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Mrs. M. M. Howard, of Lansing, is the guest of Mrs. V. C. Vaughan. Miss Alice Staebler was the guest of Toledo friends during the past week. New Year's Day was the 87th birthday anniversary of Jacob A. Polhemus. Miss Florence of Toledo, is the guest of Herman Krapf and iaiaH. A. Moore, the real estate aseut, has gcme to Lima, Ohio, for a brief Vibiit. Mrs. Ham. Baumgartner is spending a few days at her old home in Detroit. Miss Winnie MacLachlan, of Detroit, was the guest of Miss Elsa Kempf over New Year's. Michael .Staebler visited his uncle in Charlotte for a few days the latter part of last week. John Moore, the veteran druggisfc, is lying at the point of death at his home on S. Division st. Prof. and Mrs. Woodburn, Miss Anna Gelston and Miss Martha Taylor left for Europe yesterday. A. C. Schumacher is in Detroit attending a meeting of the Michigan State Board of Pbartnacy. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Vandawarker attended the funeral of a near relative in Pontiac on Sunday. Prof. E. H. Kempf visited his brother-in-law, Víctor Widemann, of Saginaw, over New Year's. Mrs. E. M. Sinith and sons, who havfi been visiting in .Tackson for some time, have returned to Ann Arbor. JTred C. Baaer, of Cbicago, spant the holidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Bauer, of Northfield. Mr. and Mis. A. Wain, of Wbittaker, will spend the winter with P. D. Rogers and family of Catherine at. Louis C. Laviolette, of Jacobs & Allmand, spenc several days in Detroit and Cineiunati on business the past week. Miss Martha D. Taylor left yesterday for Europe, whero she expects to continue the study of French and German. Al. Douahne and Frank Taylor, who aceuuapauied W. G. Burchfield to Texas a short time ago, have returned to Ann Arbor. Miss Minnie Kraft, of Detroit, waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Karl C. Kern, on Fifth ave., for several days the past week. Mrs. George P. Stauch returned Monday from a ten days' visit with her son, Wil] Bisohoff, ajd family, at Logansport, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. and Mrs. Elizabeth Babcock spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Lambie and family, of Ypsilanti. Henry Schlittler, who has been laid up for some time with a sprained foot is now able to get about again with the assistance of crutches. Owen Donnelly, assistant operator at the office of the Western Union Telegraph Co., has gone to Detroit. He is succeeded by W. .7. Stark. Miss Agnes Ryan, who has been spending the holidays with her mother, returned on Saturday to Toledo to resuma her work as teacher. Rav. J. W. Bradshaw was in Lansing this week attending the meeting of the board of trustees of the Michigan Home Missionary suciety. Miss Gertrude M$ Sudworth, who spent the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Sudworth, .left Monday for Waterford Academy, Pa., where sne is teaching. Hugh Henry McKone and sister Mary, of Lyndon, have been visiting frietids in thu city. The young lady was on her way to Adrián to attend the Uatholic seminary thers. Eev. D. J Mitterling, pastor of the Presbyterian oharoh at Coleman, who witb Mrs. Mitterling, has been tbe guest of Rev. W. L. ïedrow and family, preached at Trinity Lutheran church last Sanday morning. Tbe Misses Julia Fohey, Lizzie Kemper and Ida Buss attended the leap year party at Dester on New Year's eve in company with Will Caspary, Herman Stierle and George Kyer, and port a very pleasant time. Alvah H. Traver of Jackson, superintendent of the Jackson Corset Co., and a former resident of Ann Arbor, was married in Jackson Wednesday evening to Miss Frances M. Lake, a popular school teacher of that city. Dan A. Carroll, who has had charge of the Detroit Journal circulation in this city for the past few raonths, in which he has done much good work, has been promoted to the position of traveling representativo fni that paper along the lines of the Michigan Central and Lake Shore railroads, and enters npon his new duties Monday. He is succeeded by J. S. Cole, of Rochester, N. Y.