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Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Seylér, Friday evening, a 10% pound baby girl. Two eclipses of the snn are scheduled for this year. They will occur Peb. 14 and Jnly 29. , The celebrated coiaio opear "Wang" will be produced at the Grand opera house tomorrow evening. The next meeting of the Washtenaw teachers' association will be held in Saline, Saturday of next week. Jan. 30. John Girtach, an old Ann Arbor boy, died at Chelsea, Friday. The funeral services were held Monday morning. The state convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was held in St. Paul's church, Fiint, Wednesday and yesterday. Ann ferry No. 1 plowed her way through 30 n.iles of ioe in 10 hours iu Green Bay to get to Menominee one day last week. At tbe meeting of the Michigan Millers' Fire Insurance Go. held in Lansing last week, N. J. Kyer was elected vice president of the company. A. B. DeWitt, superintendent of the Dexter schools, is being mentiooed as a candidato for 'the nomination on the democratie ticket for county school commissioner. At the meeting of Golden Rule Lodge, F. & A. M., Thursday evening of last week a class of 1 candidates received the first degree in Masonry. On Friday evening Fraternity Lodge conferred the seoond degree on eight. The Y. M. C. A. state oonvention will be held in Owosso, Feb. 25 to 28. C. C. Michener will be the representative of tbe international committee at the convention. Alma is alreády in the field as the place for holding next year's convention. The Wayne County Review says the Flint and Pere Marquette Railway is the only road on which 500 mile mileage books can be purobased. Guess, that editor never heard of the Ann Arbor Railroad, which has for years followed tbat practice. McClure's Magazine for -February will oontain a sea poem by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Oliver Herford. Since the publication of Kipling's new book of poems, "The Seven Seas," there is a special interest in him as a poet, and particolalry as tbe poet of the sea. The adjoarned annual meeting of the Farmers' Vigilance Atsociation of tbe townsliips of Superior, Ann Arbor and Salem, will be held at Dixboro, Friday, Jan. 29, at 1 o'olook p. m. Bverybody invited to attend. Tbere wil] be1some important questions that will interest you. The mortgage on the farm is big, the style on the people's back is thick, and their exense for rnucb squandering o time is thin, so we sball have a hard (times) winter. These signs are also autbentic, and also form as good a basis for climatic forecasts as any above narned. - Addison Conrier. Fraternity Lodge, No. 262, F. & A. M., has acc6pted an invitation f rom Phoenix Lodge, of Ypsilanti, to work the third degree at Ypsilanti on the evening of February 22, Washington 's Birthday. Phoenix Lodga has invited other lodges in the county to work the first and seoond degrees on that day. Three new divorce cases have been commenced in the circuit court. They are Catherine Schnou vs. Jacob Schoon, both of this city, charge, habitual drunkenness and cruelty; Hattie M. Smith, of Ypsilanti, vs. Anderson ,T. Sinith, cruelty and non-support; Addie M. Wheaton, of Ypsilanti, vs. Amassa C. Wheaton, desertion. On New Year's day William G. Doty stepped down and out of the office of probate register, which he had held for 20 long years. Daring that time Mr. Doty acquired a kuowledge of probate oourt procedure that makes him one o the best posted men in that work in Miobigan. He has now hung up hi shingle as an attorney and will do a general law business, in a ueat suite o rooms in the Savings Bank Block making a speoialty of practice in th probate oourts. He is already picking up a large nuniber of olients and hi ripe expreience will rapidiy add mor to the list of his patrons. Twenty-seven students will be gradnted froin the state Normal school this ernester. Mayor Walker has vetoed the tranient traders' liceuse ordinance passed )y the connoil Monday iiight. Warren Lewis has bonght the Canada ocker spaniel "Ino Obo, "' C. .K. C. 511, winner of nnrnerous prizes on the how beuch. "The Choice of a Profession" will be ;he subjeot of the sermón to be deliverd by the reotor of St. Andrew's ohnrch ext Snnday morning. The Southern convocation of the dioese of Michigan will hold its winter ession in St. Andrew's chnroh on Thnrsday next, Jan. 28. Dr. J. A. Wessinger has had nis ffice rooms at No. 12 S. Main st. , remodeled and they are now a great deal more convenient than befoie. Mrs. Earl Hoisington, of