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i?io morpbine or opium in Dr. Miles' FAfif ?ILLS. Cüre All Pain. "Oüo cent a close" Has for a Fifth of a Century Cured all forms of ... "% KIDNEY and LIVER D1SEASES. I THE DREAD BRIGHT'S DSEASE is but advanced Kidney Disease. fc Either is Dangerous. Both can be Cured f treated in time with Warner's Safe Cure. Large bottle or new style Bmaller H V one at your drugrgisfs. Ask for fr k either and accept no substitute. r Notice to Creditors. TATE OF MIOHIGAN, COUNTÏ OF Washten;:w,ss. Notice is hereby iiiven,'h;it b an order oí. the Probate Couii for tlie Coiintv oí Washtenaw, made on the 9tb day of Janüaiy, A. U. 1S97, bix montlis from thdt date were allowod forcreditorB to present their claims against the estáte of Tobías H ilmes, late of said counly, deeeased. and tlial all creditors of said deceaaed are required to presenl t hei r olurau to said Probate Oourt, atlhe Probate Office in the ei tv of Aun Arbor, for exaraination amt ui lowance, on 01 bcfore the nintli day ui July next, and tbt such cluims will be h?ard before said ('ourl on the uinth day of Ap-il and on the ninth dity of July next, at ten o'dopfc in the torenoonof eaeh ot said days. Dated. Ann Arlior, J .niiHrv i. A. I) l-97 H. WIRT N1ÍWKIRK, Judye ol Plómate. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF ■" Washtenaw Tlie underslgned hnving been appointed by the Prohate Uourt lor .--aid County Oommis-iionerö to nceive, examine and artji's) all claimt; -nd deniaml-v of ;i 11 persons agiiinst th( estáte of JuHa E. Sliankland, late of soid County deeeusei, her Itj prive Lbat -ix niontliK from dale are allaved, by ortlei oí s-iid Probute Court, for Creditorw to preaenl their claims ftgafest the estáte of said deeensed, and thattbey will meet ut itMdeuce ot the deceaaed. in the 'X'ownBbip ot Sitlern. in eaid County, on the 2ytb day of Haich, and on ihe 28 h da ot June, 1897, next at ten o'cluct A. M ot om h ol Baid days, to reoeive. examine and ali nst said claiuiB Dated, December 28, 1SÍW WM MANLT, JOUN 1). STAKFOHI), Comiuituiioceis. Commissioner's Notice. OTATE OK MICHIGAN, ÜOUííTy w ol VVashiena. i he uodeisiuned h.iviiiLbeen ippoloted by the Prohate C'oun tor said County, cominlwioners u rt-ceive, examine antí adjust all cliiim and demands of all persons agauujl iheestute ol Jainef D. McMntt-r, late of saici coonty, cieoeused, h. u by give notice lbat aix months from dutc are allowed, by order o( suid Probate Couit, lor creditors to present their claims agamst tlie estáte ot said eceased, and tl at thej will ineei at t ho office of Wllliam W. Whedou in the city of nu Aibor, in s-ml county, on Monday, the 2 a .;ay ol Maren, A. D. 1S97, ano on Monday the 2l8t uay of Juu., A. I). ]S 7, next, ■ ten o'clock a. m, ol e ich ot caid day to receive, examine aud adjitst Raid claims. Dated Ann Arbor. Dfci inber 21st 1896 VV. W. WHEUON, GEOHOE L. MOOKE, Comminioners.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News