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The oiïïoers of Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 4, K. of P., were installed on Friday evening last. Tbe annual meeting of the High Courfc of Foresters will be held at Port Hnron next month. William E. Stocking, of this city, has been appoiuted assistant sergeautat-arms of the house of representatives at Lausing. Harkins & Willis have received a letter from L. Daka & Zoon, of Amsterdam, Holland, making enquiry abont "Jim's toasters." At the next meeting of the Young People's Society of Zion Lntberan church, to be held Feb. 4, a nmsioal program will be rendered. Ira Leland, son of Supervsinr E. E. Leland, of Ernery, bas beeu appointed one of the messenger boys in the house of representatives at Lausing. The annual state encampruebt of the departmeut of Michigan, G. A. R., will be held in Greenville, Wednesday and Thuisday, April 7 and 8. Glen V. Mills bas completed his canvass of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti for Lis ne%v directory of the twin oities, and expects to have the directory out by Feb. 1. Joseph Kalmbach, of Ypsilanti, by his attorueys, Wallace & Webb, has coumenced a divorca suit against his wife, Carrie Kalmbach, outhe gronuds of desertion. Schumacher & Miller's big $fO standard thermometer was stolen from in front of their drug store on Friday night last. They forgot to take it in that night, so somebody "took it in" for them. The Sorg store, ou S. Main st, has been sold to Arthur Brown, who in tnrn has sold his house and lot, No. 37 Willaid st. , to Mrs. Caroline Sorg. Both transfers were made throngh tbe Bach & Butler agency. The Mozart Sympbony Club will give the next entertainment in tbe Y. M. C. A. course at the Presbyterian cburoh next Thursday evening. It is said that the entertainments furninshed by this club are of a mosC finished character. The stockholders of the Ann Arbor Brewing Co. have elected Ernest Renberg president and treasurer, Herman Hardinghaus vice president and secretary, and Ernest Rehberg, Louis Rehberg and Herman Hardinghaus directora of the oompany. The following were installed as offi cers of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian churoh on Snnday evening last : President, John B. McCreery; lst vice president, Miss Ida M. Finley; 2d vice president, Willis Gelston; corresponding seoretary, Miss Isabelle Trunbull; reoording secretary, Miss Margia Allen ; treasurer, M. A. Wood. The annual meeting of the Chnrch of Christ will be held this evening in the church ou S. Uuiversity ave. Supper will be seived from 5 to 8 o'clock. At 8:30 a program of music, addresses aud reports of the vai'ious departments of the church will be rendered. Rev. C. B. Newnan, of Detroit, and Eev. C. A. Young, of Chicago, will be present and make addresses. The followiug nominations für offioers of the third reginieat of Patriarohs Militant, I. O. O. F., have been made ty Cantón Ann Arbor, No. 30: For colonel, Peter Besting, of Pontiac; for lieutenant-colonel, J. J. Ferguson, of Ann Arbor ; for major of first battalion, George R. Kelly, of Ann Arbor. Tho regiment includes the cantons at Pontiac, Lansing and Ann Arbor, and the eleotion takes place at the first meeting of the several oantons in April. At the meeting of Anu Arbor Lodge, No. 325, B. P. O. Elks, on Tbnrsday eveniug of lase week a genuine surpirse was ruug in on Fred Huntoon, the genial seuretary of that body. At tbat time James R. Bach after a few pleasant oompliraentary remurks presentad Mr. Huutoon, on behalf of tne lodga, with au elegant gold lülks' head pin witb diamond setting. In big surprise at the gift, Fred managed to stammer out a "Tha-'k you" and then pulliug himself together, he assnred the doners tbat he wonld always wear that pin with a feeling of prida, and he does. The pin was farnished by George Haller, the jeweler. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Quarry, Monday eveniug, a baby girl. .T. P. Subub will furuish the mantels and gas fixtores for the Cook house improvements. Bach & Butler opeDed np their spring stook Monday by selling a lot in the College Hill addition. Rev. .7. AI. Gelston will speak at the meu's meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Suuday afternooou at 2:45 o'clock. The building coiniuittüe of the new Bethlehem cburch celebrated the oomplf tiou of its labora by a b'auqnet at the American house on Thursday evening of last week. Major W. C. Stevens, of this city; has been reappointed a rnember of the board of trustees of the Eastern insane asylurn. His term will expire Jan. 1, 1901. Tbe rooms in the court hoose, formerly used for the jury room and circuit court commissiooer's room, are beiug fitted up for the prosecuting attorney's I and school commissioner's offioes. Thomas Roadman, of Ypsilanti, has been granted au increase of pension. The pension was granted under the name of "Stephen" Roadman, which was the name he was