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Mrs. Mary M. Hopkins died at her home at Fowler's Corners, Saturday, aged 67 years. Over 60 tons of dressed poultry was taken to Ypsilanti and shipped east this season by Mr. Morse. Walter Hewitt, sr., of Ypsilanti, has been taken to the Dearborn Eetreat owing to an attack of nervous prostration. A 40-hours devotional service will commence ab St. John's Catholic church, Ypsilant, Sunday morning at 10:30. John Wade bas rented the farms ot' Adeline and Palmer Westfall in Lima and will take possession in the near future. Elbert Cook recently threshed 753 bushels of shelled corn for Amariah Hitchcock of Sharon, in seven hours, resetting three times. A melancholy (?) lad of the high school remarks that if he were to have nine lives he should hope this was the eighth. - Milan Leader. Five boys were arrested recently ou a warrant sworn ont by the trustees for disturbing the meeting at the Losee church, in Augusta township. R B. Huut, claiming to be a printer from Chelsea, was arrested in Corunna oo a charge of stealing a mackintosh and was sent to jail for 40 daya. Ttro are about 35 applicants for the pastúrate of the Cm.gergational cbnrch, at Ypsilanti, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Rev. Bastían Smits Rev. William Gardam, of Ypsilanü, has taken up the services at Grace church, Belleville, conducting services there every other Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. John Tedder, of Whittaker, while in Milan Tuesday of last week slipped and fell, and his left hand caine in enen violent contact with the sidewalk that one of the bones in his wrist was broken. - Leader. Carl Prochnow, died at bis home in Northfield, Sunday, from the effects of a paralytic stroke, aged 74 years, 4 months and 23 days. He leaves five sons and one daughter, all of whom live in Northfleld. The funeral services were held at the house on Wednesday. The blacksmith shop of John M. Tucker, in Ypsilanti, was broken into Rriday night and about 50 pounds of horse shoe ntuls and sorue tools were taken. Another box of small tools was also packed up by the thief as if to be taken away, bnt was left behind. No olne to the thief. Mis. Mary Mitchell, who came to Ypsilanti from Negaunee two years ago to edúcate her daughters, and who had been helpless fjoni rbeumatism the most of that time, difld in Yspilanti Thursday morning, Jan. 7. aged 60 years. The remains were sent to Negaunee, Friday morning for interment. The annual election of officers at the Ijapbam Sabbat-h school in Salem resulted as follows: Soperintecdent, J. H. Smith; secretary, JNirs. Lillie Jarvis; organist, Miss Alice Quackenbush; chorister, F. Lovelace; teachers, Louie Rich, Alice Quackenbush, Ira Savery, Burt Nelson, Mis. L. Packard, H. C. Packard, M. F. Bailey and U. Uole. At the anntial meeting of Manchester Arbeiter Vorein held Monday evening, Jan. 4, the following officers were elected for 1897: President, Wui. Kirohgessner; vice president, F. K. Steinkohl; seoretary, Frederiok Kurfess; treasnrer, J. Frederick Schaible; trustees, N. Sohmid, W. Lehr, .T. Gumper, Win. Benerle, B. Sodt, C. Adrion, .Tos. Kramer, John Stegmiller, L. Kuebler. Recently Marshal Jerry, of Saline, took in a fine specimen of a hobo gave him a good supper and breakfast in the morning and then turned him loose. He went at once to the home of one of the aldermen on E. Main st. and set up the pitiful cry that he had had nothing to eat for more than a week - the ory ent deep and the fellow went away with provisions enough to keep him at least a week in advance. - Observer. The honse of S. S. Bibbins, supervisor of Augusta, caught fire New Year'e while they were all away, barned a hole iu tbs floor in the dinini; roooi abont fivs feet sqoarr, letting the stove drop down outo iu old foundation of a fire place. The paiot, wall paper, furniture and pictiun s ero coloiod a first class smoke uolor. Tie only thing that saved the hoie was the want of ajr. The fire was not discovered till the return of the family, who pnt it ont. - Milan Leader. Michael Alber died at his home in Suliup, Saturday moining. The funeral was held Tuesday niorniug. There are Reveral cases of diphtheria reported iu Ypsilanti. Four houses aie qnaraulined flt the preseot time. Herbert S. Allen, of Ypsilanti town, and Miss Lizzie M. Potter, of Augusta, were married