Shiawassee ownship, Shiawassee county, isin the ity to cndergo an operation to remove a tumor frorn whicb she has uffeied for many years. The Royal Neighbors, the ladies' uxiliary of the Modern Woodmen, ïeld a meeting preliminary to oiganiztion at the hall on Monday evening. t will have a oharter membership of 50 o begin with. Toe Seabolt drew the bicyole at the tfidwinter Circus spinning jenny on Saturday night. Ed. H. Eburbaoh held be luoky nuraber 309, which took the jicycle donated to the Light Infantry y James E. Harkins. It took the Ann Arbor car ferry No. froni 4:30 p. m. Mouday, until 12:30 ). ra. Weduesday to out its way hrough the ice from Frankfort to Menminee, by reason of her encounter vith heavy windrows of ice. There is a good joke being told on ne of our yonug lawyers. He called n a cliënt tue jail Satnrday. The urnkey foigoc ttaat he was there and went off, j .. ving birn locked np for an iour or two longar than the young atorney needed to complete bis business. - Times. The oalendars gotten out by the Goeel Brewing Co., of Detroit, and disiributed among its friends and customers, are the handsomest that we have een this year. They are evidenoe of he faot that the company has good oods to advertise and knows how to do bis class of advertising in an artistic way. Mrs. Maria Cook, of Ann Arbor ;own, died Thursday evening of last week, aged 84 years The funeral services were held at the house Saturay afternoon, Bev. Mr. Moore offtciting. The remains were interred in the Dixboro cemetery. The deceased lady was an aunt of Mrs. L. S. Pryer, f 37 E. University ave. The Piesbyterian Church Society has e-elected Dr. W. J. Herdman, Dr. ackson, and S. W. Clarkson, elders, nd elected Spencer D. Lennon to serve 'or tbe unespired term of John Moore, deceased. Horace Purfield takes the deacon's place made vacant by the death of Joseph Chrk. The society bas decided to create a board of deauonesses. The "Matron's Elocutionary Contest" under the auspices of the W. 6. T. U., will be held Thursday evening Feb.' 4. The contestants will be Mesdames Cbas. Worden, Hendrickson, Kapp, B. F. Sohumacher, Johnson, Kilbourne, Hurry, Hess, Doig, Ciozier and Miss Emma E. Bower. The naraes of the jndges will be announced later. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Michigan Furniture Co. held Tuesday tbe following board of directors was elected : W. D. rnaD, Ij. Gruner, Moses Seabolt, Chas. E. Hiscock, E. E. Beal, Paul Snanble, Martin Haller. The board orgauized Dy eleoting W. D. Harriman president, Li. Grnner vice president, C. E. Hisouck secretary and treasurer, and Paul Suaubie superintendent. The "Too Mnob Johnson" corupany whicb played at the Grand opera house Saturday night made a clean jump on Sonday morning froin here to Provideuce, R. I. Besides the fares of the cornpany, the manager planked down to the railroad company $350 fot excess baggage. Thare was a whole freight carload of soenerv and it was hitched right onto and taken along with the regular passenger train. Mrs. Ella Kelly, a dressmaker xesiding on N. Fifth ave., died on Thursday evening of last week, after a lingering and painful illness, of cancer, aged 40 years. The funeral services were held at St. Thomas' church Saturday morning, Rev. E. D. Kelly offlciating, and the remains were interred in St. Thomas' cemetery. Two boys, the oldest of whom is only 16 years old, are left to mourn the loss of a devoted, èffectionate mother. "Railroad Jack, the Hammock Rider," who is too lazy to go to work and earn an honest living, but is veiy fond of relating his experiences in beating railroad conipanies out of their legitímate fare delivered one of his bombastic, egotistical "lectures" at the opera house, Dexter, last Saturday evening. He is the same fellow, presumably, who talked so glibly on the oourt house square, in this oity, during the fall eleotion carnpaign, in the interest of the republican party. Some person or persons, who did uo make themselves acquainted with the truth or falsity of what tbey were talk ing of, circulated the report Monday and Tuesday that J. A. Brown, the grocer at 37 E. Washington st, had filed chatte ruortgages on his stock. The report hac no foundation exnept in the rninds o those who made it aod Mr. Brown i justly indiguant about ir. He bas n occasion or intention of doing any sucl a thing, having always t-een able to pay his bilis when presected and from pres ent outlooks will be able to do sn. H s iys he will pay f 35 for proof as to wh was the author of the malicious report The democratie state convention