Real Estate Transfers
Ypsilanti Lutnber Co. to' Charles W. Alban, Augusta, $100. lC. W. A Iban, by beirs, to Martha M. Alban, Augusta, fl. ■ G. H. Giiuistou, and wife to J. K. Tuttle, Ypsilauti, $800. Bobert H. Morton and wife to Ypsilauti Lumber Co., Ypsilanti, $3,000. Miltou M. Stefiey and wife to JuninB E. Beal, Ann Árbor, $3,000. Belle Scholier to Kobert H. Soholler, Salem, $1,000. Michael Alber to Dora'Barbara Alber, Saline, $1. 1 Hiram Pieroe and wife to JRalpbH. Pierce, Lima, $4,250. Sophia Hntzel et al. to A. Kent Hale, receiver, Lima, $1,000. Clareiice J. Wardel and wife to Ennice M. Lumbie, Angnsta, $50.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Ypsilanti Lumber Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Charles W. Alban
C. W. Alban
Martha M. Alban
G. H. Grimston
J. K. Tuttle
Robert H. Morton
Milton M. Steffey
Junius E. Beal
Belle Scholler
Robert H. Scholler
Michael Alber
Dora Barbara Alber
Hiram Pierce
Ralph H. Pierce
Sophia Hutzel
A. Kent Hale
Clarence J. Wardel
Eunice M. Lambie