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Bishop Meets His "fate."

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Charles Bishop, the professional 1 or, whü ooached aud dirooted the peri'ormance of "Fate" whigh was played at the Grand opera house, Dec. lö, by Ann Albor amateurs, uuder the anspices of Ann Arbor Chapter, O. E. 8., has evideutly beeu playiug a very 1 ery" part sinue he left this city, to jndge by the followiug letter writteu to Marshal Cassius M. Warner, of Ypsilauti, by the oity marshal of Adrián : "Adrián, Mich , Jannary 8, 1897. "City Marshal, Ypsilanti, Mioh. "Dear Sir : - A man by the name of Charles Bishop, claims to be au actor, left bere last night witb a girl 16 years old by the name of Mahel Stanton. Her people are very auxioas to fiud the girl. I thougbt perhaps yon conld find where this rnan went frora there. He bi arded there with Bd. Rogers, I aru told. He gets np home taleut shows or Feutertaiuments for churohes and sooieties. iind out all yon cían aboat him and let me know. "Respectfully, "E. S. FERGUSON." Whilo iu Yfisilanti Bishnp boarded witb Ed. Rogers, corner of Michigan I aml Adams sts., and toid Mr. Rogers j íbat he was eugaged to be married to a girl iu A'Tiau bnt that her folks were very rnuch opposed to it. He intirnated that he was going to get the girl anyway and after resulis abow that be did so. When he lef t Ypsilanti he aleo left behind hiin two or thiee unsettled bilis, ainoanting in all to .$10 or $15. J While iu Ann Arbor Mr. Bishcp conduoted himself in a manner tbat won for him the good will of neaily all who j carne in coütact, with him, and tbey were greatly surprised to hear of this escapade. The Adriau Telegram has the following iu regard to the affair: "The names of the purties coucerned in the elopement, meutioued in Satnrday's Telegram aro Charles Bishop and Mabel Stautou. Bishop is u travelling aotor, prodnoing Bartley Campbell's play 'Pate' witb bimself iu tbe leading role, and amateur talent filling the gaps. The play was presented bere on election nigbt last fall. Mabel, wbo is uearly líi, exeoated a skirt danoe between two of the acts. She became faacinated with Bishop, and Thurday last, left ber school and the oity with him, he coiniug here froru Ypsilauti ro take ber away. The parents of the girl are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S tan ton, Mr. Stanton having been a trusted employé of the Lake Shore road for years. They feel dpeply tbe trouble iu which they are placed, aud have the sympathy of tbe entile community. It is understood a raihoad man saw the couple in Liiua last Satnrday, ana Mabel said they weie to be rnarried wben sbe was 16, which wonld be iu a few davs, when they wonld retnrn bere. A warrant bas been issned for Bishop's arrest, and the autborities are after him."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News