will be hel'? in the city of Grand Rapids, Wednesday, Peb. 1?. The seun-aunual business meeting of the Epworth League of the M. E. churoh wili be held uext Mouday eveuing. There is a project un foot to estabish an ice inakiug jilant in tbis city to nake artificial ioe, shonld the ice erop je a failure. About fifteen conples eujoyed the Volverine Cyoiers' social dance at the lnb rooms Wednesday nigbt. Dance runsic was furnished by a harp. Dr. B. B. Sndworth bas been again warded the ooutract of fnrnisbing ïedical service to the inmates of tbe ounty poor house during the coming ear. Tbe reoords in the county olerk's ffice show tbat there were 334 marrige licenses issned last year and that be supervisors reported 656 births and 85 deatbs. ftev. J. T. Sunderland will lecture n tbe Duity Club oourse next Monday vening on "Pioturesque India." The ecture will be illustrated with stereop;icon views. Business on tbe Ann Arbor railroads s steadily on the inorease. For tbe rst week in January its earnings were 4,056; in 1896, $17,902 and this year ;hey were $2 1,162. The youag people of St. Thomas Catholic church have organized a diarutic club and will put a historical drama u the stage at the Grand opera house n the near future. Officer Armbruster arrested Charles Clark, Saturday, for violating the transient traders' oidinauce by selling gold spectacles. Jnstice Gibson let hiui off with the costs, $4.25, and he left town t once. The democratie county convention to lect delegates to the state eonveution nd to nominate a couuty oummissioner f schools has been called to meet Thursday, Peb. 1Í, at the conrt house n this city. The Light Iufantry Midwiuter Cirus will net the boys nearly $000. The ;otal receipts were $2,014 75 as against :1,082.1o last year. The salary roll caled for about $400 more expenditure bis year than last. Phoenix Lodge, Ko. 13, F. & A. M., of Ypsilanti, has passed the 50-year mile stone, its charter having been granted January 13, 1847, thus making it the oldest lodge in Washtenaw county and the 13th oldest in the state of Michigan. The third and last of the Memorial Services in the Unitarian church in honor of the great dead of the past year, will be held next Sunday evening. There will be addresses by Rev. Mr. Sunderland, Mr. B. A. Pinney and Mrs. Sunderland. Miss Nina Wagner died at the home oí her mother Mrs. Mary A. Wagner, 27 W. Washington st., of consumption, on Saturday, aged 25 years. The funeral services were held at tbe Bethlehem church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. John Neumann officiating. Henry Judson, a former resident of Dixboro, died in Davisburg, on Sunday last, aged 70 years. His remains were brought to Ann Arbor at noon Wednesday, and were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. He was an uncle of J. P. Judson, of 89 E. University ave. A series of protracted meetings has been ia progress at the Church of Christ during the past week, beginning at 7 :30 o'clock each evening. They consist of an opening praise and prayer service of 15 minutes, conducíted by a member of the C. E., tben followed by a 30-minute sermón by tbe pastor, on some sreat theme of the gospel. At the meeting of the grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons held in Saginaw, Cuesday and Wednesday, Lewis C. Goodrich, of this city, was reelected grand lecturer. A salary of $500 per year and traveling expenses has been attached to tbe office and the grand lec;nrer will hereafter visit every chapter n the state. C. L. Stevens, of Ypsianti, was elected grand principal soourner. The class id dressmaking at the ï. W. O. A. rooms in charge of Miss H. T. Salyer and assisted by Miss Maud Miller, has done such excellent work that it will continué to meet Friday evenings indefinitely. Tbey expect to aegin lessons in garment cutting by the oest tailor system in use one week from shis eveniDg. The class is stil! open to new members and visitors are velüome. H. E. Paddy, of Adrián, was in Ann Arbor, Taesday, looking np the system iu vogue bere of paying the taxes in two installments during each year, also looking over the board of public works, with a view to the adopiton of these features in that city. He likes the system of collecting the taxes twice a year, but has no use for a board of public works in cities the size of Adrian and Ann Arbor. The parents of Mabel Stanton, of Adrián, who eloped with Actor Charles Bishop, recently, received a letter from her Saturday, dated Louisville, Ky. In it she said that she and Bishop were married a week ago last Frid3y, the 