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Rev. J. H. Girdwood has resignad the pastorate of the Baptist chnrch, in Cb?lsea. Conrar) Fiukbinder, of Dexter, had the misfortune to break bis leg iu three places one day receutly. Mort Henderebott and Pred Schaible have rented the Unterkircher storu in Manchester, and will -open up in the grocery business Feb. 1. Mrs. John Flynn, of SharoD, died Satnrday, Jan 9. Her funeral was held at the Catbolic chnrch I in Manchfister. Hon. Frank S. Bnrton, of Detroit, who died in Ann Arbor, Jan. 8, of cúnsarnption, was a nephew of R. P. Copeland, of Dexter. Mrs.' Helen Davis, wife of George Davis, of Uhelsea, died in South Bend. Ind , Jan. 7. Herretnains were brought to Chelsea and interred there. The following have been elected officers of the Sylvan ohuroh : James Beokwith chairman; B. Millspaugh, secretary ; William Fletcher, treasurer. A pleasant and well atteuded New England social for the benefit of the Webster Congregational oburoh was given at the residence of W. E. Boyden, Webster, Wednesday evening. Rev. Mr. Hioks, of Whitraore Lake, ■will deliver a ternperance leoture at the Dexter BaptiBt church, tbis evening after whiob the lodge of I, O. G. T. in tnat village will be reorganized. C. E. Parker and J. Croarkin, of Dexter, have gone into partnership in the ice business and will harvest a orop as Koon as Jack Frost shall ccmdescend to make the congealed fluid of' suffioient thickness. Eight cases of diphtheria have been reported to Health Officer Wilkinson, of Ypsilanti. Six houses are now quarantined in the oity by reason of diphtheria and one from scarlet fever. There are some fears of the latter disease breaking out among the scbool children. One day last week a tramp called at the home of Frank Leach, in Chelsea, while Mrs. .Leach was alone and demanded dinner at the same time threatening the lady. She picked up an unloaded revolver and told the fellow to olear out. The bluff woiked and he went. The gun has now been placed in working order. The following young men each gave up a portion of his anatomy for the pnrpose 'óf having the operation of skin grafting performed upon Howard Canfield, who recently lost his leg in a hay press: James Caufield, Wm. Canfield, Chas. Stapish, Jobn Stapish and Elmer Bates. The operation was performed by Dr. G. W. Palmer and promises to be successful. - Chelsea Standard. Davis Bros. & Co., of Dexter, are seriously annoyed in their business by young women who congrégate in the front part of their store and make it a gossiping plaoe. In last week's Dexter Leader they bad a communication politely asking a disoontinuanoe of the practice. It the notioe faik to do its work other measures will be used. ïn the lawsuit between Mrs. Walker and T. J. Farrell, tried in Justice Kelly's court at Manchester, over the ownersbip of a horse, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Mrs. Walker for f24 and costs $7. Mrs. Walker's husband traded a borse to Farrell which she olaimed as ber property and subsequently took from his stable. He recovered the horse by prooess of law, henee the suit. The shipment of farm and otber producís from Manchester during the year 1896 make quite a good showing. Here is a list of the full carload sbipmeuts made: Of flour there were 7 oarloads, grain 113, stock 7, wool 6, hay 12, apples 20, eggs 5, feathars 1, live poultry 1, oelery 13. lnmber 9, straw 5, household goods 6, oil 5, agrioultural implernents 1, and of scrap iron 1, making in all 282 full carloads. Mrs. E. L. Negus entertained the following old people at her home in Chelsea, Friday, Jan. 8, the ocnasion beiog the 83d anniversary of the birth of her father, Curran White : DaDiel Tichener, 94 years of age; F. M. Hooker, 96 years; Mrs. E. Skidmore, 69 years; E. Skidmore, 79 years; Mrs. T. Jewett, 86 years; T. Jewett, 79 years; Mrs. E. Keyes, 69 years; E. Keyes, 69 years; Mrs. Brown, 72 years; C. Wbite, 83 years; Mrs. Stooking, 78 years; Mrs. B. Arnold, 75 years; Mrs. Fletober, 59 yeais. The total age, 988; average 76. The old people bd a vory enjoyable time.- Chelsea Standard. The oourt of Independent Order of Foresters iu Milau is booming. Amos Pbelps, dipd at his home in Dexter, Sutuiday. The funeral services were held Tuesday afteruoon. Aubrey Eoyce, of Hamburg, bas sigued with the Yonngstown, Ohio, baseball team, at a salary of $90 a month. A fire oompony has been organized in Chelsea and a large mimber of flrenien have been enrolled with John Cole as fice obief. The fall fair at Dandee in 1896 wae not a financial suocess, süll the directora are not disconraged and have decideJ to have anothei this year. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bersnder, cf Freedoo), died Tnesday of last week, and was buried in St. Franci8' burying ground, Freedom, the next day. Mrs. Henry Bartow, the wife of a prominent farmer, of Dundee, dropped dead Weduesday of heart disease. She leaves a husband and five children, the eldest aged 16. During tbe year ending Deo. SI, 1896, the Ypsilanti Dairy Assooiation bas taken in 5,110,000 pounds of milk, aud has diatributed between $34,000 and $35,000 among the farmers in return for it. Mrs. Charles Simpson, mother of the .Tones boys who created so much excitement in Ypsilanti, a couple of years ago when Deputy Sheriff Peterson, of Ann Arbor, was shot in the hand, died Sunday morning. Mrs. James Anderson, wife of tbe janitor of the Normal, died Monday night, aged 50 years, at her home in Ypsilanti. The funeral was held yesterday trom the house and was under the auspices of tbe