Thursday of last week. Con. J. Berghoefer, of Detroit, and Miss Margatret Terns, of Ypsilanti, were married in Detroit, Thursday night of last week, by Bishop Foley Jesse Cheeseman, an old soldier, difd in Superior, ïhursday oL last week, aged 70 years. The funeral services were held at the Free church, Friday. Willis G. Gallup, of Wíscobrín, and Miss Mary E. Harrison, daughter of the late Jonathan Harrison, of VTpsilanti, were married Thursday of last week. N. Ambrosa, formerly of Missouri, died at the Jerome Williams farm in Augusta, Monday, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. He was 65 years of age. The officers of the Whitmote Lake Sunday school for this year are: Superintednent, L. J. Stiles; assistant superintendent Geo. J. Darkins; secretary, John Turner; treasurer, Matie Spiegelberg; librarian, Victoria Soper ; organist, Louise Dalke. A special election for justice of the peace to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Walter P. Beach, will be held in Ypsilanti, Monday, Jan. 25. So far only two deu-oorats Lee N. Brown and Frank Joslyn have signified their intention of making the run for the office. The early closing movement is now in force arnong Chelsea stores, and the Chelsea Standard says: "The way that the 'kids' scattered Monday nigbt when the whistle blew for early olosing of :he stores was caused by the faot that ;hey thought the curfew ordinauce had goue into effect." Fire in the barn of Henty Brówn who livea on the Capt. Wallace farm ust beyond the fair grounds at Ypsianti, on Snnday morning, destroyed he building, three tons of bay, 175 snshels of corn, bis farm implements and bnrued up a fine team of borses. There was no insurance. The Mooreville L. O. T. iM.'s have eleuted the followiug officers for this year: Lady Com., Susie M. Lawrence; Jady L. C, Sopbia Davenport ; R. K., Addie C. Hale; F. K., Arsina Olds; chaplain, Amauda Ellis; sergeant, Lizzie White; sentinel, Catharine Hathaway; picket, Estella C. Warnei. The following are the oflficers of the Epworth League of the M. E churuh at Whitmore Lake: President, Mrs. E. A. Hicks ; vice presidents, Ely M. .field, the Misses Victoria Boper, Matie Spiegelberg and Louise Dalke; secretary, Miss Ida Deyhle; treasurer, Tohn Turner. Leaders were also apjointed for each meeting tor tbe ensung three months. The Free church correspondent of the Ypsilanti Commercial says: "We have eard of people being economical and saviüg, but our township treasurer jeats them all on economy. He says he von't pay his tases until the very last one, so be cao collect from himself hat extra 3 per cent. That is right,' tíichael, make all you can, even it does iit your pooketbook. " The Mooreville K. O. T. M.'s have elected the following officers for this year: Com., J. K. Lawrence; L. C. , V. E. Dillou; R. K., D. P. McLachan; F. K., F. S. Olds; chaplaiu, J. 3 Onlver; pbysician, D. P. McLachan ; sergeant, F. H. Moore; M. at A., J. M. Clark; M. of G., Roy J. Wbitug; M. ofQ., Philo Luokhardt; seniuel, F. B. Gillette; picket, 1'. H. layes. Ypsilanti is quite a shipping point or dressed poultry. G. H. Morse, the 3oston poultry buyer, hasshipped 122,708 pouDrls and G. R. Johnson & Sous 100,000 pounds, which makes the total sent east this seasou 222,708 pouuds. Conntiug the live poultry as aveiaging 12 cents, this means that nearly $27,000 has been distributed amoDg the farmers of this vicinity for ponltry alone. - Times. By resolutioD of the village council of Saline, the chief of the fire departmont has been empowered to organizea fire department consisting of 15 men, they to receive as compensation the tsum of $5 ench year and to be governed by such rules and regulations as the company shall adopt, to be approved by the council. The chief has also been empowered to select such meD as he may deem qualified to tafee charge of the various branches of the department. George M. Gandy aDd C. W. Mansfield, of Ypsilanti, were strictly in it on Barred Plymouth Rocks at the poultry show in Detroit last week. On Barred Plymouth Rock Cocks, Mr. Gandy got second prize and on hens Mr. Mansfield got fourth prize. Ou breeding hens they took third and fourth prizes respectively. Ia the Michigan Plymouth Rook Club class Mr. Gaudy took first prizes for cockerel and pnllet for which he got silver onps and Mr. Mansfield a silver tea set for the best tm birds. ■