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Unitarian Society

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The auDtial supper, social and parish ineeting at the Unitarian churoh on Weduesday eveniug, was au untisually interesting occasion'. The diniug room was most tastefully furuished aud decorated. Just 100 persons sat down to the tables. Several guests from a distanoe were present, among thern Rev. Mr. Hall, of Washington, D. C, brother of Professor Hall, of the Astrouomical Observatory, and Mrs. Butler and daughter, of Frankfort. Af ter supper tbere was some fine music by the ohurch quartette, and an honr of speaking. Prof. Pettee was master of ceremonies. The cbairmau of thboai'd of trustees made a short report as to the business condition of the society. Mrs. Walter Whitlark; secretary of the Ladies' ünion, and Miss Charlotte Bullis, president of the King's Daughters, told of the excellent work done by those two organizations during the past year, and Miss Helen Georg of the help rendered by young ladies in the society to the city sewing school for poor children. 'Dr. Zimmeiman, president of Unity Club, reportad for that popular iustitution, aud A. L Alexaoder tolJ of the work being done in the Sunday school, and of a plan in contemplation for the possible establishment of Saturday afternoon classes for instruction of che children iu siuging, drawiug and olay modelling. A report i'rotn the library comruittee spoke of some $40 worth of 'new books recently purchased for the free loaniug library. The number ot tracts, pampblets aud priuted sermons illustrative of the liberal faith put iu circnlatiou from the church aud sent away by mail was reported as very large. Tweuty-niue thousand copies of Mr. Sunderland's "College Towii Pulpit" (printed mouth]y sermons) have been issued and used in a single year. At the close of the reporta of the various activities of the cburcb, short speeches were made on the general work, needs and ontlook of the society, by O. E. Butterfield, Rush C. Barney, T. 15. Henry, G. W. Bullis, Prof. Greene and Mrs. Sunderland. Mr, Sumierlaud was appointed to convey to Rev. .T. O. Kimball,üf Hartford, Coun., who snpplied tbe pulpit last year during the pastor's absence, the grertings of the society, and expreásions of their very warru regard. Then came two surprises. The first was the presentation, by tbe pastor, of souvenirs of his travels, in tbe farm of canes, to the officers of the society. These canes, whicb were finely carved, he had brought from Greece and the Oriënt. They were presentad as an expression of his appreciation of tbe kindness of the society in giautiug him a leave of absence tor a year of travel and study abroad. Canes from Damascusr covered with a kind of carving peculia, to that city, were presented to Profs. Pettee and Greene, ludge Harriman, Messrs. Allen and Whitlark, and Mrs. Pinuey and Mrs. Motley; canes from Greece, with finely' oarved horses' heads, to Messrs. Bullis and Childs, and a curionsly carved and painted caue frotu tbe Himalaya mouutaius in India to Dr. Zimmerman. Mr, Suuderlaud's presentafcion speech coutaiued many hnmoious allusions to incidents and experiences connected with the oanes. The seoond surprise was a very complete tnrniDg of the tables on the pastor. The trustees of the church having discovered the iuteresting fact that Mr. and Mrs. Sunderland have just passed the 25th annniversary of their marriage, had determinad to celébrate the eveut, which tbey proceeded to do at tbis time by presenting to the pastor and bis wife a very beautiful silver soup tureen, with a gold lined soup ladle. The presentatiou address, which was made by Prof. Pettee, was in that gentleman's best vein, and while it sparkldd with humor, was a very warm aüd touching espressiou of the high regard in which Mr. and Mrs. Suuderlaud are held by tbe i-ociety, and of the [. society 's appreoiatinn of the devoted and able woik whioh they have done for the Uuitarin cause, aud for the moral aud religions lile of the commuuity and the Uuiversity, during thfiir 18 years of life aud labor iu Anu Arbor. The meeting broke up with the feeliug on tbe part of all that the occasion was the u.ost iuteresting and memorable anunal gatheriug that thu church had ever enioyed.