Michigan Mutual Benevolent Association. Mrs. George B. YouDg died Friday afternoon at her home in Ypsilanti, after a long and painful illness. The remains were taken to her former home, Clinton, Iowa, for interment, Sunday. The deceased had been a resident of Ypsilanti for about three years. Miss Nellie Grey, of Manchester, has made a success of raising cotton in Michigan. She exhibited to the editor of the Manchester Enterprise a fine species raised from seed planted last April. She will this year endeavor to raise some from the seed taken from tbat plant. James Sootney, who left Ypsilanti about two months ago to go south on account of his health, died Sunday near Cincinnati. The remains were brought home Tuesday night and funeral services were held at the home of bis brother, in Superior, Wednesday. The interment took place in the Spencer burying ground. The Whitmore Lake correspondent of the Oakland Bxoelsior says: "One of the most staid and respectable members of our ohurch, who is, by the way, fond of praising God with his voice carne to ohuroh last Sunday morning and by mistake brought his grammar instead of the hymnal to sing out of. He failed to find the bymn or meter." The Young People's Sooiety of Christian Endeavor at Milan, has elected officers for the year as follows: President, George Caswell ; vioe president, Miss Jessie Anten ; coresponding seoretary, Mrs. Stella Gould ; reoording seoretary, Mrs. LyraAuteu; treasnrer, Ernest Oaswell ; organist, Mies Mertie Anten. Mrs. Bridget Daucher, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Michael St. George, one mile east of Milan village, was 89 years of age, and carne to Michigan from Canada 22 years ago She leaves two sons, who reside in Canada and her daughter, Mrs. St. George, tiesides 26 grandcbildren, and 10 great jrandchildren. One other son was killed in the war of tbe rebellion. Workmen are tearing down the two story briok store on Huron st., Ypsilanti, formerly occupied by Fairchild's noarket. It is one of the oldest stores on the street., and in place of it, W. B. Clarke will put up a fine thiee story building with plate glass front and all modern improvements. Work will probably be begun as soon as the old building is out of the way. - Ypsilantian. Mrs. Albert Day, of Willis, recently celebrated her 63d birthday among a party of invited guests, one of whom was the "bard of Willis," and tbis is how Ballard desoribed the dinner, in the columns of tbe Ypsilantian: "Good oheer seemed to pervade the atmosphere of the bome, and to eaoh it seemed an oasis in keeping with the ideáis of friendship. A sumptuous dinner, tbe perfection of the cnlinary art, seemed to tbrob with the beatitudes of taste tbat was gratifying to the inner man. Mr. David Campbell invoked the divine blessing that seemed to pervade amid balos of esteem, the sanctities of the hour." Mrs. Wm. Jackson, of Saline, during the year 1896 kept a list of tlie pioneers who died in that vicinity, together with their place of nativity, date of death and age, and last week handed the list to the Saline Observer for publication, The Argus reproduces the list, omitting the names of tbose whose age Víould hardly entitle ébem to be called pioneers: Melissa Lindsley, Jan, 20, 81, N. Y. ; Caroline Stevenson, Jan. 25, 58, Vt. ; Milo Clark, Jan. 80, 71, N. Y. ; Pbidella Watson, Jan. 20, 45, Ohio; Deborab Tower, Feb. 9, 80; Squires, Feb. 29, 87; Mrs. Hartman, March 5, 91, Germany; Maria Herbert, Marob 30, 86; Eliza Haight, April 2, 81, N. Y. ; Mrs. Lawrenoe, April 3. 75, N. Y. ; Mrs. Toliver, April 6, 56, Canada; Sidney Tripp, April 7, 62, Michigan; John V. Himendinger, April 19, 73, Germany; John Haunestine, May 10, 74, Switzerland; Martba Cark, May 25, 85, N. Y. ; Angustine Hotchkin, Nov. 30, 86, N. Y. ; Sarah A. Tate, Deo. 19, 55, Michigan; Jamea Seely, Dec. 16, 77. N. Y. The Bridgewater band gave a public dauce at Bridgewater station, Friday evening, whicb was very well attended. The Mauohester cheese factory is equipped with a full line of printed stationery from the Enterprise office and wiíl soon be ready to flll orders for full oream cheese. - Enterprise. We've heard of full oream paper and of filled cheese before, bnt never snpposed there was any connection between them. We oan't even yet see the advantage of usiDg printed paper. - Ypsilautian At a meeting of the Webster Farmers' Club, held at tbe home of J. W. Wing, Jan. 9, the sooiety was reorganized, and Geo. W. Merrill was elected president for the ensuing year, with Wm. Ball and Mrs. Geo. W. Merrill as vioe presidenta, Miss Julia Ball recordiug secretary, and John Cnshing treasurer. The attendance was large and the interest taken unusually good. J. W. Wing, delégate to the state association at Lansing, gave a report of the doings at that meeting, and criticised Prof. B. M. Tbompson's address to that body on the needs of the uuiversity. H. D. Platt, of Ypilanti, told of the nineteen state iustitutions and referred especially to the Coldwater state school and the loose manuer iu wbich it is 'un with au employé to fonr inmateá. Mr. Smith, of fcbe Salem Club, spoke words of greeting from bis club. Geo. A. Peters, of Scio, spoke on the income and inheritance tax, and expressed feelings of sorrow that the people should not only refuse to stop the vast concentration of capital but actually vote with them. Prof. A. B. DeWitt, of Dexter. gave au interesting talk on peach cultnre, and Miss Smith gave a humorons reci tation. The next meeting will be beid at the residence of W. D. Smith, of Dexter township Saturday, Feb. 13.