known by in the army. The Masonic block has been reohristened and will in future be kuown as the Savings Bank block. Two handsoine gold leaf signs have been placed in position ou the building annouuciug the fact. W N. Lister, of Saline, is iu the field for th'e republioan nominatiou fcr county school oommissioner, to sncceed W. W. W'demeyer, whose term expires July 1. The elecou will be held in tbe spring. Three cases of typhoid fever are repoited - oue frotn che Delta Kappa Epsil'jn house o, hhite st., one from the Snrority l.i.. si - both being houses where the i..iiLubiug is reported j tive. - Times. Francis J. Johnson, oL Ypsilanti, who was eudorsed by the colored people of Washtenaw county for the position of assistaut in the cloak room at the capitol in Lansing, has received that appointmeut. At the meetiog of the board of directors of Forest Hill Cemetery Assouiation held Tuesday afceruoon, Col. H. 8. Dean was elected president, Frederick Schmid viue president, and B. B. Pond semetary and treasurer. Justice Pond had a batch of dtunks bef ore him on Mouday. Miijhael Maloney, an old offendar, was üned i5 and $4 costs, and John Stevens, of Toledo, and Herman Grant, of Jacksou, were sent to jail for two days. Mrs. A. C. Galloway, who lives north of the city, went to Ann Arbor Tuesday to have au operation performed on her eyes, for the removal of cataracts. Mrs. Galloway is about 80 yeai's of age and is totally blind. - Adrian Telegram. Few perrons who bave not giveu special attention to the subject have any idea of tbe enormous school populación of the ünitod States. The total number of tbe entire public school population of this oountry, from o to 18 years of age, is 20,099,383 pupils; of these 13,960,288 are enrolled, with an averagñ daily atteudance of 9,208,896, aud they are iustructed by 388,531 teachers. D. B. Stawart, of Alpena, was struck ou the head soine time ago with a stick of wood, the blow affectiug his mental couditiou. Ou Suuday he was brought to the University hospital by Dr. D, A. Cau.eron to see if aaything could be aone for him. Au examination showed that au operation would do bim no good and he was taken home again ou Monday. George Hazelwood, of this city, has added his name to the list of applicants for the superintandenoy of the university hospital. The otbers who desire the position are Messrs. Strong, of Detroit; H. G. Prettyman, Quincy Turner and A. C. Clark, of Ann Arbor. Tbe regenta will rauke the appointment at their next meeting and also appoint a superintendent for the homeopathie hospital. The "Four Eveuings Abroad" oourse of the Epworth League will be opeued this evening at tbe M. E chureb with a lecture by J. E. Beal on his trip through Mexico. Mr. Beal recently spent tbree montbs visitmg our next door neighbor on the south and eau teil mauy things about this interesting aud httle known conutry. Tickets are sold admitting tó the entire course for only 2."i cents. A quarter thus speut is certainly well invested. Ann Arbor Lodge No. 55, Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W., installed the following officers at its last meeting : P. C. of H., Mrs. Gertrude Hoffstetter; C. of H., Mrs. Sarah Rehberg; L. üfE, Mrs. Sarah Sinke; C. of C, Mrs. Martba Kuebler; recorder, Mrs. Mary Kern; fiuanoier, Mrs. Julia buick; reoeiver, Mrs. Ida Mablke; usher, Mrs. Jeunie Wotzke; inside watoh, Mrs. Emma Clancy; outside watch, Miss Alice Butler. At the annual meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution, held at the residence of Mrs. James B. Angell, Thursday afternoon of last weok, Mrs. Wm. G. Doty, historian, read a carefully prep .red paper on the history of the name of the local cbapter "Ann Arbor Cbapter." wbich will be placed ou file with the tiational society at Washington, D. C, and Mrs. Harry B. Hutchins read a paper on Gen. Putnarn. The officers of the society for the ensuing year were elected as follows: RHgaut, Mrs. James B. Angell; vice regent, Mrs. James L. Babcock ; secretary, Mrs. Jonathan Richards; treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Dean ; registrar, Miss Emraa E. Bower; historian, Mrs. Wm. G. Doty. The annual reports of the secretary, treasnrer and registar were also read. Jauuary meeting of the board of regents next Thursday. Adam Shannon, of Milan, has been grautsd au origiual pension, Burn to Rev. and Mrs. Robert Schriber, of Saline, ou Jan. 3, a son. Mrs. Silas Saxton slipped on an icy doorstep Wednesday momiug and feil, breakiug her aukle. P. McKeruan has removed hiH law office from the court house to D. Craruer's block on W. Huron st. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Mays died Wednesday morning at 62 Kingsley st. The annual meetiug of tbe stockbolders of tbe Anu Arbor Orgau Co. will be held i tbe oompuuy's office uext Tuesday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sohleiuher, of VV. Fifth st., died Mouday eveniug and was buried Weduesday afternoou. Ainong the pnzes that are beiug drawn for at the Midwinter Circus is a j $100 bicyole, generously douated to the i boys by James E. Harkius. The next in the series of Oddfellows' socials will take place at the rooms in the Henuing block, Thursday evening, lau. 28. Mnsic by Miunis' orchestra. At a meeting of the board of directors of tbe First National Bauk htild Tuesday -afternoon, E. D. Kinne was aleoted president and Major Harrison Soule vice president. Compared with Jan. 1, 1896, there bas beeu an inorease iu price of all farm products exceyt corn, oats, bay, hogs and dressed pork: Average iucreate foï wheat was 25 cents. The ladiee of the Order of tho Easteru Star will give tbe first of thtii j íes of social dances at Masonic temple, ! uext Wednesday eveuiug. Noue but members of the order aie expecteel to I attend. A large unmber of people from ! roundiug towus, even as far off as j and, have atteuded the Mulwiuter cus. Over 300 people bad to be tuiued away last uighc unablo to get iuside the building. Thomas O'Brien, of Northfield, died Tuesday atteruoou, aged 5?, after a long illuess. He leaves a wife and two Suns. The funeral services were held at the Northfield Catholic church Wednesday moruing. Mrs. Mary Williams died Wednesday at No. 32 Aun st., where sbe has beeu living with hur daughter, agtd 76 years. Her remains were taken to her old home ac Onondaga, Mioh., for iuterment, Thursday morning. Accomudation for 20 members of the Detroit Whueimen bas been eugaged at the Aniericau house for tumorrow uight. The Detruiters will attend the Midwinter Circus aud get some pointers on how to cenduct a circus and uot lose tnouey. Simon Henry Douglass died at the home of his sister, Mrs. L. J. Tichnor, iu Putsfield, Wednesday, aged ö(i years i aud 2Í) riays. Tbe funeral services will be held tumorrow muiniiig at 10:30 and iuterintmt will De in Forest Hill j cemetery. Tbe December erop report says 5,689,243 bnshels of wheat were marketed the past five months, 35i(,519 more tbau in the same months in 1895. Average pnce of wbeat was 84ceDts; coru, 23; oats, 18; hay, $7.37; fat cattle, $3.03; dressed pork, $4.03. At the elctiou of directors of the Pirst National Bank, held Tuesday. the old board of directors was reelected asfollows: Wirt Ooruwell, Wm. Waguer, Moses Seabolt, Heman Woods, James L. Babcuck, E. D. Kinne, Harrison Sonie, Frederick Sahmid, John j F. Lawrence. Drr. Baird, in charge of Joseph Bartkowiak, tbe victim of tbe Polish riot, will take his patiept to Ann Arbor iu a few days to have the X rays applied to his chest for tbe purpose of locatiug the bullet and determiniug whether it will bo advisable to attempt to remove it. - Detroit Free Press. The Aun Arbor Arbeiter Vereiu will dedícate its uew quarters iu tbe tbiid floor of the Laubengayer block on S. Maiu st , uext Thursday evtuing. Tbe entertainment will oonsist of a couoert and danoe. The rooms of the society have two halls, side by side, in oue of which the concert will be held aud in the other the dance. Admission to the coucert will be free; to the dance the tickets will be 25 cents eaoh. At the joint installation of tbe officers of Weich Post, No. 137, G. A. R , Welch Corps, W. R C. and J. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90, S. of V., held Tuesday eveuing at tbe G. A. R. hall, a good uumber of pecple were present, Col. H. S. Deau acted as installing officer of the G. A. R. aml W. R. C, while Major Soule instailed the officers of J. T. Jacobs Camp. After the in-, stallation an excelleut supper was partaken of by all present. In one of our neighboring villages a society of ladies proposed to give a "spider web" social. A uotice was rtauded to tbe local paper for publication, and tbe intelligent oompusitor made it read, "Tbe ladies of lodge will give a "spider leg social " It is unnecessary to say that the wrath of the sisters was beyond comprebeusion, and that tbe publisher waa informed if he ever called them "spider legí" again ho would be publicly hoisewhipped. - Hudson Post. At the aunual meeting of the Michigan State Millers' Association held in Lansing, Tuesday, G. Frank Allmendinger, of this city, was elected vice president. The report of the secretary showed that the flour ontp t of Michigan milis during 1890 was 4,000.000 barrels and that the average price paid for wheat was 67 cents. Committeei were appointed to urge the passage of a reciprocity bill upon the Michigan delegatiou in congress, and the passage of a state grain iuspection bill on the legielatnre. One of bvight youngsters had heard bis father ase the slang pbrase tbat be had to "cough up" the rnoney for such and sooh a thing. On Tuesday while eating dinner, pater was attacked by a violent fit of cougbiüg. The little fellow jumped down out of his high chair, roshed around the table and stood iu front of his father watobing every movement. When 1 ed if he felt sorry t'or hia papa, he replied. "Nope. I thought he'd cough up njoaey. -