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Capt. E. P. Allen has written a new lecture entitled, "Christianity in Politics." The title of the leotare is a lie on tbe face of it. Ex-County Olerk Dansiugburg, of Washtenaw, who contested the election of Jacob F. Schnh, bas danoed out of the county, and purchased au interest in a Detroit commission house. Fraoois J. Johnson is tbe natne of the colored man selected to be pnshed for a place in tbe auditor-geueral's department. M. W. Guy had been led to believe thafc the popular claim would be in bis favor' bnt his brethren appear to have been "guyicg" hiru. Mike Welob, of Whitmore Lake, undertook to skiu a rabbit in a minute, and would bave done so, but the knife slipped aad tbe time lost in romiding up -a doctor to close tbe artery in the wrist, Io6t bim tbe achievemeut. He is prond spirited and feels greatly "cat up" over it. Tbe foliowing from theMonroe Deinocrat "bnooks the baby down" : Lambertville debating club has a rather jugbandled question to discuss - "Resolved, That mouey is more j o werf ui than knowledge. " Take the recent election, tbe resnlt of wbich answers tbat question beyoud dispute. Adner LaEose, a young man from Bay City, is receiving treatment for the eyes, at Ann Arbor. His sight was irnpaired by a yonng lady wbo olaimed thafc if LaRose had not been worse tban she, she wonld bave been better than she was; and thereupon she threw concentrated lye in his face. It is stated concerning C. P. Johnson, of Brooklyu, wbo reoently underwent an operation at Ann Arbot that "lumps as hard as steel, were remove 1 form his liver. " This is uot as strange as it would at flrst appear. Ah, how many boarding house survivors recall "calves' liver" that was wholly metallic. Tbe practice of a mandolín club at Manchester, was such as to cause a lamp to fall from its fastenings, and hit a young lady, burning her about the head, and iojuriug ber dress. Mandolín rehearsals are very trying to the nerves, and duiiog practice it sbould be seen to, that everything about the room is as secure as possible from sudden transit. A hobo, baving been given his breakfast in Ann Arbor, stole the gold rings of the girl who provided him witb the spread and got 90 days in the workhouse. The Argus charges that he did not realize the force of the maxim, " Whatsoever ye wonld tbat men should do yon, do ye eveu so to them.' No, be was carrying ont that other maxim, "Wbat the hands fiud to do, do with all yiuir migbt. " Ring off, please. Prof. O. G. Taylor has arranged a snow b oyóle by attacbiug a runner in placo ui the front wheel ou bis bicycle. [t atíracted considerable attention on the Btreeta one day last week. - Aun Arbor Register. This is the first instance tbat has come uoder our nose, wherein an Ann Arbor professor ever did anytning by halves. Why didn't the professor attach another runner in plaoe of the bind wbeel? His failure to do bo, cannot but be regarded as a slide backward. Prof. Viotor C. Vaughan, of Aun Arbor, appeared before the recent state teachers' association with blood in bis eye, and bare knnckles, and knocked out ooilege athletics, which he maintained was of little use and had its immoral phases. Then be sailed iuto footjall like a "flying wedpe" and made several heavy scores and "touchdowns. " Dr. Vaughan takes a very sensible view of the rautter, but tbere are athletes in tbe university who wisb he ruight die of tyrotoxicon. A dentist who visits Manchester employa a young lady assistant. As the young gentleman patiënt is about to bid Earewell to a traitorous tooth, it bly eases the pain of extraotion as he sees the world slipping away from him in a paug of misery, to behold a pretoy íoot braced against his obair, a soft, white hand gripping the fórceps, and oatch a glirupse of parted lips, pretty teeth and a coquettish smile, as heaveo and earth seeru teariug asunder, and out comes an old "doubler" with as many prongs a3 a hemlock stump. For their fidelity to the republican oause, the colored voters of Washtneaw feit entitled to recognitíon, so they oalled a meeting, aud decided to recoramend oue of their number to a olerkship iu the auditor-general'8 office. But they were uot uuanimous. Far from it, and it is likely that the candidate who seoured a majority of votes, will be bitterly assailed by the robnst minority, aud the auditor-general will see his way clear to ignore both faetious, and pot none but white men od guard. The oolored Washtenawiaus have made the wished for mistake, but they have something left, for they can still be "hewers of wood and drawers of water" foi their republican raasteis, just as usual. Karl E. Harrirnan, sAnn Arbor's young literary all-rounder, has for some time past exhibited symptoms of the dramatic malady, whiob bas excited the concdrn of his frieuds to á degree. He is in tact, uudergoing preparation for the stage, and while doing literary work for iiewspapers and magazines, i also developing a one-a.ct play, which he will produce in bis home city, fitst, and if allowed fo escape with bis life, will consider bis debut as a star performer, in the light of a suocess. Youug Harriman, as yet, has seen only about twenty or twentyone summers, and froin fifteen to eighteen winters, but in variety of genius he is more kinds of a boy than ever before moved under one hat, and there is every reason to suppose thafc with no backset his literary and stage abilities will figure prominently by the opening of the 20ch centnry.


Ann Arbor Argus
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