8th of January, at LonisvilK She states that her parents need not write to her as she will not be in Louisville to receive a reply. She very cautiously omitted to state where tbey were going. A met t ng of the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's church was held at Harris hall, Thursday evening of last week, at which the question of raising a much needed sum of money was discussed. The old fashioned fair with its bothers and ve.xations was put aside as out of the question and it was resolvec to have, some time within the coming month, an experience social, at which each lady is to come forward with a hard and honesfly earned dollar, accionapanied by a truthful little story of how the dollar was earned. Charles H. Ludlow, of Detroit, has íurcbased the drug store of the late John Moore, on E. Hurón 6t. Superintendent of Poor E. P. Mason as furnished lodging to 120 tramps uring a.little over two weeks just pased. Mrs. Mary Durall has been granted a divorce from her husband, Anthony )nrall, in the cirnuit court by Jndge íinne. Mrs. Philo Parsons, aged 89 years, resident of Pittsfield township since 825, died Sunday morning at the resience of her son, Roswell Parsons, Pittsfield. W. H. Oweu will move his barber aop Fob. I to the store now oconpied y the Cook honse bar. S. V. Burcheld will then oceupy the store now ocnpied by Mr. Owen. Next Tbursday evening, Jan. 28, ae third of the enjoyable socials beiiig iven by the I. O. O. P. in their new íall will take place. Minnis' orchestra vill fmnish the musió. Frank Camp was surprised by a party f friends Wedneeday night at his home n W. Ann st. They dropped in to vish him many happy returns of his irthday. It was the 25th anniversary. The Christian and Missionary Allinee expects Gerald F. Stevens, of Deroit, to speak at their weekly meeting o be held at 26 Elizabeth st., comer of Fuller st., Tuesday evening, Jan. 26. A library social will be giveu at the orth side chapel this evening. There will be a program and refreshments will be served. Everybody iuvitbd. Admission 10 cents. Procneds for the new chnrch fund. Chas. A. Sauer has been awarded the contract for the erection of the new building for Germauia Lodge, No. 467, D. O. H., at ffi.554.74. The building will be lonated at the comer of Second and W. William st. At its meeting yfsterday the board of regents of the U. of M., prepared a formal reply to tbe receut petition of Dr. D. A. JVIacLachlau, of Detroit, asking for the removal of the homeopathio department to that city. The reqnest was denied. The next nu.Tober on the "Four Evenings Abroad" oourse will be "The ups and downs of a bicyole trip," by C. W. Noble. It is an account of joumeyings awheol through England, Germany and France. It is full of inteiesting things happily told. Don't fail to hear it. At M. E. church this evening. Co. A will have resolutions drafted which will be sigoed by eveiy meniber in tbe c impany and forwarded to Hon. A. J. Sawyer, petitioniug the legislature to provide for the relief of Privates Kelly and Leut, of Co. E, Lansiug, the two men who eacb lost part of a hand and received other injuries at the last state military encampment. Charles Trempler, the ex-convict who tried to kill his wife in a house of shady reputation in this city, on Nov. 3, 1890, and who bas since that time evaded arrest, was captured Tuesduy night and is now in jail. His wife made complaint against hiin Wednesday bef ore JusticePond and tbe hearinp was set for yesterday. Trempler dcmanded an examinatiu and it was set for tomorrow morning. Mrs. Joe rarfcer was snrpri'en at ner home 18 E. Liberty st. , Wednesday evening, by a party of between 80 and 40 friends. The first part of the evening was spfint in playing progrensive pedro, the prizes being won by Miss L. Sovert and Wm. Walah, sr. , and the booby prizes by Mrs. H. Walters and T. McNamara. Light refresbments were then served and after a few songs by James E, Harkins, dancing was indulged in nntil an early honr in the morning. Next Thursday eveninp the new rooms of the Lyra Singing Society will be formally opeued with a concert followed by a dance. Arnong thoee who will take part in the prcgram are Freddie Daly, the boy soprano, Fred ïvtcOmber, flute soloist, Frank Smith, violinist, Xpsilanti, Miss Flora Koch, soprano, tbe Lyra JVIaeunerchor, nnder the direction of Prof. R. H. Kempf, and others. Tickets to tbe concert will be 25 cents each and they will admit to the dance also. They can be obtained at Schomacher & Miller's and Mann Bros.' drug stores, and at Haller's jewelry store.