li attention u -ubjecis tlmt are of purticular Intcfu i co women. Subscriptioti Price, $5.00 a Year. the mu mm wm. 291 Fifth Ave., New York. w5ÜL HERZ, no. 4 w. washington st. House, Sic, Osnamehal and Fresco Paiktï, ididinv, cKlciminingr, and paper nang in(r. Allworkts dono In tho best etyle aud warranti.rt to iri satlsfaction.


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