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"jesus Of Nazareth."

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The largest gatheriug tbat has eveí assembled iu tbe Ziou Lutberau churob since it was built was there ou Suuday night to hear the preseutation of the beautifol cantata "Jesús of Nazaretb," by the church choir, chorus of 20 male and female voicts, utid ohildren's chorus of S0 voices. lt was a magniflcent effort and Loms Boes, organist and ohoirniaster of the ohuroh, wbo was the teaober as well as director of tbe cantata, together with those who took part iu it, have worked hard for several weeks past to make it the suecess that tbe congergatiou and friends expeoted it to be. There were iully 1,000 people preseut Suuday uight, standing room even was at a premium, und mauy had to go away, uuable to get inside the building. The rnusio of the cantata, which is bright and cheerful througboufc, was ahnost fanltlesaly rendered. Tho solo parta being all most ably taken by Mrs. Louis Boes, soprano, Miss Lydia Lutz, alto, Henry J. Meyers, tenor, and Philip Weiumunu, bass. Tbe duet by Miss Lydia Latz and Erwin Schmid aud the quartet by JVIesdames Boes and Kern, Miss Anna E. Noli and Miss Lydia Lutz were also beuutifnlly rendered, while the ehorusefl by tbe chuorh oholr, chorus uid ehüdreu's oborna were stront und -ell balanoed. Prof. Zmn, of Detroit, acted as pianist aud organist iu a most acceptable marnier aud bis services were hifjhly appreoiated. Between the first aud secoud parts of the cantata, the pastor, Rev. A. L. Niclkas, addressed a few remarks to the cougrsgatiou and a collectiou amoi nting to $55.05 was taken up.